For the past 13 years since 7 Feb 2010 Pastor Lindstedt has been doing a Talksjew Podcast at least once a week whenever not censored. Now weekends Pastor Lindstedt does a “The Dying ZOG” with Fatkike who is a wizard of Talksjew and makes his own secret archive once or twice a week.
But The Dying ZOG on the Fatkike Talksjew Channel involves current events while ZOG/Babylon is dying, is falling, has fallen and can’t get up.
After the first few minutes of kvetching by Fatkike the nearly full video memory is activated with having to charge up the cell-phone. This is Part 1.
First up is a lament about how even at the Granby Council-Critter level the new mayor is going to do the same shit as the old mayor Crooked Ira, but full speed ahead with the stupid shit like digging in another storm-water sewage lagoon for treatment of rainwater for $4.4 million which was a dead letter under Crooked Ira Hawkins. Jamie Arnall-Conway wants to go fool speed ahead and jump the tracks and over a cliff because the Crooked Ira [mal]administration signed an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources back in 2015 and now that all of them are gone Granby just needs to be saddled with theys’ corrupt stupidity, because . . . Crooked Ira was stupid and lazy. Jamie is foolish and energetic, thus stupid shit will be done quick. Put jewr trust not in princes — or council-critters.
Went to Neosho earlier Friday. Bought the Aryan Nations its first wood-chipper. So send ZOGbux.
Robert Bowers earned eligibility for the death penalty. Bowers is an Aryan Christian Israelite POW.
Bryan Reo/Ol’ Niggerlips the Mamzer from Mentor is trying to overturn the 6th Circuit Kort of Appeals 8 Dec. 2022 decision by bitching up a ton of Motions to Magistrate Thomas Parker of the Northern District of Ohio federal district kort. So how well will a White Supremacist do against a nigger-jew mamzer faggot ZOGbot in a ZOG kort. Probably none too well but I’ll keep on fighting. Today I mailed off another mailing to the Northern Ohio federal district court. Since tonight is the evening of 30 June thus the end of the quarter I’ll look things up on PACER.
Read a letter from Attorney Robert Konrad about taking another rental payment from myself and giving it to Bryan Reo.
The jewkrainians are losing to the Russians but to make a new Khazaristani homeland is worth it to jews who will fight to the very last jewkrainian.
Bryan Reo is still after me and wants to risk chernobyling the North Perry Nuclear Power Plant by yet another bogus civil-lawfare lawsuit out of Lake County. I got two certified letters to pick up someday.
Pighook the Mother-killer wants to call in and bother me about hiring a lawyer. Time to save what I got and plus in the cell-phone.
A 36 minutes of psychotic raving video on Part 1 of this Eppysode of The Dying ZOG.
So have fun playing this on your cumputer or tablet with the earphones or earbuds plugged in because this white supremacist video porn should be shared only with those who think like yourselfs.
Hail Victory !!!
Doctor Pastor Martin Lindstedt MD (Mad Dog)
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
Candidate for ZOG Prez-o-dint or Governor of Missery 2024
For more notes and content go to: