Shitty of Granby Council-Criminal 12 Sept 2024 Meating — The Council-Criminals table the “Vacancy Fee” until Jan 2025 and ask for a property tax increase vote for the cemetery in April [s]Election courtesy of the Granby Inbred Tards

Shitty of Granby Council-Criminal 12 Sept 2024 Meating — The Council-Criminals table the “Vacancy Fee” until Jan 2025 and ask for a property tax increase vote for the cemetery in April [s]Election courtesy of the Granby Inbred Tards.

Well the delusional Granby shitty council-criminals after the disasterous last meating got 41 people to fill out surveys about imposing a “vacancy fee” tax/penalty upon Granby Inbred Tards who have abandoned theys’ shitholes. As with zoning which the Council-Criminals want to impose, no ones but the biggest suck-up jerkoffs want the council-criminals decide the best use for theys’ own properties. One of the surveyees said that she bought a shithole cheap not for storage and thievery by Granby crackheads but because she wanted to cuntrol who her neighbors were so she bought a hovel cheap built 100 years ago. But still Granby council-criminals demolished six houses and a number of trailers in the past year. These tards got the idea from St. Louis and cash-register municipal korts like Steve White becum before his lawnmower got possessed like Stephen Kings “Christine” to rid Granby of crooked judges going ass-to-mouth with Granby shitty council-criminals lawfaring the Granby Inbred Tards.

Saint Louis, after the 1947 Supreme kort decision mandating that “covenant agreements” couldn’t be enfarced, got a bunch of knee-grows as did Detroit and when white Pee-po moved out from both eventually figured out that it cost ZOGbux for lawfare but nothing for old buildings to collapse into a pile of rubble tipped off by grass and brush. But Granby Council-criminals have less sense than Detroit knee-grows and are a lot less honest. Seems like Haitians spared they’s pussies and poopy-dawgs and ate theys brains — such as they is.

After a half-hou of natterings, the sole male of the council-critters moved to table the matter until Jamuary 2025, so I have three months to gin up federal kort litigation to Save Our Hovels from Fat Doreen’s schemes to establish a Granby Home Owners ASSociation..

Then the cemetery committee trying to safeguard they’s $250,000 trust fund from council-criters saying that the bill for mowing is $4400 more per year than is taken in by the 1/8 cent per $100 assessed valuation of property. Fatt Lawna Price the Shitty Administratard was panting to get into the $250,000 Cemetery Trust Fund when the 1960 charter specifically says that the trust fund can only be spent on capital improvements. So the council criminals like marxist demonocrats hit upon raising taxes to cover the $4400 per year shortfall and voted to coonvince the Granby Inbred Tards to raise theysselfs by they’s own boot/jock-straps and to vote for a property tax increase in April 2025. yes, theys’ been coonsistently that stoooopud.

Left unsaid is what happens if the property tax increase is voted down? Then instead of a $4400 per year shortfall is the current $8300 property tax income. $8300 + $4400 = $12,700 cemetery fund shortfall.

Of course the Granby Inbred Tards voted in a TIF scheme in 1998 which becum a slush fund for council-critters the next 23 years and the 2019 and 2022 sewer and water bonds which will be unpaid for the next 30 years. Granby Inbred Tards are made out of money and love drinking sewage and sulphur in they’s water supply. Just wait when cholera and typhoid gets into the 1290 ft deep aquifer.

I got shut down during the Three-minute hate/commentary after-tard closed-secret session although Build Back Barry got extra innings as a “FYI session” to get Granby to pave the roads of his trailer park. Nothing too good at Granby Inbred Tard expense for Barry.

Mayor Crooked Ira with tits’ henpecked husband showed up upon dismissal and I begged him to take his errant wife and take her with him to Floriduh before she finished off Granby. He said he wanted that as well, so I asked him to man up and do something. Might I suggest roofies or an old-fashioned piss-elm club just to stun her a bit and then handcuffing or chaining her to the bed for when she cums to like one of the dogs in the city pound?

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri’

Libertarian Nominee for Eastern Newton County Commissioner

Shitty of Granby aldermamzers OK bond for kickbacks for water system design work by favored coontractards

Newton County Fake-Douche of Aug 28, 2024 on August 22d Council-Criminal Meating

Shitty of Granby aldermamzers OK bond for kickbacks for water system design work by favored coontractards

Doctor (He is a M.D., Mad Dog doanchaknow) Pastor Martin Lindstedt read this stupid shit so you don’t have to in the local lie-paper)

From Newton County Fake-Douche by Chadifer Sexton-Meercat #3 Heyworthless, August 28, 2024

Thieving idiot Granby aldermen last week approved a $536,000 bond issue to cover the design and engineering costs for the city’s proposed water system upgrade project. Granby Idiot Inbred Tards of Geezers, Chomos, and Crackheads were promised that they wouldn’t have to pay until the water & sewer scam was finished, but that was a lie all along designed to get the Granby Inbred Tards to vote for massive indebtedness. Now they get to pay for just the already drafted scheme for the initial payment of $536,000 the fucking Granby Inbred tards council-criminals need as get-away money to r.u.n.n.t-o.f.f.t.

The bonds will be used to cover a interest-free loan from the state Department of Natural Resources for the work, . . .

So by paying on the bond debt it really is not an Interest-free debt at all but only accounting fraud.

which started last year after Mayor Crooked Ira with tits resurrected the dead project left on the table after Mayor Crooked Ira without tits just let it die on the table afther his fat daughter croaked of the clot shot, telling this Christian Scumbag that YHWH didn’t like him fucking over the Granby Inbred tards that much.

To date, the city has paid OWN, its engineering firm, $76,850, City Administrator Lawna Price said. Now they will get another $500,000 from the new bond before the thieving council-criminals r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t.

In actuality the Council-Criminals have added a surcharge to the city water and sewer utility bills and put the increase into a “new” account so that they can justify the lie that the Granby Inbred Tards didn’t have to pay for the sewerwater scam right off.

Voters last year approved issuing up to $11 million in bonds to revamp the city’s crumbling water system. It will fix up to half the water lines so that Granby Inbred Tards can slurp from the new straw from the polluted aquifer fresh sewaege and sulphur water when simply distributing bottled water would be a lot cheaper– and healthier.

This in addition to the $3.2 million that them fucking idiots voted to build anpther stormwater sewer lagoon. After that vote, lying bitch Mayor Jamie Conway announced that both the water upgrades and the federally mandated improvements at Granbys sewer plant could be covered for that amount. She is delusional and full of shit, especially when thieving.

Work on the additional unnecessary storm-water sewer lagoon and plant is expected to be complete by years’ end. But the paying off on the $15-20 million debt ends never.

Ed McLiney, the city’s Kansas City-based underwriter, told the idiot thieving aldermamzers that the design loan will likely be rolled into a larger bond issue when the city starts construction on the water project. $11 + 3.2 million = 14.2 million. Then cums the usury. . .

Granby missed out on he first round of state fiancing for the water project last year. SUCKERS!!! Aldermen learned in July that the city had made it past the preliminary fund in this years funding cycle. A final decision expected this fall. Just keep chasing that car, Granby Inbred Tards. Someday you shitheads might catch the rabbit. Just keep on wishing . . .

In other business, aldermamzers:

-appointed Sandra Jackson as deputy city clerk, so that someone else other than Fattt Lawna and Crooked Ira with tits could be left holding the bags


-approved the annual property tax levy. Mad Dog was bitching because he wants to get his and his church’s property outside shitty of Granby jewrisdik-dik-shun

‘approved a job description for a public works director. Jim Channel didn’t care because it is like reading the [d]rules to a lazy dog. Aldermen also voted to review city ordinances in October to ensure the two align and that there is the appearance of law while appointing they’s crooked lawyer as municipal cash-register kort judge to thieve from the Granby Inbred Tards.

‘approved up to $1,000 for a bench for Judge Steve White, who was killed in a mowing accident August 1. YHWH struck him down for giving Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits some new ideas of how to steal private property through ordinances, so the mower was possessed to kill the retiring kort judge like in a Stephen King novel (Christine).

The bench will be placed in Veterans Park, as part of plans by the Mining Town Area Veterans group’s plans to renovate the park. The plans include new flag poles for all service branches and a commemorative brick wall and stray dog urinal.

‘approved a plan to do away with an elected city judge, opting for one hired by the city council since they don’t want some mad dog to get elected and put the kibosh on Granby council-criminal thievery.

Aldermen have asked the city attorney to make changes to the city ordinance and bring it back for their approval. So these thieves will pass some dogshit allowing them to thieve private property then find a crooked lawyer they appointed to thieve. In the meantime, the Newton County Circuit Court has appointed former City Attorney Jared Thomas who proved routinely corrupt, stupid and lawless as Granby’s thieving cash-register municipal kort judge.

‘tabled a plan to declare a wood chipper at the recycling center as surplus. Aldermamzers have watched Fargo and know that they should be fed feet-first into the surplus wood chipper. Aldermen asked department heads to create a list of surplus items so the city can create a plan to sell them off.

‘Approved the annual payment to the Harry S Truman Coordinating Council. Based on population, the city pays $943 per year to give Fattt Lawna new ideas on how to fuck over the Granby Inbred Tards some more. The council provides economic development and grant writing support to cities and counties in southwest Missouri for kickbacks and rampant taxation and soaring debt.

The Story of Two Mayor Crooked Iras with Neosho-Envy

Granby has had two Crooked Iras for mayor. One with and the latest one without tits. But each has the notion of “pulling Granby up by its bootstraps” by making the present collection of geezers, chomos, and crackheads {henceforth known as Granby Inbred Tards) pay for a new Greater Flintville and to force the current population with Boomer whiggers. Call it the [Not So] Grate Replacement .

Of course the smarter element no longer has theys’ persons in Granby, much less swilling down sulphur and sewage water but rather are simply keeping theys’ properties to sell to ZOGling whigger fleeing the Blue Hive before Collapse as refugees and so we see no virtue or point in putting new roofs or remodeling the old buildings with stone walls which can be fixed later if someone just has to move in.

In 2013 the original Crooked Ira Hawkins, then just a south ward Granby shitty council-critter caught me in the frozen foods aisle on the Granby Rameys store and proceeded to tell me about his schemes to rebuild Granby. It involved building a strip mall from the Rameys and Dollar General west and attracting the funds to build that water and sewer infrastructure by making the Granby Inbred Tards pay for it. I told Crooked Ira that strip malls were so 1960ish and that in Springfield they were trying to legislate them out. Why bring what already failed eyesores like these shitty strip malls to Granby? If a tire shop or garage wants to buy Rt 60 acreage and build a metal building then let them do it on they’s own dime. No sense to tax the inbreds and put it under a municipal roof. Crooked Ira said, “Sounds like everything I am for you are against.” I said that those who seek profit should bear the costs, so yes, I’m against your schemes. Since then I am wary of “Christian Scumbag” schemes of greedy fascist fools like Ben Baker, Allen Cook, T-Rampageifer Gamble, Crooked Ira Hawkins, Ashley Egemon, Fattt Lawna Price, Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett, and all the council-criminals appointed or [s]elected since.

If you want to start a business in Granby, then fine. But don’t expect me or Granby Inbred Tards to have to pay for it. You get idiot Granby Tards to vote for theys’ fucking then be it a Tax Incremental Funding, or a ‘new’ water system and going after old buildings which are simply decaying in an attempt to create a “stealth Home Owners ASSociation” or zoning then you can not only count me out but to plot revolt against your little fascist self-serving commune, you thieving idiot petty pinko communists.

Baal=priest Crooked Ira Hawkins figured out YHWH didn’t like his thieving ways whenl his fat daughter died from a clot shot in Sept. 2021 Well Crooked Ira learned that YHWH didn’t like his oppression of the Granby Inbred Tards by striking his fat daughter dead of complications of the clot shot in Sept. 2021. Crooked Ira was like an animal struck on the snout to where it backs off and the stornwater sewer scam of $3.2 million wqs dead on the table. But here cum-cum cum-cum the whiggress KumKumallah to take it off the table and to resurrect this scheme yet again.

By the way, former municipal judge Steve White gave Mayor Crooked-ira-with-tits the scheme to coonfiscate my old houses so she is working to “move forward” like a shitting dog to do so. Soon after, Steve White who already announced that after 30 years of squeezing the white trash under color of [f]law wasn’t going to run for another term for muniipal judge in December. So while mowing some grass to show that he was going to be on the cover of “Better ZOGling Boomer-whigger Homes and Gardens {Neosho Edition}” but like in a Steven King novel he got too close to a culvert edge and the riding lawnmower killed him like a dead rat in a trap. Pore Steve died an idiotic death (Jeremiah Chapter 16) which might be “The Curse of Mad Dog” i.e. go to hell you silly bastard for running a crooked municipal ca$h-register kort to where ordinary Granby shitizens can’t reside in theys’ own shitty/hovels in piss/peace and you had to stir up the thieving fascist inclinations for private profit in a silly & satanic herd of Granby Gaderinian council-critter swine. The evil men do lives on while what little good they might have is oft interred with they’s bones.

My final verdict( and hopefully that of YHWH): Fuck off Steve and go to Hell. Having a Granby Shitty anything winds up as a disaster for Granby Inbred Tards. Let the thieving and vicious Granby Piglice Department simply go back to Newton County which already collects taxes and is under State Law as opposed to jewr self-serving municipal ordinances which you thieving swine don’t obey anyways when incoonvenient. Granby needs to be disincorporated before there is too much debt unable to be paid for. No power to loot then you shitty council-criminals will runnt-offt like you were going to do anyways, but before you can finish off Granby

These thieving idiots simply want to enrich theysselfs are the expense of the common Granby Inbred Tard herd. They do not want to allow ordinary voters to enjoy or profit from their old properties but rather through inside actions to profit from the forced sales to outsiders. In short neither the old Crooked Evil Awful Awful Crooked Ira Hawkins nor the current Crooked Ira-with-tits Jamie Conway was anything other than a self-serving corrupt hypocrite not giving a shit for the old Granby Heritage Buildings nor the dead generation from the 1900s to 1920s who built them. The fact that their buildings are oer a hundred years old and like anything that old no longer in pristine shape doesn’t matter in the least to these corrupt idiots, but then again they never learned any respect for the principles of private property. Granby Inbred Tartds voted some of them into office and then they appointed thieving degenerates like them to play god upon the populace.

Can anyone reading this start to understand the only way to make them behave is to force these regime criminals to eat theys’ spawns’ nuts? This is why democracy leads to plutocracy in which regime criminals seek to enrich theysselfs at the expense of the common good or rule of law and ends in civil warfare of each against all until the most cunning and ruthless of the warlords makes himself king and then establishes a dynasty?

