Mad Dog Musings 26Dec22 — Anderson Engineering 2-page Granby Water Survey Summary 2022
In this video concerning the 4pm 27 Dec. 2022 Granby City Council Meeting the Granby City Council will try to justify putting a water bond on the April Municipal election on the ballot. They refuse to coonsider the only other real option of simply selling the Granby water and sewer system to Liberty Utilities and getting safe sewers and cleaner water for a combined bill of $40 per month tacked on to the electric bill. Rather they want to convince the People of Granby to accept an average $57 water and $57+ sewer bill and have a $120 per month combined sewer and water bill in order to try to get “free” grant money. The option of fixing the water and sewer pipes by having Jim Channel do it is laughable. Jim Channel is the main reason Granby sewer & water is failing.
Back in 2013-14 when a previous water survey was published, asking for $970,000 to build Water Tower 3 and fix the water pipes the water leakage was 62%. Mayor Richard Eustler gave Jim Channel permission to clamp the leaks once per every 12 feet. Now in 2022 when Jim Channel has 10 clamps per dozen feet the leakage is 67% meaning that 2/3 of the water pumped goes right back into the ground to further pollute the Granby aquifer with pollutants and sewage from the numerous mineshafts which is why Granby water tastes of sulphur and sewage. Jim Channel routinely lies about how fixing these decayed water pipes 100 ft. at a time means MORE leakage from both ends as opposed to 40 or more leaks from these rotten pipes. Give Jim Channel a chance to jack off once per dozen feet means jim Channel will jack off 666 times in a 100 feet on his cell phone.
What Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and most of the Granby City Council-Critters want is to use Granby Utilities to act as a slush fund for their Police State Projects and to collect kickbacks during construction and like has been done time and again to move out of Granby with the loot, leaving Granby rate-payers with millions in debt for the next 30-40 years. This proposed water system will cost from $4.6 to $6.5 million and leave it in the paws & hoofs of the very same people who let the present water and sewer system decay. Drinking a Granby cocktail of sulphur & sewage even from a new straw is no advantage given how well Granby handled the old straw.
Even trying to get “free money” means a minimum $120 combined sewer & water bill per month and 30 years of debt. There is no guarantee of any grants, given that Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and Fattt Lawna the City Clerk & She-Mayoress have a history of not posting the public commentary public notices on the bulletin board until a month AFTER the public comment period is over. And the fact that Crooked Ira, Baal Shittrell, and sometimes Doreen Clause and Gomer-Goober Carrell allow for the Granby Police to arrest myself during public meetings under color of Municipal Ordinance #815 for my criticism of them and theys’ schemes. Granby is run as a racketeering scheme with the same legal basis as Gomorrah. And thus, like the storm water sewer scheme, if they do get a grant it will be for only $750,000 and only because it was the Missouri Department of Natural Resources who forced the issue. Paying $120 per month at the “free money” indoor gambling table for 40 years of debt is a suckers’ game when compared to simply paying $40 to the electric company and having a functioning water and sewer system regulated by the state, as opposed to Newton County and Missouri letting Crooked Ira and Barry Flint run wild because Granby is the dumping ground for SW Missouri. According to the “Christian Scumbag” Republicuck Faction — what goes on in Granby stays in Granby because there has to be some place somewhere to keep Inbred Jed sucking up lead and it might as well be Granby.
They don’t even have any plans to invite the Missouri American Water Company / Liberty Utilities to render their proposals before voting to bring this corrupt scheme for Granby People to vote on. Why not? How about simple old fashioned crookedness from a corrupt city council which has been present for the past 30 years and overpowering under the [mal]administrations of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins?
The only good thing I have to say about the Granby City Council is what I said over ten years ago: They have turned Granby into such a shithole that at least it keeps the blacks and latinos out and keeps Granby majority whigger Inbred Tard. Which is kind of the way I like it.
Time to curb a corrupt Granby City Council by a first step of removing their utilities stranglehold and selling them to private companies which have that as their business. Not petty power over others for its own sake.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Elected South Ward City Council 2020-22
T-Rampageifer Gamble with a Message of Extreme Importance for Crooked Ira Hawkins
As an extremely stupid drunken psychotic asshole and failed ex-mayor of Granby yapping to his suckcessor I have many questions about the big picture! I mean it is not printed up on the bottom of a Milwaukee’s Worst 12-pack so I just don’t see it. Besides when I’m down to muh last can I’m not particularly in the mood for reading and never in thinking anyways.
And I hope that people are being rational about things? These decisions that are being made on the run with nothing more to back them up then dreams are very disturbing and filled with unknowns? I’m seldom rational but rather a buffoon and braggart who puts his foot in muh mouth, which is why we need to keep on meating in your baal-priest temple to get our stories straight, cum-cum, cum-cum, Crooked Ira.
The seem almost tainted. You know “tainted.” Itz the place between a pussy and an asshole on a skank which ‘taint neither but smells like a mixture of both.
The topic I believe in question should NEVER have in front of the city government, but you can’t put the jennie back in the bottle! At least not unless we get to dip either our beaks or our peckers in it, whatever “it” is.
However if anyone envolved with the city is trying to pick winners and losers the should absolutely be ashamed of themselves and really give some thought to why the are in office? I mean other than to steal something or to have the Granby Piglice harass people we don’t like for whatever reason. I’m disturbed more than usual in this process and feel compelled to follow up on this at least as long as the 12-pack lasts.
Stuff like this can absolutely destroy a thoughtful agenda and hamper progress that actually benefits the Entire City Of Granby. Like how can tearing down Jaimie Arnall’s Big Beautiful Brick Building forward our particular scams and getting of kickbacks so that more Milwaukees Worst can be bought?
I ask these questions With All Due Respect Sir. This is no way to run an inbred retarded shithole like Granby, Crooked Ira.
T-Rampageifer Gamble bitches about the price of gas @ the Granby Paki-marts
Stupid drunken evil mean ass-hole should have made Jim Channel fix the water & sewer leaks when he was mayor instead
Stream of ass-holeishness coonsciousness from T-Rampageifer Gamble the failed worst Granby mayor ever:
As a lying thieving retard who had to resign numerous times when running things in Granby cum-cumpletely into the ground I realize that there is little that can be achieved by this post but it’s not going to stop me because as admitted previously I’m a thieving retard in love with the sound of my own retarded voice.
Now for what I wish to bitch about, I dont like to see the residents of Granby consistently getting hosed at the gas pump by them damn Pakis who also got a liquor license but give me no discount on all that Wilwaukee’s Worst I like to drink in mass quantities!
Its always at least 10 cents higher then the surrounding towns, these damn Pakis who own the Neosho Paki-Mart keep theys gas priced coonpetitive — over there.
I also am well aware of our towns lifeblood is tax revenue so shopping outside of town is like getting castrated by my own mean bitch who drives me to drink. My own neighbor is better off because your neighbor has to many kids but having the market cornered is not a good thing for consumers we desperately need competition in the convenience store/ gas station area . Can you tell that I’ve been drinking heavily? Casey would be such a great addition to our town! If I was still Mayor I’d give them a liquor license, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!
Competition keeps everyone on there game and creates a more well rounded town. That said, I buy my gas and my Milwaukee’s Worst in Joplin where I work.
There, fixed it for you, you drunken mean stupid ass-hole T-Rampageifer Gamble. Also known as “The very worst Mayor ever of Granby”.
First of all, even if you hadn’t been forced out as Mayor and then when allowed back in as TIF Bored Chairmattoid by Crooked Ira Hawkins acted the drunken mean asshole and was forced to resign a second time, what the Pakis who now own both the gas stations / coonvenience stores choose to price theys’ shitty gas at a nickle to a dime far above what is charged in every single town in Southwest Missouri isn’t really under your control. At theys’ Pakimart in Neosho they charge no more than the other gas stations charge. They can charge more in Granby because Granby has changed into the most expensive shithole to live — the dumping ground of SW Missouri, the boil on the ass-hole shithole of Newton County — precisely because you and the thieving City Council doubled the city utility rates and shut down any citizen input into City of Granby business to where since there are no jobs the working people when they go to work they simply buy their groceries and gas in Joplin, Neosho, Carthage and Monett on the way back to the shithole wherein they live in the decaying housing.
The Pakis charge more for their gas because they can charge more for their gas. Granby had the highest sales tax in Newton County until Neosho decided to vote in an additional half-cent sales tax for their piglice. As it is right now the best way to protest the absolutely corrupt Granby City Council [mis]governance is simply to buy the bulk of your groceries, all of your gas, and most of your books, electronics, building supplies, and other items out of town and on Amazon.
Actually Granby is still a pretty good place to live — as long as you understand realities of living in Granby. Where else can you buy an old hovel with a half-acre to live for $3000 back in 1987 because the old-timers with children and grand-children sold you their properties real cheap because nobody with anything on the ball wanted to live in Granby? Before the thieving ass-holes on the Granby City Council figured out that they wanted to pass all sorts of municipal ordinances that they theysselfs had no intention of obeying and unleahing a “whole swarm of thieving worthless Granby Piglice to set up theys’ own Granby Piglice State” starting in 1994, Granby used to be a semi-lawless place in which the inbreds lived in chaotic crackhead harmony. Granby has always been a lawless place of anglo-mestizo inbreds where everyone knew each other and made allowances while the Granby City Council performed corrupt acts of petty thievery and graft to benefit theys’ friends & fambly.
Where shit really went off the rails was bringing in a Granby Piglice Farce back in 1994 and then in 2016 with the [s]Election of T-Rampage Gamble a narcissistic psychotic asshole who got rid of the elected office of City Collector who stood in T-Rampage’s and Crooked Ira Hawkins’ way, choosing a City Clerk who was run-off from offices of trust and responsibility, unable to do book-keeping and unwilling to do billing, who destroyed over 30 years of public records and allowed the so-called “Public Works Directard” to not fix the water and sewer systems vital to city living. That and bringing in outsiders to fill City of Granby jobs and weaponizing the Granby Piglice Department to stifle dissent leading to the impossibility of “self-help” repair of the collapsing Granby water and sewer infrastructure. In short, T-Rampage Gamble was the Worst Mayor of Granby who was suckceeded by the Second Worst Mayor of Granby, Crooked Ira Hawkins, who carried out further the decay and rot of Granby city water and sewer infrastructure while making it beyond the reach of Granby citizens who are older and more poor and driving out the working middle class having jobs outside Granby.
Even to this very day the Worst and Second-Worst Mayors of Granby meat every Sunday in Crooked Ira’s Synogogue of Satan to coonspire how they can screw over Granby and turn Granby into a worse shithole.
Wherein the Worst Mayor of Granby whines about high gas prices @ the Granby Paki-marts when T-Rampageifer Gamble is the main reason why Granby utility payers are paying high utility rates on Granby sulphur & sewage water in broken and leaking water pipes. There is no money available to fix this infrastructure because it has all been stolen because of the Allieger-Martin stormwater sewage scam and debt lasting until 2050 and beyond.
The only thing which can be done is to keep on doing what Granby People have always done — buy all your gas and most of your groceries outside Granby where you work. The poor and old shall do what they have always done — hunker down and make the best of it.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Rightful South Ward City Councilman
Actually Tim Murphy, you let yourself become T-Rampage Gamble’s Bitch
Tim Murphy thinks I’ve been hard on his T-Rampageifer’s Beaver & so I have butt not near as harddd as Jesus Christ will be, (cf. Matt Chapter 25 & Rev. Chapter 20) . . .
I don’t see you denying the Bill of Particulars concerning your votes on the Granby City Council. Far from being a “Granby Reform” candidate you turned out worse than the appointee Chelsea Talbot, who started getting ideas of opening up the Cemetery Board to public scrutiny, hence she was not missed when you decided not to resign upon election. In fact for the full year you were a member of the Granby City Council you were a loyal bitch for that drunken swine and former Mayor T. Rampage Gamble, voting along with the rest 4-0.
You did vote to allow Joyce Mann to unlawfully — according to your own ‘Law’ — to set up a used double-wide without doing anything near to the required steps of posting a 10-day notice in the lie-paper or notifying the neighbors. When one of them Shirley Tanner objected that Joyce Mann as a city council-man who wouldn’t let her put in a double-wide shouldn’t be allowed to either, then you allowed her to be negated and did not honor her valid objections, thus making it unlawful for Joyce Mann to keep the trailer within City limits. The entire Granby City Council violated their own pretend legistreason and you were a participant in this treason.
For doing this trick the City of Granby should be barred from passing any municipal ordinance or enforcing it upon others given that they cannot obey their own “laws.” This of course would mean the termination of the Granby cash-register municipal kort and of course its Police Department in favor of a Granby City Council able only to do limited taxation and spending on necessary systems such as water and sewer. The law enforcement functions should revert back to the County and the corrupt City Council disallowed to have their own private army / police enforcement functions given that they have proven that they will be selectively enforced instead of “equal justice under law.”
It is because of such corruption that the Granby City Council should be de-fanged and kept from having any more powers than absolutely necessary to do limited functions. The best way to do this would be to sell the city utilities to private companies and let the police functions revert back to Newton County.
T-Rampage forced Kevin Johnson to resign. Stansberry then became fire chief until he too was forced to resign because nobody but a drunken fuktard’s bitch could please T-Rampage Gamble. By the way, when T-Rampage Gamble resigned from the TIF Bored because of being caught out as a drunken mean stupid asshole you did so as well. Yes, Tim, you are T-Rampage Gamble’s obedient bitch, fat more than the one T-Rampage is oafishully married to who sticks with T-Rampage — as do you.
And far be it for me to criticize your performance as Granby Fire Chief. Maybe you are really really good. But do you remember when Roxie needed fire department assistance to get her into the vehicle for medical attention and I remonstrated with you about your performance as city council-man buying the Styron Eyesore? You told me that if I spoke another word that you would take yourself and your firemen and leave Roxie to make her way to medical attention as best I could. Maybe you don’t remember doing this . . . but I sure did.
I of course loving Roxie shut up immediately, even though I was furious that you would put Roxie’s health and life at risk because you could not stand a little criticism as to your elected performance as a City Council-man. I don’t think it was very professional of you to deny medical assistance in getting Roxie to see medical attention and make such a threat in order to get your way. But then again, I’ve accused you of being a weak, corrupt and foolish man numerous times before and now Roxie is beyond blackmail over her health given that she is dead.
So yes, Tim Murphy, I think that you need to become a real man instead of the corrupt Granby City Council-Criminal’s fire-feeb and T-Rampageifer Gamble’s bitch, which Kevin Johnson and David Stansberry refused to be, which is why they are no longer Granby Fire Chief. Kevin Johnson due to his ability has landed on his feet and now is Fire Chief over the Midway Fire District.
Yes, Tim Murphy, you have been a disappointment to myself. I don’t think that you are vicious as are T-Rampage Gamble, Crooked Ira Hawkins, Senile Heifer Joyce Mann, Assley Edgemon or Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett who [mis]served on the Granby City Council. BUT EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU VOTED 4-0 WITH THE REST OF THE GRANBY CITY COUNCIL-CRIMINALS.
You may think I’ve been unfair in my criticisms. Imagine what you will have to say when on Judgment Day you are separated into the “goat” status and judged according to your works and must explain how you not only didn’t help the poor of Granby but did oppress them with self-serving rules mandating that they couldn’t help themselves and their children or parents living in the only housing they could afford because an evil rat-bastard scumbag pharisee like Barry Flint out to turn Granby into “Flintville” wanted to charge them more in rent per year in his shitty trailer-park than it would cost them to buy a shitty second-hand trailer at Route 59 Trailer Sales and move it on into their own private property. You have not only not helped the poor, but in your “oafishul capacity’ as a Granby City Council-Criminal you have worked to fuck them over. A Lake of Fire awaits you and the rest of these vicious idiot baal-priests, according to the Criteria of Jesus Christ, who will have you placed there when you are judged according to your works. Cf, Matthew Chapter 25 & Revelations Chapter 20.
I hope you profit from this ass-chewing, Tim Murphy, and change your way and be saved. If not, then keep on doing what you are doing and pay for it in part with deserved oboloquoy.
Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Duly Elected Granby South Ward City Councilman
T-Rampageifer Gamble Throws a Tantrum, Gits a Gumball, Sugar-Tit & Itz Way on the TIF Street Lights
I can’t have Box-Wine Wedgie Tard arrested and shit, so I must throw a tantrum and cow the rest of the TIF tards into shelving the street light deal promised back then
Here is the footage of the Monday, Oct. 5, 2020 TIF Meating wherein I got my stuff done then threw a tantrum about the deal with the street lights, accused that mean bitch Box-Wine Wedgie Tard who voted against me being the Chairman of the TIF Bored of wanting to becum Meyer of Granby, acted like I was gonna have a heart attack, got a gumball from the skrule bored member (just a sugar tit, not a mamzeress mammary) and delayed indefinitely bids on historic street lights as promised when the Granby Inbred Tards voted in the TIF back in 1998.
When you are a drunken mean petty asshole who don’t give a shit for the Businesses and People of Granby but can’t use the corrupt Granby Piglice to arrest your opposition or stifle dissent, you have to dominate the Granby fuktards who were appointed to steal Granby blind. Unlike the “New Granby Police Station Scam” the only ones who care for the street lights are Sharon Jackson and Jaimie Arnall. I can’t get kickbacks from the Styrons like I did for buying the Styron Eyesore while promising a new police station for those stupid lights. So time to send Sharon packing and refuse to “pander to the pub[l]ic”, especially when the only pub[l]ic around is Martin Lindstedt and his ex-son-in-law living east of Pineville anyways.
Why, I sackrificed for the Inbred Tards of Granby. Muh mechanics business was destroyed like Fat Lawna & the Lustfool Meercat’s feed store because I served as Meyer before I was forced to resign. It had nothing to do with the fact that I’m a piss-pore businessman and drunken abusive asshole who makes sure that there is absolutely no repeat business. Couldn’t have anything to do with that !!!
It is so nice to be Head Tard, to drink 12-packs of Milwaukee’s Worst, and to discreetly go ass-to-mouth with muh media — Chadifer Sexton Meercat #3 Heyworth(less) — and to make that rival bitch Box-Wine Wedgie Tard fume while I lick her ass, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!
Editard’s Note: T-Rampage is NOT on the record as saying anything of the above. However, this buffoon did put on quite a show, buffaloed the TIF Tards who should have told T-Rampage to eat shit and demanded T-Rampage’s threatened resignation, and proceeded to at least move that the street lights would be purchased sometime as opposed to never while T-Rampage is chairman appointed by Crooked Ira Hawkins. The fact of the matter is that Reggie Bard was right. Historic street lights were promised and they should be delivered.
Uncensored & Uncut Video Footage of 5 Oct. 2020 TIF Board Meeting
Letter to the Editard — Newton County Fake-Douche of Sept 27, 2016
Me & Chadifer Sexton-Meercat #3 Heyworth(less) have different viewpoints regarding the High Orefice of the Granby City Collector to keep an eye on T-Rampage Gamble
Both the Editor of this newspaper and myself attend Granby City Council Meetings. We come up with different impressions.
Mayor Travis Gamble forced the resignations of both the City Fire Chief and recently the City Collector. The modius operandi is to put them both under “city ordinance” as independent officials and then when they don’t meet the new demands to make them resign. Their other hobby is to change the municipal ordinances to meet their agenda to enrich favored insiders, but this hobby has been engaged in since forever.
So once the City Collector didn’t have to only collect taxes but to launder the proceeds as well, she resigned. So not having an elected money launderess and having Newton County collect the taxes for $4000 means saving $25,800 salary? No, not necessarily because you still must pay the new unelected money launderesses doing the will of the Mayor.
So now we are going to have an election in November to [s]elect whether to [s]elect a new City Collector which the Mayor can also force to resign. Isn’t Dem[on]ocracy wonderful?
Another trick is to commission “studies” which prove the desired result. The recent gas survey “proved” that gas rates would have to increase. Given that Travis Gamble insists that money swapped around in various accounts now not only had to be paid from his term as mayor but from the past 30 years under different Granby mayors as well, we all knew that the payback would cum from two sources: a) Uranus b) your pocket. The gas survey said “your pocket.”
Travis Gamble says that it is your “moral duty” to pay not only for his decisions, but for previous administrations. Not your legal duty as only the state has standing to prosecute. Why, you need to be punished for electing these idiots.
For once I agree. You will and you are. (311 words)