Yes, Granby Piggy is a scumbag above the law in Granby-Gomorrah shithole
by: Bobbie Pottorff
Posted: Nov 30, 2023 / 03:03 PM CST
Updated: Nov 30, 2023 / 03:03 PM CST
GRANBY, Mo. — Granby city officials suspend the town’s police chief without explanation.MARCH 2023: Granby has a new police chief
Granby Police Chief Freddie “Rico” Engberg was placed on a 30-day paid suspension earlier this month, according to Mayor Jamie Conway. Conway said she was not able to discuss the reason for the suspension and declined further comment.
The city council met in closed session on November 20th to discuss selecting an interim police chief from the current ranks, but they decided against that action, saying the current officers work so well together that the council did not want to choose one over the other.
During the meeting, council members said they would appoint either a retired officer or an outside agency to perform the administrative duties for which the chief is normally responsible.
A council meeting is set for Thursday night with another closed session on the agenda to discuss personnel matters. Chief Engberg said he could not comment on the matter.
He was named police chief in March.
I hear that Rico-piggy didn’t want to clock a time card and the Granby Inbred-Tards were not gratefool that piggy wouldn’t work but went bitching to Mayor Crooked Ira with tits demanding piggy fill out a time card. Piggy refused. So now Piggy still gets paid and doesn’t even have to cum to Granby from jewplin. Thanks Council-Critters. That’s what you get with piglice doing your deeds, sorta.
Have fun Granby Inbred Tards!!!