Originally posted at Granby UnCensored Fqcebook Group

“Mad Dog’s Pick of the Pricks on the Republicunt Primary Ballot

OK, First of all, I’m running as a LibberToon for Eastern District Newton County commissioner, and I’m gonna vote for me. Not for any of the other LibberToons who are definitely a pack of left-wing fing-a-lings who kicked me out of the LibberToon party because I dared to run as a militia candidate against theys’ pet faggot in 1996 and Tamster-the-Hamster some feminioskevik in 1998 so I got kicked out in 1998 by a gathering of LibberToons who were not against democracy used as a weapon like they love to whine against. As I told them, why agitate for faggot ‘marriage’ as opposed to simply letting the faggots suck and butt-fuck without benefit of ZOG or MoZOG? I thought that you LibberToons were against the “Cult of the Piglice State and that sort of shit?” Which goes to show that LibberToons yawp freedumb and practice fascism. The LibberToon ASS-Platform of Abortion, Sodomy and Smokin’-dope cum about by the overturning of Row v. Wade, The sodomy marriage cum about from the jewnites $nakes jewpreme kort legislating Sodom marriage in 2015 — nothing to do with LibberToons and in 2022 the Missouri voting pub[l]ic put through initiative and petition getting to grow six pot plants thus legalizing its open growth. LibberToons had nothing to do in advancing theys’ LibberToon A$$-Platform and so if they really want freedumb then they ought to either support local warlordism or let me run on the LibberToon state ballot, but what can you expect of gliberal whigger idiot faggots once they get power? So as chairman of the Newton County LibberToon Party I decided to have an open primary ballot and ran for Eastern Newton County Commissioner — which I shall win on Aug. 6, 2024.

Thanks to the Republicunt Party General ASSembly they made after 195 years it illegal to run for Shire-reeve unless you get a pig licence telling MoZOG that you will be a good little piggy and suck criminal refimeist ass.

Now since I’ll win by at least one vote, I urge those who think they are “libertarians” to pick up a Republicunt primary ballot and vote for liberty as I hereby advise.

Pick jewr Republicunt poison:

40th Circuit Court Judge

I’m going to first go after the political jobs I find most important at least to me: Namely getting the bald little prick John LePage out as head of the 40th Judicial District given that some other lawyer wants to be judge, namely Charles Genesio. After the June video which I videoed, Genesio was putting up the Treasurer’s yard signs. His wife doubtless thinks I’m a racist sociopath and my attutude to that is “And? So”?” When his wife was putting up her signs and giving me the wary stink-eye Genesio said he knew who I was, even though we have never been introduced. I told Genesio that I didn’t know him but I do know GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel who aged out and John LePage who is and was a crook and while I certainly understood that he didn’t want the endorsement of the Head of the Aryan Nations and I wasn’t going to give it in any case, I hoped that he would put GRIDS-Grindr Greggie’s little Mini-me Lepage back out to pasture. Since I had nothing more to say I walked away.

GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel started out as a pub[l]ic pretender and then after selling out the local criminal tards becum a judge. When Timmy Perigo — who got tired of being a local judge and couldn’t get on the Southern Kort of Appeals or Supreme Kort bench possibly because of me trashing him out on my web pages — decided to resign, GRIDS-Grindr Greggie was appointed or ran for Presiding Circuit Judge as opposed to that Satanic Animal Kevin Lee Selby who is also running for another six-year term but faces no opposition. Back in 1998 I decided to run a non-lawyer named Rich Doyle for judge and we got 15-18% of the vote and GRIDS-Grindr and the other lawyers couldn’t remove Rich Doyle from the ballot because they were idiots. GRIDS-Grindr Greggie got back at me by demanding the excessive $100,000 cash bail and letting the Newton County baby-stealers steal then have raped my grandchildren.

LePage until Dec. 2007 was trying to keep me in the Fulton State Nuthouse if I wouldn’t accept a pub[l]ic pretender to [mis]represent me while the pubic pretender was threatening to sue LePage like with Satanic animal Selby. Then because I deided to get out of the Nuthouse by pretending to hire a lawyer the next none months were spent in me trying to get access to a law library and the Revolt of the Accused Chomos ditching they’s public pretenders. Meanwhile my then 8 year old grandson who had been homosexually raped in foster care his very first night and turned muley made it to where Prosecutor Jake Skouby, Perigo, LePage wanted to cut a deal to where if I left the state of Missouri the charges would be dismissed. I agreed to think about it. But the Prostituting attorney and the judges were so pussy-whupped by the professional baby-stealers that while I was allowed to make a $10,000 reduced cash bond they didn’t dare dismiss a failed case until it became time at preliminary hearing for my retarded grandson to testify directly against me. So they dismissed the case but still were publickly sleezing to save face.

In any case both GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel and John LePage are extremely corrupt judges who sold out to Satan a long time ago. If you have white children or simply are decent best go for an unknown quantity like Charles Genesio of the Pharmacy Faction over GRIDS-Grindr Greggie/ Joihn LePage/ Kevin Selby destroy-white-people “Christian Scumbag” faction.

