The Story of Two Mayor Crooked Iras with Neosho-Envy

Granby has had two Crooked Iras for mayor. One with and the latest one without tits. But each has the notion of “pulling Granby up by its bootstraps” by making the present collection of geezers, chomos, and crackheads {henceforth known as Granby Inbred Tards) pay for a new Greater Flintville and to force the current population with Boomer whiggers. Call it the [Not So] Grate Replacement .

Of course the smarter element no longer has theys’ persons in Granby, much less swilling down sulphur and sewage water but rather are simply keeping theys’ properties to sell to ZOGling whigger fleeing the Blue Hive before Collapse as refugees and so we see no virtue or point in putting new roofs or remodeling the old buildings with stone walls which can be fixed later if someone just has to move in.

In 2013 the original Crooked Ira Hawkins, then just a south ward Granby shitty council-critter caught me in the frozen foods aisle on the Granby Rameys store and proceeded to tell me about his schemes to rebuild Granby. It involved building a strip mall from the Rameys and Dollar General west and attracting the funds to build that water and sewer infrastructure by making the Granby Inbred Tards pay for it. I told Crooked Ira that strip malls were so 1960ish and that in Springfield they were trying to legislate them out. Why bring what already failed eyesores like these shitty strip malls to Granby? If a tire shop or garage wants to buy Rt 60 acreage and build a metal building then let them do it on they’s own dime. No sense to tax the inbreds and put it under a municipal roof. Crooked Ira said, “Sounds like everything I am for you are against.” I said that those who seek profit should bear the costs, so yes, I’m against your schemes. Since then I am wary of “Christian Scumbag” schemes of greedy fascist fools like Ben Baker, Allen Cook, T-Rampageifer Gamble, Crooked Ira Hawkins, Ashley Egemon, Fattt Lawna Price, Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett, and all the council-criminals appointed or [s]elected since.

If you want to start a business in Granby, then fine. But don’t expect me or Granby Inbred Tards to have to pay for it. You get idiot Granby Tards to vote for theys’ fucking then be it a Tax Incremental Funding, or a ‘new’ water system and going after old buildings which are simply decaying in an attempt to create a “stealth Home Owners ASSociation” or zoning then you can not only count me out but to plot revolt against your little fascist self-serving commune, you thieving idiot petty pinko communists.

Baal=priest Crooked Ira Hawkins figured out YHWH didn’t like his thieving ways whenl his fat daughter died from a clot shot in Sept. 2021 Well Crooked Ira learned that YHWH didn’t like his oppression of the Granby Inbred Tards by striking his fat daughter dead of complications of the clot shot in Sept. 2021. Crooked Ira was like an animal struck on the snout to where it backs off and the stornwater sewer scam of $3.2 million wqs dead on the table. But here cum-cum cum-cum the whiggress KumKumallah to take it off the table and to resurrect this scheme yet again.

By the way, former municipal judge Steve White gave Mayor Crooked-ira-with-tits the scheme to coonfiscate my old houses so she is working to “move forward” like a shitting dog to do so. Soon after, Steve White who already announced that after 30 years of squeezing the white trash under color of [f]law wasn’t going to run for another term for muniipal judge in December. So while mowing some grass to show that he was going to be on the cover of “Better ZOGling Boomer-whigger Homes and Gardens {Neosho Edition}” but like in a Steven King novel he got too close to a culvert edge and the riding lawnmower killed him like a dead rat in a trap. Pore Steve died an idiotic death (Jeremiah Chapter 16) which might be “The Curse of Mad Dog” i.e. go to hell you silly bastard for running a crooked municipal ca$h-register kort to where ordinary Granby shitizens can’t reside in theys’ own shitty/hovels in piss/peace and you had to stir up the thieving fascist inclinations for private profit in a silly & satanic herd of Granby Gaderinian council-critter swine. The evil men do lives on while what little good they might have is oft interred with they’s bones.

My final verdict( and hopefully that of YHWH): Fuck off Steve and go to Hell. Having a Granby Shitty anything winds up as a disaster for Granby Inbred Tards. Let the thieving and vicious Granby Piglice Department simply go back to Newton County which already collects taxes and is under State Law as opposed to jewr self-serving municipal ordinances which you thieving swine don’t obey anyways when incoonvenient. Granby needs to be disincorporated before there is too much debt unable to be paid for. No power to loot then you shitty council-criminals will runnt-offt like you were going to do anyways, but before you can finish off Granby

These thieving idiots simply want to enrich theysselfs are the expense of the common Granby Inbred Tard herd. They do not want to allow ordinary voters to enjoy or profit from their old properties but rather through inside actions to profit from the forced sales to outsiders. In short neither the old Crooked Evil Awful Awful Crooked Ira Hawkins nor the current Crooked Ira-with-tits Jamie Conway was anything other than a self-serving corrupt hypocrite not giving a shit for the old Granby Heritage Buildings nor the dead generation from the 1900s to 1920s who built them. The fact that their buildings are oer a hundred years old and like anything that old no longer in pristine shape doesn’t matter in the least to these corrupt idiots, but then again they never learned any respect for the principles of private property. Granby Inbred Tartds voted some of them into office and then they appointed thieving degenerates like them to play god upon the populace.

Can anyone reading this start to understand the only way to make them behave is to force these regime criminals to eat theys’ spawns’ nuts? This is why democracy leads to plutocracy in which regime criminals seek to enrich theysselfs at the expense of the common good or rule of law and ends in civil warfare of each against all until the most cunning and ruthless of the warlords makes himself king and then establishes a dynasty?

Originally posted at Granby UnCensored Fqcebook Group