No telling what useful godly purposes it will be put to when fixed up right !!!???
Cums with a functioning first-pull 1991 powerful 5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine. But it needs a new set of blades which costs $38 and can be installed for $20. I took the first $50 out of the Aryan Nations domestic terrorism action fund, but would appreciate your anonymous funding care of The YHWH White Supremacy Poverty Law Center where we combat the Ashkenazi Defecation League, The $outhern Poverty Law Center and Bryan Reo’s Foundation for the MarketPlace of Ideas / ZOGbot Poverty [F]Law Center (ZPLC) in the form of Walmart Gift cards or simple money orders in a fake name mailed out of a big city post office.
So send jewr ZOGbux today to:
YHWH Poverty [F]Law Center
Attn: White Army Faction of the Army of Aryan Christian Israel Action Wish List
P.O. Box 666
Granby Missouri 64844
If you want to go all pussazoid about it then address it to me, Pastor Martin Lindstedt, and say that it is a Political Action Fund for whatever it is that I’m running this year @ P.O. Box 666 and best still don’t leave jewr name and real address. I’m NOT someone who you wish to list on a resume.
For the past 13 years since 7 Feb 2010 Pastor Lindstedt has been doing a Talksjew Podcast at least once a week whenever not censored. Now weekends Pastor Lindstedt does a “The Dying ZOG” with Fatkike who is a wizard of Talksjew and makes his own secret archive once or twice a week.
But The Dying ZOG on the Fatkike Talksjew Channel involves current events while ZOG/Babylon is dying, is falling, has fallen and can’t get up.
After the first few minutes of kvetching by Fatkike the nearly full video memory is activated with having to charge up the cell-phone. This is Part 1.
First up is a lament about how even at the Granby Council-Critter level the new mayor is going to do the same shit as the old mayor Crooked Ira, but full speed ahead with the stupid shit like digging in another storm-water sewage lagoon for treatment of rainwater for $4.4 million which was a dead letter under Crooked Ira Hawkins. Jamie Arnall-Conway wants to go fool speed ahead and jump the tracks and over a cliff because the Crooked Ira [mal]administration signed an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources back in 2015 and now that all of them are gone Granby just needs to be saddled with theys’ corrupt stupidity, because . . . Crooked Ira was stupid and lazy. Jamie is foolish and energetic, thus stupid shit will be done quick. Put jewr trust not in princes — or council-critters.
Went to Neosho earlier Friday. Bought the Aryan Nations its first wood-chipper. So send ZOGbux.
Robert Bowers earned eligibility for the death penalty. Bowers is an Aryan Christian Israelite POW.
Bryan Reo/Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor is trying to overturn the 6th Circuit Kort of Appeals 8 Dec. 2022 decision by bitching up a ton of Motions to Magistrate Thomas Parker of the Northern District of Ohio federal district kort. So how well will a White Supremacist do against a nigger-jew mamzer faggot ZOGbot in a ZOG kort. Probably none too well but I’ll keep on fighting. Today I mailed off another mailing to the Northern Ohio federal district court. Since tonight is the evening of 30 June thus the end of the quarter I’ll look things up on PACER.
Read a letter from Attorney Robert Konrad about taking another rental payment from myself and giving it to Bryan Reo.
The jewkrainians are losing to the Russians but to make a new Khazaristani homeland is worth it to jews who will fight to the very last jewkrainian.
Bryan Reo is still after me and wants to risk chernobyling the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant by yet another bogus civil-lawfare lawsuit out of Lake County. I got two certified letters to pick up someday.
Pighook the Mother-killer wants to call in and bother me about hiring a lawyer. Time to save what I got and plus in the cell-phone.
A 36 minutes of psychotic raving video on Part 1 of this Eppysode of The Dying ZOG. So have fun playing this on your cumputer or tablet with the earphones or earbuds plugged in because this white supremacist video porn should be shared only with those who think like yourselfs.
Hail Victory !!!