Sheriff Newton County:

I spoke briefly to Rick Geller a few weeks ago. As with John Genesio I told him that I wouldn’t burden him with an Aryan Nations endorsement but simply put I hatd him less than this Baby-Stealing ” ‘Children’s Advocate’ Pig Matt Stewart. The biggest problem facing Southwest Missouri is 350-400 “Trash Bag Kids” who are taken by these Cat-Lady Karens working for the Division of Family Services and the ones not cute or young enough to be sold by the local Republicpedocunts to rich politically powerful homosexual pedophiles are put into the human puppy mills run by the Division of Family Services where they become teenagers and age out as “Trash Bag kids” with a black 55-gallon trash bags with a few stuffed animals that they got from “shop with a cop”. Jasper County has 500 trash bag kids. I’ve met the worst of these kids messed up by Foster Care when they get sent to the NutHouse. They are stupid, criminal, dishonest, fucked-up-in-the-head and ruined so bad that they never get released. Now while most of the insanity cause is genetic, the baby-stealers make quite sure that those “trash bag kids” will become sexually perverted from rape and the rest from psychotropic drugs — like my grandson. So the only thing I like about Matt Stewart is that he has seven children to punk out into “trash bag kids.” Stewart claims to have the endorsement of two of the most evil pigs of Newton County ever — Ron Doerge and Ken Copeland.

Copelands’ pigs knocked out five of my teeth taking me to the psychiatric prison at Fulton as ordered by that Satanic judge Kevin Selby so I’m looking forward to chaining up Newton County pigs to theys’ pigmobiles and dragging them around the Korthouse at least twice for them to learn nevert to be pigs. Ron Doerge in May 2005 after they took the grandkids wqs all scared when I told him that the Law of YHWH said that the sins of the father if a regime criminal was visited unto the sons — even to the 7th [de]generation. Said the same thing to Ken Copeland when he was yapping Paul of Tarsus’s “Love civil authorities crap Roman’s Chapter 13) and I then brought up 1 and II Kings where those who served an evil king were to be destroyed root, branch and tender twig. Copeland looked like he was going to pass out by the time I got to “Biblical castration” cf. Dniel and his friends having they’s nuts cut by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. Christian Scumbags are so self-righteous when meteing out but turn into whiney bitches when done unto by their victimized population.

Geller, on the other hand, while still a pig, doesn’t believe in being a psychopig. Geller, along with Dick Leavens might have saved me from the Mexican pig Chandler who was ordered to beat me up by Mayor Hopper back in 1997. Unlike Leavens, who is all psychopig and loves to torture prisoners with his electric torture device, Geller seems to understand that it is not to put all of Newton County in jail upon whatever pretext. Or that an entire social order might well be destroyed by turning the next [de]generation of children into messed-up trash bag kids. I’m thinking that Geller won’t let his pigs run wild, unlike a “Christian Scumbag’ “Baby-Stealer like Matt Stewart.

Granby reserve piglice oreficer suspended without pay after threatening to falsely arrest Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits over being sent to squeal on Piglice chief — Gonna try to sue the Granby Council-Criminals slapping down they’s errent piglice

Piggy loses this Council-Critter & Piglice Riot and is escorted out by loyal piglice

GRANBY, Mo. — After Granby’s police chief was suspended last month, there’s more trouble for the city’s police department.PREVIOUS: Granby Police Chief suspended with pay without explanation

The city council held a special closed session last night to discuss possible disciplinary action against reserve officer John Epperson. Mayor Jamie Conway said they were considering taking action because Epperson started an unauthorized investigation into one of the Granby officers that outranked him.

When council members returned to open session, Epperson was given a chance to address the council. For unknown reasons, Epperson then read Conway the Miranda Warning, and that’s when things got heated:

  • Jamie Conway, Granby Mayor
    • “Are you an employee of the City of Granby?”
  • John Epperson, Reserve Officer
    • [unintelligible…] “Just stop.”
  • Conway
    • “Are you an employee of the City of Granby?”
  • Epperson
    • “Just stop mam…I’m, I’m..”
  • Bobbi White, Council Member
    • “Sir, she’s your boss.”
  • Epperson
    • “Negative.”
  • White
    • “She is your boss.”
  • Doreen Clouse , Council Member
    • “I would like to make a motion that we move to suspend officer Epperson, upon formal investigation.”
  • Epperson
    • “Do you understand that…”
  • Conway
    • “I have a motion on the floor by Doreen, that states that um…”
  • Epperson
    • “You just violated my civil rights.”
  • Conway
    • “Please step back. Officer Denno.”
  • Epperson
    • “Do you understand that?”
  • Conway
    • “Please step back.”
  • Gabe Carrell , Council Member
    • “Behind the microphone.”
  • Conway
    • “Behind the microphone sir.”
  • Epperson
    • “Sure. it’s okay. I’m good. Do you understand?”
  • [Unintelligible voices.]
  • Carrell
    • “I second that.”
  • Conway
    • “I’m sorry… (bangs the gavel), Order. Stop speaking sir.”
  • Carrell
    • “We don’t care about it. We made a motion.”
  • Epperson
    • “Okay. Good.”
  • Conway
    • “Stop speaking sir.”
  • Conway
    • “Doreen has made the motion to suspend officer Epperson.”
  • Epperson
    • “See you in court. See you in court.”
  • Conway
    • “Gabe has seconded that. All those in favor.”
  • Epperson
    • “I’ll see you in court.”
  • Conway
    • “4/Zero. As of today you are suspended. Thank you. Have a good evening.”
  • Epperson
    • “And you have just violated my civil rights.”
  • Conway
    • “We’re gonna need your key card please.”

The council meets on December 15th to discuss the fate of suspended Police Chief Rico Engberg.

Another nail in Granby’s Coffin

The foolish and evil Granby City Council-Criminals put the nail in Granby’s coffin by setting up Fatt Lawna as “City manager” given that she is now skilled — albeit not in book-keeping but in getting “free money” from Senile Joe’s administration to put Granby into debt the next 40 years.…te%20p1-11.pdf

Lawna Price is a skilled perjurer who ginned up a fraudulent “domestic protection order with the help of corrupt Newton County judges Kevil Lee Selby and GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel absent any jurisdiction given that she didn’t have any domestic connection uder Revised Stastutes of Missouri Chapter 456 — domestic relations and was merely a crooked cituy clerk who didn’t want to give me a copy of the public record posted on the bulletin board. So I posted three Sunshine Act Enforcent suits and was assessed a $4000 fine for doing so which Bryan Reo bought for $1000 on Oct. 14, 2019 and the City of Granby Council-Criminals bulldozed my and Roxie’s properties on 15 Oct. 2019. Which is why I never condemn all these mass shootings because it is the only time that ordinary people can get revenge upon a dying criminal regime.

For the next two years I would call up Newton County dispatch at a price of $14.92 at one o’clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays because the crooked judges of Newton County wanted to pretend that there still was a First Amendment. Now if an evil mean crooked bitch like Fattt Lawna can cause so much damage and tyranny as a City Clerk who can’t book-keep unless Taylor-Green does it for $26,000 per year and has gotten out of billing, imagine what crooked crap she can do for $10,000 more per year as “City [mis]manager as the Granby city council-criminals get to blame they’s crap on her instead of having to own up to it?

Enjoy living under a police state paying $300-400 sewer and water bills for the next 40 years of debt while your children move out to Springfield or Neosho and all because Barry Flint wanted to set up a trailer park and didn’t want you to live in your own used single-wide trailer.

Granby-Gomorrah/Flintville is dying and tonight another nail was hammered into its coffin by a witless and wicked city council with Fatt Lawna being the maggot eating the corpse.

Granby Council-Criminals “moving forward” like shitting dogs to create an unnecessary storm-water sewer pool to store rainwater runoff in return for $2,106 million in coonsolidated water bonds for next 40 years.

GRANBY, Mo. — Big improvements are coming to the wastewater system in Granby. An additional unnecessary storm-water sewer lagoon to trap even more rainfall over 1″ and up to nearly 3″ shall be dug at a cost of $2.602 million shall be dug by a lucky coontractard to place the shitty of Granby for the next 40 years — or longer.

“We hear the citizens, we are moving forward, and our goal is to grow just like they want to, and to provide them with the amenities that they deserve,” said Jamie Conway, Mayor of Granby. Everyone retarded just needs an additional storm-water rainwater lagoon to treat stormwater to please the environmental burrocrats who put the pressure on T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins to sign over debt for the next 40 years which shall probbly never be repaid.

Monday was a big day in Granby, as city officials broke ground on a project they’ve been discussing since 2019: upgrading their wastewater system, collecting kickbacks, and runnting-offt to make Granby Inbred Tards pay it off as best they can.

“In the past, water has been infiltrating our system during heavy rainfall, which is causing our system not to be able to treat the water/sewage as quickly as we need it to do,” said Jamie Conway, Mayor of Granby. Jim Channel was allowed to goof off rather than fix the sewer and water lines and it is a lot easier to tax Granby Inbred Tards out the ass rather than try to get the Channel family to work.

“Wastewater and sewer are what we are addressing here. The modifications to the plant will make it easier for the operators to operate,” said Crooked Ira Hawkins, Former Mayor of Granby. Screw the Granby Inbred Tards, they will just have to pay it off as best they can, if they can.

The city will be adding a new additional basin near the plant to collect runoff and will be expanding the plant to be better equipped to handle an influx of waste. There was already an old basin from 2007-2008 but we hid or destroyed the engineering reports in order to pull one on the People of Granby.

After sending her “golden shovel” into the dirt, Mayor Conway told us how excited she is, claiming Monday’s groundbreaking is a direct result of listening to the people. She used to be against this project, in fact it was on the table before she got [s]elected but she resurrected it after Crooked Ira’s fat daughter took the clot-shot and croaked last Sept. 2022 and Crooked Ira figured that YHWH was all mad at his thieving and took her home. The new Mayor Crooked Ira with tits would take the matter off the table and restore it like a fool. She’ll likely runnt-offt to Floriduh to be with her husband next year given that she’s sold her store.

