I suppose Granby could use a small boutique thrift store run by gliberal middle-aged strong empowered wymyn that smell good slightly more than a Gayporium selling used rubber-goods for the weekend for the Granby Inbred-swingers market, a used adult book store and a gay bath-house but NOT if Barry Flint or Pfat Jackass Kelly or Crooked Evil Awful Ira Hawkins or any moar of the Granby City Council-Criminals have anything to do with it.
For those who don’t live in Granby who are just driving along on U.S. Route 60 and looking at the few remaining buildings back from around the early 1900s but with gaps, the people who are behind today’s salebrayshun are mainly the ones who have done the most to destroy these old buildings and to impoverish Granby’s people and the big buildings that their vigorous ancestors built five generations ago that only a few, like Jamie Arnall and the Tanners, Farmers and Burnetts even wish to maintain intact. Most of the Granby Inbreds are resigned to having their town go further down the crapper — indeed they can’t even maintain the water and sewer infrastructure — because they keep on electing the very sorts of criminals and degenerates on the thieving Granby City Council who will steal everything they can to coonvert it to theys’ own uses. Granby City corruption and degeneracy is legendary in this area and they have set up an animal Granby Piglice Department which is run less honestly than Saddam Hussein ran his Republican Guard. Thievery and corruption and sometimes rape even of children is carried out and condoned, but that is a different part of this blog which intends to detail today’s events.

You’ll likely be fine as long as you keep your wallet on a chain.
First of all, another Granby Heritage Building, the Old Boy Scout Building, was given to Barry Flint to run with a figurehead female as a “Boutique Thrift Store.” She is a very nice, obviously rich female who runs another boutique store further down the road which has items that a rogue male like myself feels totally alien in. When I did go in I was suffocated in the stench of perfume and of estrogen from four women and so I left quickly promising to return — but unlike McArthur — someday, but not soon. I much prefer the smell of a feed store or tractor dealership and the rough company there.
Which is why I have chided her for being used by Barry Flint as a catspaw. Barry Flint used to be mayor of Granby back in 1987 to 1989 and Barry brought in a cheap new sewer to Granby paid for by 95% state and federal ZOGbux because Granby was the largest municipality in Missouri without a sewer system and since the Inbreds didn’t want to pay for one the State of Missouri gave them one cheap with the experimental treatment of Ultraviolet light which failed within 20 years long after it was not fully paid for with 40-year bonds.
Barry Flint likes to pretend to be a man of God which makes it easier for him to be a rabid thieving scumbag. Immediately Barry raised the water and sewer rates, which was to be expected, but wanting to set up a trailer park for the poor and young to live in for $300-$400 per month, Barry figured out that these poor people starting out would prefer to simply buy a cheap used single-wide for a few thousand, pay $500 to move it in and set it up, and then after a year they would have a crappy starter home to live in for around $1000-5000 as opposed to paying Barry Flint that much for just one year and have nothing to show for it. As was the custom, some of these young people would fix it up or add to it or replace it as they got older and so Granby would slowly grow with herds of whigger & anglo-mestizo Granby Inbreds.
So Barry and a few others of the Granby Shitty Council-Criminals decided to pass new [f]laws but how to enfarce these sundry [f]laws? The Newton County Sheriff — not even Ron Doerge selling delicious nutricious avaricious doerge-dope / meth — wanted to dick with running inbreds and theys’ spawn out of Granby as itz bad for bizness. And fat old Dewey Beaver who would write ONE $300 ticket per year wanted no part of Build-Back-Barry-Better of the District of Flintville. So the most thieving and vicious of the thieving Inbreds (especially JoAnn Lamp and Joyce Mann) plotted to bring about a Granby Piglice State a all and so here cum-cum, cum-cums the most degenerate and thieving Piglice Farce ever. The Granby Police Department and its rent-a-lawyer from the dregs of the legal profession.
And the rest is history which will be covered further in this blog. Anyways . . .
Now Barry Flint shows up to Granby City Council most of the time like a hungry hound fed cut-off scraps from the operating table, which is even worse than Bismarck’s observation about watching polyticks is like watching sausage being made. Because Soylent Granby is made out of Inbreds.
But Barry Flint is no absentee landlord but keeps on maintaining the thieving. Barry was present at the Street-Walking Main Street Event for “Boutique Bizness.”

Now this Old Boy Scout Building is another old Heritage Building and the only reason it is in good shape is because until recently the City of Granby didn’t own it. Instead one of the Granby “Bad Ol’ Boys” coonvinced the Methodist Church to sign it over to Granby within the past eight years or so. Otherwise it would be in the same shape as Granby City Hall or rather Barry Flint’s someday New Old Hardware Building.
So what happened to the Boy Scouts? Well they’ve gone woke and got broke[backed]. Some of them followed Ashley Edgmon the Baal-Priest of the First Synagogue of Satan & the Pied-Piper of Allieger-Martin who led them all into fiscal drowning in the unnecessary storm-water sewer plant and the rest got [de]merit badges in sodomy and civic corruption upon joining the baal-priesthood as altar-tards.
But now let’s cover a particularly evil and worthless piece of shit who has worked overtime in destroying the Granby Heritage Buildings — and for the children too! Regrettably it has lived on for another year but one can only hope that the FrankenFauchi Flu will carry away this thieving Granby City Council-Criminal like it did for JoAnn Lamp, Joyce Mann and possibly Mild Swill Cooper.
This member in good standing with the local Granby Piglice State in fact was trying to make Jamie Arnall destroy her old hardware building until Jamie gave up and deeded it over to Barry Flint’s F-GG BBBBBBB. This senile thieving old piece of shit even pressured unceasingly this older couple to tear down their old three-story concrete building that was crumbling at their own expense in early December. Meanwhile there is a long-crumbling church downtown next to the convenience store which has been in decay for the past 20 years but because it has been bought by beaners for $4000, neither Pfat Jackass Kelly, Baal Shittrell, Gomer-Goober Cattrell nor especially Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ira Hawkins will do anything about it because while they will cheerfully bulldoze down my properties or prevent poor whites from putting up a single-wide to raise their young in, these anti-white racists will worship the most dirty Squatemelan or rapefugee Somalian. In fact, Pfat Jackass Kelly should wear while campaigning for a second term a t-shirt with “I cum-cum, cum-cum 2 Granby for the niggers !!!”