Doctor Pastor Martin Lindstedt MD (Mad Dog) Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri Candidate for ZOG Prez-o-dint or Governor of Missery 2024
Judge Mad Dog Musings on the April Fools Campaign Rally by Granby Christian Scumbag Faction
Like all thangs associated with the Granby City Council, this wasn’t a candidate forum but rather a corrupt Granby Piglice State which was NOT a town meating but rather just a campaign rally ostensibly funded by Jim Nance a South Ward Council-Critter candidate to finish off Jamie Arnall, Doreen Clause, and Bill Kittrell while at the same time trying to get the Granby Inbreds vote in a $11 million water bond so that the Granby Inbreds can pay a $300-400 per month water & sewer bill essentially forever as opposed to simply selling away to Missouri-American Water to have a $125 per month sewer or water bill.
But the biggest issue is how these Council-Criminals hate each other yet want to establish a police state of massive corruption in order to benefit theysselfs and theys’ families and friends.
I got kicked out real quick by having Crooked Ira Hawkins, T-Rampage Gamble and Jim Nance and theys’ “Cristian Scumbag” factotum declare that I was “disrupting” a town meating and not allowed to speak even though on the ballot. Then was allowed back in but muzzled. Same thing happened 3 years ago with the sewer scam.
The cheapest thing to do is simply vote “no” on the water-bond $11 million increase and by shutting down theys’ funding they will be powerless to do anything much. No money No Funny.
Why was T-Rampage Gamble fired from the city job Mayor Crooked Ira gave him? Likely because T.-Rampageifer is a drunken psychotic a-hole although something was imputed about screwing a skank in the municipal gymnasium.
But what gets me is the mental and moral degeneration of Granby Inbreds. They will rant and rave about Turd-Whirrrrld Cuntrees while at the same time allowing Granby Police State Racketeering right under theys’ snouts.
I have or control six old houses with water and sewer coonections. The sewer coonection works just fine on rainwater harvested from the roofs on each old building. Don’t buy the city water the built-in sewer is free.
But all these council-criminals ‘think’ that they can get the resident Granby Inbreds to bring in new businesses to pay for it, the corrupt fools. No new businesses will cum-cum cum-cum to Flintville-Greater Granby-Gomorrah.
Quite a turnout of Granby Inbred Tard and newbie refugeesmwho don’t know Granby Jack-Shat. But like Afrika and for the same reasons GRANBY ALWAYS WINS.
I’ll put up the rest of the Granby Clown Shoah of April Foolz for the amusement & amazement of the rest of the ZOGland.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt
Candidate for Granby Minicipal Cash-Regi$ter Kort Judge
Judge “Mad Dog” on the $16 million bond issue scams
On the Granby April 4, 2023 Municipal Ballot I am running for Municipal Judge in order to finish off the Flintville-GranbyGomorrah Racketeering Piglice State.
But this [s]election cycle has not only about the $11 million to give the Granby City Council-Criminals massive debt lasting forever or at least 30+ years to build 46% of a new straw to suck down sewage and sulphur water just to replace the very pipes that Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins allowed Jim Channel to let rot especially over the past decade, but the East Newton County R-6 Skrule Board wants to coonsolidate the entire Junior High especially Tri-Way away from separate grades 7-8 campuses already present in the Granby and Triway communities to the coonsolidated Heil Skrule. In short bussing children away from Granby costing not only additional school taxes for these expanded building but additional fuel and bussing to the high school, thus removing Granby children from the current campus already paid for the past 100 years. This building of an additional grades 7-8 junior high gymnasium is for 250 students in order to benefit the latrinos who are brought in by Tyson Foods, Conagra, and Cargill and adding to theys’ profits plus having more whiggress & anglo-mestizo gordas getting impregnated and additional beaners driving without insurance. Additionally it will cum at the expense of the older Boomer whiggers, especially those who are clueless ZOGling whigger ass-clowns.
Just the sort of shit which should be proscribed, not encouraged and the Aryan Nations of Missouri is against.
So this $5 million boond issue is about Coontrol & Coonsolidation and teaching gliberal whigger cut-jewr spawn’s dick and nuts and fill in theys’ holes and cut off theyz’ tittays and other such Satanic shit as well.
So of course five-eighth vote or 57% is needed and those old feebs who were edjewmacated in Granby and understand that the second kick in the ass to finish off Granby was closing the old Granby High Skrule back in 1968 and opening the flat roofs of East Newton coonsolidating with Triway, i.e. Newtonia-Stark City, Ritchey, and someplace else. These coonsolidated skrules, in addition to costing additional millions in transportation costs in an era of no-longer cheap fossile fuel, leads to alienation from these local communities and to where the little gaywads and baby lesbos decide to castrate theysselfs but also to engage in shooting season cum the Days of May when there no longer are sufficient targets around to make it worthwhile. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang and the rest of the alienated skrule population is around trapped like white chickens. Didn’t used to hear of these shootings in the Old One-Room Skrulehouse from way back when, did you?
So vote “NO” on the $11 million for Mayor Crooked Evil Awfool Ass-Clown Ira Hawkin’s and the Granby Council-Criminal’s Drinking Sulphur & Sewage Water Bond and $5 million for Project K.I.D.S. (Keep Imbeciles Doing Shit).
Judge Mad Dog explains to Granby voters why they need to remove Crooked Ira’s wild piglice
Pastor Martin Lindstedt on the evening of 11 March 2023 explains why the Flintville-Granby Racketeering Piglice State needs to be abolished not only by defunding it by stopping voting in unnecessary water and sewer bond issues and property taxes but also to end it at the ca$h-register municipal kort level as well, especially by refusal to enfarce the municipal ordinances altogether because the council-criminals cannot obey theys’ own ordinances as well.
For example, at the end of May 2017 Mayor T-Rampage Gamble, Aldermamzers Crooked Ira Hawkins, Tim Murphy, and Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett voted to let Council-Crack Senile Heifer Joyce Mann buy a used double-wide for her daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren with all of one daze notice. Nothing was published in the Newton County Fake-Douche, nor were the neighbors within 100 yards notified. The Granby City Attorney Jared Thomas and Granby Piglice Chief Jacob Kelly and Ms. Piggy the piglice public vagina were in on this scam. A secret “emergency” council-criminal meating was held and Senile Heifer Mann didn’t attend as this issue cooncerned her directly.
Because the Granby City Council acted so corruptly, for the next two [de]generations they Granby City Hall should be kept from making municipal ordinances given that they refuse to obey theys’ own pretend legistreason.
This corrupt shithole of Granby-Gomorrah should be denied police powers and they’s piglice powers abolished.
If [s]elected Granby municipal judge I’ll shut down this ca$h-register kort from enfarcing Granby Ordinances.
Hail Victory !!!
‘Judge’ Mad Dog Candidate for Granby Municipal kort Judge 338 RabbitTrack Road Granby, Missouri 64844
Pastor Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt files for Granby Municipal Judge on 27 Dec. 2022
A thoroughly boring 20+ minutes of filing for the office of municipal judge against the perpetual incumbent Steve White who has been [s]elected every single time since 1995, when the office became open to election as Division IV cash register police kort of no record. I ran against Steve White of the local White family of Granby and Judith Stiger who was the previous appointee and as I recall came in third of us three. Steve White got a sizable majority of the votes.
In 2003 as in 1995, 1997, 1999, and 2001 I ran for Granby municipal judge and cum in second with about 10-20% of the vote. But in 2003 Steve White’s National Guard unit was called to Iraq and according to Missouri law as the runner-up I was supposed to be installed as municipal judge. Of course these corrupt korts were not going to obey Missouri law when incoonvenient as I have made it quite clear that I’m a defendant’s judge as opposed to government plaintiff’s judge. There is even a provision of fining Granby piglice $500 per case for bringing up a bogus case and I made it quite clear that I would shut down the Granby Piglice State and not enfarce Barry Flint’s Racketeering schemes regarding not letting poor people put up used single-wide trailers on theys’ own property and making Jim Channel work in connecting them to the Granby water & sewer utilities.
So Steve White is in Iraq, the Granby Piglice much of it is in Iraq, they eased off in writing tickets for revenue because they won’t be able to prostitute these cases and according to Missouri law I’m supposed to be municipal judge.
Of course these Missouri korts can’t be bothered with obeying they’s own law. They appointed Anne Wells as municipal jewge in Granby and Diamond and my retarded son-in-law was targetted and I forbidden from looking on to this supposedly open kort.
So I bitched to the FBI esconsed in jewplin and they cared nothing about municipal corruption. Instead they tried to set up a “perjury trap” of trying to find out the location of some Arkansas Christian Identity believer named Timothy Coombs who they blamed for being a “Phineas Priest” who shot this fat thieving Highway Patrol pig named Harper who was stealing more than his fair share of McDonald County dope.
So I went bitching to “The Simp” the editard of the jewplin Glob and he too didn’t give a crap about Granby and Newton County kort corruption.
In short even back in 2003 neither Granby, Newton County, the State of Missouri nor ZOG/Babylon was interested in maintaining just korts or in fair, open, free [s]elections.
The System has gotten even more corrupt since then.
In this video concerning the 4pm 27 Dec. 2022 Granby City Council Meeting the Granby City Council will try to justify putting a water bond on the April Municipal election on the ballot. They refuse to coonsider the only other real option of simply selling the Granby water and sewer system to Liberty Utilities and getting safe sewers and cleaner water for a combined bill of $40 per month tacked on to the electric bill. Rather they want to convince the People of Granby to accept an average $57 water and $57+ sewer bill and have a $120 per month combined sewer and water bill in order to try to get “free” grant money. The option of fixing the water and sewer pipes by having Jim Channel do it is laughable. Jim Channel is the main reason Granby sewer & water is failing.
Back in 2013-14 when a previous water survey was published, asking for $970,000 to build Water Tower 3 and fix the water pipes the water leakage was 62%. Mayor Richard Eustler gave Jim Channel permission to clamp the leaks once per every 12 feet. Now in 2022 when Jim Channel has 10 clamps per dozen feet the leakage is 67% meaning that 2/3 of the water pumped goes right back into the ground to further pollute the Granby aquifer with pollutants and sewage from the numerous mineshafts which is why Granby water tastes of sulphur and sewage. Jim Channel routinely lies about how fixing these decayed water pipes 100 ft. at a time means MORE leakage from both ends as opposed to 40 or more leaks from these rotten pipes. Give Jim Channel a chance to jack off once per dozen feet means jim Channel will jack off 666 times in a 100 feet on his cell phone.
What Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and most of the Granby City Council-Critters want is to use Granby Utilities to act as a slush fund for their Police State Projects and to collect kickbacks during construction and like has been done time and again to move out of Granby with the loot, leaving Granby rate-payers with millions in debt for the next 30-40 years. This proposed water system will cost from $4.6 to $6.5 million and leave it in the paws & hoofs of the very same people who let the present water and sewer system decay. Drinking a Granby cocktail of sulphur & sewage even from a new straw is no advantage given how well Granby handled the old straw.
Even trying to get “free money” means a minimum $120 combined sewer & water bill per month and 30 years of debt. There is no guarantee of any grants, given that Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and Fattt Lawna the City Clerk & She-Mayoress have a history of not posting the public commentary public notices on the bulletin board until a month AFTER the public comment period is over. And the fact that Crooked Ira, Baal Shittrell, and sometimes Doreen Clause and Gomer-Goober Carrell allow for the Granby Police to arrest myself during public meetings under color of Municipal Ordinance #815 for my criticism of them and theys’ schemes. Granby is run as a racketeering scheme with the same legal basis as Gomorrah. And thus, like the storm water sewer scheme, if they do get a grant it will be for only $750,000 and only because it was the Missouri Department of Natural Resources who forced the issue. Paying $120 per month at the “free money” indoor gambling table for 40 years of debt is a suckers’ game when compared to simply paying $40 to the electric company and having a functioning water and sewer system regulated by the state, as opposed to Newton County and Missouri letting Crooked Ira and Barry Flint run wild because Granby is the dumping ground for SW Missouri. According to the “Christian Scumbag” Republicuck Faction — what goes on in Granby stays in Granby because there has to be some place somewhere to keep Inbred Jed sucking up lead and it might as well be Granby.
They don’t even have any plans to invite the Missouri American Water Company / Liberty Utilities to render their proposals before voting to bring this corrupt scheme for Granby People to vote on. Why not? How about simple old fashioned crookedness from a corrupt city council which has been present for the past 30 years and overpowering under the [mal]administrations of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins?
The only good thing I have to say about the Granby City Council is what I said over ten years ago: They have turned Granby into such a shithole that at least it keeps the blacks and latinos out and keeps Granby majority whigger Inbred Tard. Which is kind of the way I like it.
Time to curb a corrupt Granby City Council by a first step of removing their utilities stranglehold and selling them to private companies which have that as their business. Not petty power over others for its own sake.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN Elected South Ward City Council 2020-22
Telling the Granby Inbred Tards About the 13 Dec. 2022 City Council-Criminal Meating
The Granby City Council Criminals were in fine form at theys’ City Council Meating on 13 Dec. 2022, being petty tyrants to begin with deigning to allow some old Boomer whigger tard to park a RV on his own property. Then when Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and the She-Mayoress Lawna Price were going to raise the utility rates by 2% on the water, sewer and gas, South Ward Granby Council-Critter Gomer-Goober Carrell decided that since they were trying to get stoooopid Granby Inbred Tards to vote to raise theys’ water and sewer rates by over 102% in order to get “free BidenBux” in order to go into debt for the next 50 years for $4-6 million for a water tower and fixing the water lines, paying the $58.86 each on the sewer and water utility bills in order to do some outdoor gambling that they will get some free BidenBux.
Of course making Jim Channel (and in the Granby body polytick “Channel” is between “cancer” and chlymidia) actually do some fixing of the water lines is out of the question as Jimbo needs city time to get on Adult Friend Finder and Facebook. Former mayor Richard Eustler told Jim Channel back in 2014 that he could clamp once per 12 feet of rotten water line and Mayors T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Evil Awful Ass-Clown Ira Hawkins now let Jim Channel put a dozen clamps in 10 ft. of line. Which is why the Granby City water supply leaks 67% of whatever they pump out of the 1290 ft. aquifer coontaminated with sulphur and sewage.
So Granby will raise both water and sewer rates by better than 102% which is why Gomer-Goober didn’t want to piss off the Granby Inbred Tards with a 2% raise in the water, sewer, and gas utility rates. You see, Granby Inbred feral Tards are sorta like feral kittens needing trapping in order to cut theys’ nuts and ovaries. Feral kittens are much, much smarter than Granby Inbred Tards. You trap a feral kitten by putting out some rancid tuna and getting them to feed under a deadfall trap, but feral kittens can usually only be trapped ONCE. Not so with Granby Inbred Tards, who can be fooled into voting for TIF, for buildings, piglice stations, water and sewer projects, etc. just not within a few months of each other or until theys’ nutsacks, ovaries and buttholes heal from the last surgical invasion of theys’ wallets. So while Gomer-Goober Carrell is deemed a dullard, actually Crooked Ira is the real idiot baal-priest. Soon Doreen Clause, then Jamie Arnall/Conroy, Baal Shittrell, then Crooked Ira figured out that a 2% raise in water and sewer rates in December would endanger voting for a 102+ percentage rate and a bond issue to go into debt for the next 50 years in municipal [s]elections cum April. Granby Inbred Tard nutsacks, pu$$ies, & bungholes need moar than three months to heal.
So that is Granby City Council-Criminal Plan A. Going to the tax-increase well. There is no Plan B — not even making Jim Channel work on fixing the lines theysselfs.
Of course Plan A for Pastor Lindstedt, who has a number of old buildings each with a sewer and water coonection from when these buildings were owned by now-dead Granby people, is simply sell the sewer and water works to the Missouri-American Water company now owned by Liberty Utilities and subject to Public Utility Commission regulation and having a combined sewer and water bill of $30-40 per month and no public debt for any of the future years and working clean drinking water filtered free of sewage and sulphur and safe sewers which will not let more sewage enter the aquifer. Maybe even a fishing lake with surface water collection on Shoal Creek.
So a minimum $120 water and sewer bill every month, fifty years of debt, in a water system which will be neglected like the old one was — OR — $30-$40 per month total, no public debt, and a maintained sewer and water system run by a regulated public utility company (as opposed to thieving idiotic Granby city council-criminals running wild setting the rates as they please whenever they want). Seems like a no-brainer to me. But then again I’m not a Inbred Granby Tard or someone running a racketeering scheme to rob them through a Granby Piglice State Farce wanting to turn what is advertised as Mayberry but actually Gomorrah.
Granby Police Chief Jacob Kelley tendered his resignation as of Dec. 31, 2022 and moving hisself out of Granby. Some of the other Granby Piglice told him to get out while the getting is good. Barry Flint reminded the Granby City Council-Criminals that he has always been head of the Granby Piglice Bored and wanted to choose the piggy who will enfarce his racketeering schemes like he has done for the past 30 years.
Of course I think it is time to bring back piglicing to Newton County who ought to set up a three-piglice Granby satellite station to keep an eye on Granby and Eastern Newton County as opposed to having to drive out of Neosho. Thus they will be enfarcing Revised Statutes of Missouri against robberies, rapes, etc. and not Barry Flint’s racketeering schemes. Nor acting as Crooked Ira & The Granby Council-Criminals’ Piglice Dissent Destruction Force. Crooked Ira and T-Rampage Gamble were a lot more polite when they don’t have theys’ private piglice farce to stifle dissent.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
[S]elected South Ward City Council-Critter 2020-22
Yesterday (Dec. 6, 2005) was the 17th year since Newton County Sheriff’s Department knocked out five of my teeth in doing to me worse than was blamed on the Soviet Union back 50 years ago against its dissidents.
The title of Mighty Evil Empire has changed hoofs over my 64 years. And yes, I’m vengeful over it. What goes around cums around; sow a wind reap a whirlwind. Doubtless after taking a record of what was written a cumplaint was made to Facebook. I think this is for the fourth or fifth time. It has been threatened that Granby UnCensored might bite the bytebucket eventually. So be it. (And unlike the first four times I was put in the Facebook penalty box for three or four days, so Facebook is serious this time.)
Like I’ve pointed out before, there are no “innocents” in a civil war — only sides. And what do you think happened to little two-year-old baby girls in downtown Sodom, Gomorrah, and the other three Cities of the Plain, even granted that probably none of them were in the streets looking to rape Jesus Christ and the ArchAngel Michael? Did not Christ say that things would be far more tolerable for the Men of Sodom, whose sin was in kidnapping travellers from the Red Sea to Mesopotamia caravan route and then under color of law robbing and murdering them? Judicial procedure in Newton County makes the like procedure circa 2000 BC before the Sodom Municipal Kort seem a model of cumparative justice and integrity. Well, I suppose I best leave off before I get Strike # 6.66 on Fedbook.
I will of course use sock-puppets to restore speaking out as a dissident White Supremacist religious and political figure but for now I’ll back off as I had to do at the Fulton State Psychiatric Prison / Nuthouse from causing trouble when threatened with a “10 & a 5” shot of Haldol and Atavan which would reduce me to drooling in my cell for a day and a half. I’d stir thangs up on Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday word would cum down about how I had better behave or another Ten & Five would be administered and back to Level 1 Week 1. Totally illegal of course but so was knocking out five of my front teeth taking me up there contrary to law as well. State-sponsored domestic terrorism works, albeit not efficiently.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
7 Dec. 2022 — Facebook penalty box gotten out of 10 Dec. 2022
Took 3 or 4 daze but I’m back in the Granby UnCensored Saddle again !!!
T-Rampage Gamble, Crooked Evil Ira & Sundry Granby Regime Criminals have me arrested for violating Granby Municipal Ordinance #815 20 June 2017
Well, I’m uploading youtube video taken down back in June 2019 from June 2017 with T-Rampage Gamble having me arrested upon pretext of violating Granby Municipal Ordinance #815. T-Rampage Gamble was foaming at the mouth about some Granby Inbred Tard telling T-Rampage to go eat shit over since he bought a manufactured shop at Sutherlands in Joplin and had no intention of hooking up Granby sewer or water that he seen no reason to kiss T-Rampage’s or Crooked Ira Hawkins’ ass nor the rest of the Granby City Council-Criminals either. So less than a month after T-Rampage, Crooked Ira and Tim Murphy met in secret “emergency” session to grant Joyce Mann a variance to set up a used double-wide on her property for her daughter, and grandchildren without obeying any of the municipal ordinances of a ten-day notice given to the neighbors and printed in the Newton County Fake-Douche or anything but rather holding a secret meating in which the one person objecting was ignored and threatened by the City Attorney and Granby Police.
Granby should have its municipal charter pulled for this crooked shit — or at the very least have its municipal ca$h-register kort abolished and piglice department abolished for the next 40 years until they learn to obey theys’ own laws first. However Granby is really nothing but a police state run as a racketeering operation for the benefit of senile Boomers who support Boomer regime criminals.
The Granby City Council is comprised of local criminals running a criminal regime in coonjunction with the Granby police department in order to make up sundry rules which are used against ordinary people and not even remotely enforced against the very criminals making up these rules.
In this 20 June 2017 “work session” just a few weeks after having a “emergency special” work city council-meeting in which they met secretly at the behest of the corrupt city attorney Jarod Thomas and Granby Piglice to allow North Ward Council-Critter Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to buy a used double-wide and set it up for her daughter and her family without ten days’ notice or publication in the local paper and against objections by someone living within 300 ft, Mayor T-Rampage Gamble and his City council-criminals especially Crooked Ira, Tim Murphy, Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett but not with Senile Heifer Joyce Mann proceeded to hook them up on City Utilities. Now T-Rampage was all maddened that some one didn’t want city utilities and went and bought a work shack at Sutherlands without kissing T-Rampage’s ass. So T-Rampage and the rest of the City council-criminals are out to pass another law mandating making someone else kiss theys’ asses and pay them off. T-Rampage doesn’t want to explain why making up new “laws” are necessary when they can’t obey the laws they have already.
In short these council-criminals are simply criminals who make up the rules but not against theysselfs and they have an extremely corrupt police department to act as “law enforcement” for their racketeering schemes.
Which is why if you live in Granby then it is because you belong in such as marginal town to begin with. After all, the Granby Inbreds voted for these regime-criminals and to establish their animal police department.
What should also be understood is if you are the vast majority of Granby People who voted for this collection of sundry regime criminals operating what really is a criminal racketeering operation comprised of so many baal-priests who screw over the population and enable a corrupt police department which would make Saddam Hussein ruling over a mangy pack of mongrellized reg-heads, then let it be understood that of course you belong in Granby as it is the dumping ground of Newton County and Southwestern Missouri for crackheads, chomos, and others who definitely belong in the lower levels of the genetic cesspool. I myself think that only 20% of you will ever make up much more than a quarter of an ass-hole.