“They said, ‘We want a water system, we want new water lines,’ and that was my push. But none of the voters said, ‘Wait a second, we voted a bond in 2019, why haven’t you made that sewer happen?’ So, I’m here to say, the sewer is happening, we are moving forward like shitting dogs doing theys; business on the neighbor’s yard to avoid hatching fleas,” said Conway/Crooked Ira with tits. “The rest of the council-critters will be long gone by the time it cums to pay for it, either dead or gone to Floriduh.”

And according to Mayor Conway, this is simply the first step in improving the city’s water system. “We’s gonna fuck you up good.”

“We are working on our water system behind the scenes right now, to get our funding lined out, we have engineers creating the designs, we’ve passed the bond, they passed it, the citizens want it. We’re not slowing down, this train is moving forward, right over the cliff.” said Conway. “This entire scam should cost 15-20 million with a water & sewer bill over $300-400 per month for the next 40 years, probably never be paid off.”

The project has a timeline of 480 days, with Mayor Conway saying residents shouldn’t expect any inconveniences besides a gradual increase in their water bills, which has already begun. Council-critter Gomer-Goober Carrel didn’t raise the water bill by 2% last year and the Council-Criminals simply lied to the Granby Inbred Tards telling them that they wouldn’t have to pay the 120% increases until they were done five years from now and the Granby Inbred tards bought it. Screw them.”

A Crappy Big-Box store gives money and time to the Jasper County Baby-Stealers for the initial holding place for white children. Lowe’s volunteers transform outdoor space at Children’s Haven.

JOPLIN, Mo. — A grant through a national retailer has resulted in upgrades and additions for a Joplin nonprofit.

The non-profit being the Non-Government Organization for which one Stephanie Theis starts the process to steal white children from their families upon the anonymous hotline accusation to the Missouri Department of Family Services.

And Wednesday — there was even more help for the Children’s Haven of Southwest Missouri. Employees from Lowe’s in Joplin were on the property to do some outdoor cosmetic work.

In other words this crappy big-box store are working with the Jasper County Juvenile Office to fix up the first place where stolen children can play outside.

Children’s Haven — which provides a temporary home to kids whose families are experiencing a crisis — was chosen for a Lowe’s Hometown Community Impact Grant. A grant that funded a complete remodel of its kitchen area — including new appliances, countertops, cabinets, and flooring.

The “crisis” of these children is being removed from their parents simply because some piglice and burrocrats who get funding to destroy white families started the process of destroying white families.

“So we have an employee whose mom works at Lowe’s, and she nominated us when she saw the grant application come out. There were thousands of communities who applied, and they narrowed it down to 100, and we are one of the hundred finalists around the United States,” said Stephanie Theis, Children’s Haven.

This evil bitch ginned up a bogus child molestation case agaunst myself in April 2004 to where all four granbchildren were removed. The retarded six-year-old was coerced into claiming that I kissed his dick and licked his bunghole and all four children were removed on 9 April 2004. Over a year later these twisted perverted regime criminals charged me with child molestation on the retarded grandson and because I refused to accept a lawyer sent me for 31 months to be doped-up and tortured at the Gulton State Nuthouse. My grandson was raped his very first night in foster care and became a homo and rage-monster and thus couldn’t be trusted to perjure himself so the case was dismissed four years later.

Her husband Eric Theis is head of the Jasper County Juvenile Division and kort administrator.

Satanic creatures like this is why as Resistance policy their entire family are to be tortured into confessions and put to death to form a newer, better regime actually working for the Revolutionary People.

“I’m just very thankful to be a part of Lowe’s, and be in an organization that wants to give back. It’s very passionate to me. I’m from Joplin, well, from CJ, from the greater Joplin area, and so giving back is huge to me. And it’s, it’s, I’m just honored to keep being chosen by my store manager to help lead these projects,” said J.T. Weber, Lowe’s.

Look ZOGling Whigger Ass-clown, you work for a crooked big box store which when I bought a Maytag washing machine and then a 5-year extended service plan when it went tits up the Maytag people came out the first year ans replaced a $60 switch. When the switch went out 5 months later some fat kid in a van told me my extended warranty was cancelled becaue I had cockroaches in the house — something not brought up by the Maytage people. Which is why I refuse to buy major appliances from Loews. My sister bought a new refridgerator from Loews back in Dec. 2019 and it is going out three years later. I wouldn’t buy shit from Loew’s.

Not even 800 bricks for a quarter each. Loews ripped me off for $200 in May 2019 because they didn’t credit me for taking them home in my Geo Metro, so I’m out $200 and 800 bricks.

Past projects for Lowe’s volunteers have taken place at Joe Becker Stadium and Lafayette House.

Layfayette House = Lesbian House. Battered women are encouraged to divorce their husbands or risk losing their children. Defintely an anti-man place beloved of regime-enfarcement to destroy white families.

Mad Dog Musings 5 Oct 2023 — Granbys’ Best Daze on Granby Uncensored

In this shorter 21 minute video Pastor Lindstedt talks about how the idiotic and corrupt-stupid Granby City Council is simply wasting money on projects dreamed up as a scam by Barry Flint with former Granby City Council-Critter Pfat ‘Jackass’ Kelly still mad about how former Granby Council-critter and now Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits didn’t tear down her 1890s Granby Hardware Store with a three-brick thick walls and instead under pressure sold it to Barry Flint who wants to spend $500,000 on restoring it as opposed to simply gutting it and rebuilding it with cheap concrete blocks for $300,000 less — the tax-payer funding of less than the $175,000 for putting in a parking lot atop the former Crooked-Iras-toxic waste dump and putting in 7 cargo coontainers. In short Pfat ‘Jackass’ Kelly hasn’t learned anything other than its old dislike for certain people in the Granby demographic.

Pfat Jackass Kelly is a Boomer a few years older than myself, a changeling who left Granby then when it gots money came back changed against the native-born Granby Inbred Jed Population. Now being older and within death less than a decade from now, Pfat wants to hearken back to the 1960s and 1970s when he was younger and in his prime. For the mythical “Good Ol’ Daze” of his youth. What I seek to explain is that the Good Ol’ Daze were not as good as remembered. For example, back in 1975 when I was 16 the Vietnam War ended and thus the liklihood of being drafted to fight in that stupid imperial-colonial war.

What I explain is that the late 19th and early 20th Century is long gone and so all that is left of those times and the men who built Granby from firing up the clay using old wood is the buildings from that time and if these Granby Heritage Buildings are torn down so too is Granby Heritage as well, and this flavor of the past cannot be restored and lives now only within living memory. Pfat Jackass Kelly thus destroys not only the older times when Granby had a future, but the past as well. Couple that with the fact that ZOG is in terminal decline and once torn down cannot be replaced, certainly not with lesser men and materials today. Thus the past should be refurnished because it cannot be replaced. Something I keep on trying to preach to the current aborted, impoverished, and poverty-made [de]generation.

21 minutes in this vlog tonight.

Hail Victory !!!

Doctor Pastor Martin Lindstedt MD (Mad Dog)
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
Candidate for ZOG Prez-o-dint or Governor of Missery 2024

P.O. Box 666
Granby. Missouri 64844

For more notes and content go to:

Granby Telephone Company should NOT receive public tax dollars for Rural Broadband because of past and current behavior.

Martin Lindstedt <>

to, me, Randy Turner

I did a video on my Odysee video channel and on my Granby UnCensored FaceBook Group.

Granby Telephone Company has a past history of taking public money as from JANICS back in the first Missouri Internet initiative and cutting off right-wing commentary from myself based upon the complains of some screetching bitch who got all mad because I observed that Paul of Tarsus said that women were to be silent in church. While Dual-Seedline Christian Identity are not big fans of Paul of Tarsus who is oft at variance with the red-letters of Christ, Christian-Identity congregations are not for women’s lip. As a result of losing on a listserver that Meggie and Klunt Downey (The former sexual mascot of the Washington State Klan who also loved censoring us Dual-Seedliners by taking over these small Christian Identity web sites and mail-servers on behalf of the “No Devil” heretics.) took over along with the rest of the “No Devil” heretics, Meggie complained and got me severed from my JANICS account. The mess from Sept-Oct 2001 is recounted here on my web page: My counter-complaint got lost in the chaos of 11th September 2001.


JANICS (Jasper and Newton Internet Connectivity Service) was the first effort by the State of Missouri to bring about Internet connectivity back in 1995 to five state areas. Initially it was run out of the Computerland in Joplin store with 30 modems bolted to a closet door with a fan blowing on them to keep them cool but regrettably the Granby Telephone Company got a piece of that action and sure enough they used it to bully its customers. I got around Granby Telephone Company by setting up an Internet account in Monett, and various efforts to get Internet. At the same time there were no fewer than three Internet outlets in Neosho offering a better product than Granby Telephone Company. Myself and Roxie simply bought a cell phone plan from US Cellular.

When Granby was putting in fiber optics cable around Reindeer Road they allowed me to keep up Roxie’s land line but refused to sell me Internet service via they’s new fiber optic cable. I informed them that this happened 20 years ago and that I’d learned to not use the free email to avoid stalkers and thus cumplaints to them. It did not matter. Granby Telephone Company would refuse to let me connected to theys’ new fiber-optic lines even though my neighbors are connected.

My point is that no public dollars should be wasted for BroadBand Connectivity on Granby Telephone Company. My friends with much the same politics have broadband with leru and my sister has Barry County Electric. These companies are not petty and vicious and vengeful and take running a public utility seriously.

Randy Turner of his gliberal whigger Turner Report informed me of this matter:

Again, if there is any tax dollars to be spent by the County for Rural Broadband Access, the Granby Telephone Company should not get any of it as they ignored and defied they’s JANICS obligations using state money 20 years ago.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri