Inbred anglo-mestizos kill both dogs & whiggers but eat neither.

Pfat Jackass Kelly, Granby Council-Criminal & Piece of Shit:
Everyone in Granby Loved this Dog. Well, obviously not “Everyone”.
Rambo shot 4 times! Yes 4 times!! In broad daylight, in the city limits and in the direction of a daycare where kids were at! across Highway 60 shot Rambo where he was laying in the grass that he called home. shotter claims “self-defense.” But how is it self-defense when the human is going after the dog not the dog going after the human? Rambo was a big big dog and a barker & growler. Really really dangerous if you are a pussy.
Rambo has been on that corner for the last 3 years, I’ve never been able to touch him or pet him. A professional Trapper could not trap him because he was so smart. He would go and visit the dogs at the pound to keep them company. He not only protected my property but the neighbor property as well everybody knew Rambo and everybody knew that Rambo would not let them get close enough to pet him and or catch him. Why is it that fools want to pet a big dog that growls and don’t belong to them?
I am devastated over the way that Rambo passed away! Or I should say that the way Rambo was killed! I myself am devastated as to how this fat ignorant piece of shit is a South Ward Shitty Council-Criminal who along with Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ira Hawkins likes to call the Granby Piglice to arrest myself for making fun of these pieces of shit on the City Council and the way he keeps on trying to destroy Granby Heritage Buildings at the expense of the owners.
I am devastated over the loss of Rambo but much more devastated to know that a human could walk across the road where a dog was laying in the grass and shoot him 4 times in broad daylight, in the city limits, towards a daycare and then just walk away. And then have the audacity to claim self-defense! I myself am devastated that the wrong Kelly jackass got r.u.n.n.t.-o.v.e.r.
As a good friend said I truly hope we get “Justice for Rambo!”
As a lying piece of shit I certainly will stir shit up in Granby.