The Granby Christian Scumbag Faction will voat in more [d]rules.

At the next Granby Council-Critter Meating on 9 August our council-critters will be voating to sneak in back-door zoning by telling people that they cannot live in their own building on the ground floor and no putting up a family residence atop Mayor Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins’ Toxic Waste Dump across from City Hall.

Of course back in March 2021 Crooked Ira, Senile Heifer Joyce Mann, Pig-smells-Wolf JoAnn Lamp and one of Crooked Ira’s baal-priests Charlie Clown was voting to let Barry Flint to move in five more trailers into his trailer park — and last month disallowing the Allen brothers from bringing in 13 to theirs — and in April 2021 Pfat Jackass Kelly and JoAnn Lamp was voting to try to tear down Jamie’s old hardware store. So these idiots until and unless God strikes theys dead using the ZOGvirus or the voters get tired of theys crap have a long and sordid history of destroying Granby’s History. Urban renewal not so much.

So Jamie gave her old building — which could have been renovated to form apartments behind the brick facade — to Barry Flint’s Flintville-Greater Granby Build Back Barry Better Boutique Bizness Burreau (hereafter the F-GG BB(B)BBBB). The two old buildings next door have two cars parked. The bank building isn’t likely to have renters nor is the Miner’s Museaum, the Fire Department, City Hall, the F-GG BB(B)BBBB Thrift Store or the piggery. Nor on the other side of the street is the Paki-trip, JJ’s, Crooked Ira’s Synagogue of Satan Charities, Wayne’s World Tattoo Parlor, Crooked Ira’s Toxic Waste Dump is not to be $42,000 richer with ZOGvirus fundings bringing in six trailers to sell F-GG BB(B)BBBB trinkets, then Veteran’s Park, then what used to be the Styrons, and then Bill-the-Buttlicker Barretts until he got his pelf from Allieger Martin and r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Carthage.

Looks like there is no valid reason to pass such nonsense unless they are scared that Wayne will set up a flophouse in his tattoo parlor. If Crooked Ira Hawkins finds his new laws incoonvenient he can have the rest of the Granby Christian Scumbag Faction council-critters pass an extra special variance for him like they did for Senile Heifer Joyce Mann in May 2017.

Lets see. Granby incorporated in 1845. Now is 2022. 177 years of council-critters and not until now was any such ordinance necessary. What next? No more clamps on one of Granby decaying water pipes than 50 per 10 ft. section since Richard Eustzler told Jim Channel he could put in one per dozen foot section back in 2014?

These criminal idiots went a scam too far with the Allieger-Martin Stormwater Sewer Scam of 2019. Next up, vote in a $10 million drinking water system so that Granby Inbreds can slurp up Sewage & Sulphur with a new straw — which will fall into decay just like the current one.

This past primary [s]election I was asking the Republican candidates about what were they going to do about Granby corruption and the inevitable decay. A few answered. And the Granby Christian Scumbag Faction didn’t grow too much.

But the best thing which could happen to the People of Granby is having the Granby municipal charter pulled, the Granby municipal police department let go, and the water, sewer, and gas utilities sold to a private company under public utility laws and have them do the work that isn’t being done now.

Then the Granby Christian Scumbag Faction could go back to theys’ Synagogues of Satan and pass ecclesiastical edicts against the inbred skanks, skankmongers, crackheads and hand out to the Boy Scouts merit badges in Sodomy & Civic Corruption and leave the rest of us benighted people not bothering to mow our lawns, living in hovels & single-wides, in peace to leave off polishing the civic turd known throughout the four-state area as “Granby”.

Granby used to be such a relaxed place to live before these native thieving inbreds, especially the Christian Scumbag Faction and the Blue-State Refugee Locusts turned the place into Gomorrah.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin “Mad Dog” Lindstedt, CJCC/AN, M.D.

Lawful Granby South Ward City Council-Critter 2020-22

Write In Candidate for US Senate