The Inbred Jeds sucking up Sulphur, Sewage, & Lead don’t do Satire

Greg 5G Johnson is disgustipatin’ to fat anglo-mestizess Granby Skankazoids, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!
Here is the latest offending post in relation to the Verizon Slowdown in this area:
I sure hope that this doesn’t interfere with me posting my One Post of the Day as I wanted to post about the Cemetery Board Meeting last night but here goes:
Verizon not only hasn’t been working the past three daze, but it is also likely the Cause of an Unfortunate Transporter Accident with the other Greg 5G Johnson out of Sans Fagscrisco to where I now have an irresistable impulse to join the GGBBBBBB (Greater Granby Build Back Better Boutique Bizness Bureau) to put up a used adult bookstore & Gayporium to sell Rubber Goods for the Weekend & Gay Bath-House where Mayor Ira Hawkins’ Toxic Waste Dump currently squats across from Granby City Hall & when it rains creates a mudslide onto Wayne Brooks Tattoo Parlor Shop & am currently up to close to Three Percent and a $3 ZOGbux bill less Homophobick.
I have a Verizon cell phone which I use as a hotspot given that since Sept. 11, 2001 I have been banned from using the Internet on Stouffer Communications working in tandem with the Granby City Hall and Bryan Reo and ZOG. Whenever I need to use broadband I go parking at JJs or at Walmart. But the cell phone hotspot is by far the cheapest and most coonvenient.
For the past three daze I’ve had a problem with my Verizon cell-phone hotspot. I especially needed it when I got a letter from Senior federal Judge Chris Boyko in Bryan Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 1:19-cv-02589-CAB informing me of his final judgment (Doc. 123). So I had to get on PACER to download Docs #117-123 informing me that Judge Boyko without benefit of a jury trial assessed me a $750,000 judgment violative of not only the First Amendment but the 7th Amendment of a jury trial and 8th Amendment no excessive fines or judgments clauses. Luckily three of those judgments were a free download so it only cost me three dollars to download and I’ll appeal again to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals where it will join the other two and the pending U.S. Supreme Court docket 21-6219.
Isn’t it nice to know that the federal courts around Cleveland are even more corrupt by degree than the Newton County and Granby korts? They do corruption bigger in Cleveland Ohio and Lake County Ohio.
But it took me the better part of two hours to download off of PACER (Pub[l]ic Access to Court Electronic Records) the early morning hours of the 8th of December after the Day which will live in Idiocy around 50 pages of court documents. But this Verizon slowdown is nothing cum-cum-pared to what happened over Verizon in April of this year when I was teleported mentally with a left-wing homosexual white supremacist and exchanged, THANKFULLY no precious bodily fluids but consciousness — and I’m sure that it didn’t do him much good either.
To see the rest of this article go to Granby UnCensored: @