Meyer Crooked Ira Hawkins decides to let Jim Channel goof Off Some More

Its cutting into the Facebook & Youporn Cell-phone watching so no more shut-off notices for you Granby, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!

A sharp-eyed business owner seen the recent city utilities notice above and decided to post it to Granby Thots & Views.

The thread devolves into sanctimonious shitheads virtue-signalling about how they always pay their bills but with a minority asking why a change in policy to where they don’t give “final notice” for those about to be shut off if they don’t pay by the first of the next month. Why this change in policy?

Terra Clouse

This is from the Missouri Public Service Commission: Before your service is shut off, your utility company must:

• Send you a notice that you are going to be shut off and
indicate what you will need to do to maintain service.

Different companies have different policies regarding
shutting off service.

• Attempt to contact you in person prior to your shut off.

• Place a hang-tag on your door, or make at least two telephone call attempts, warning you of possible shut off.

• During the winter months (November 1 through March 31), the PSC Cold Weather Rule is in effect and service cannot be disconnected when the temperature is forecasted for the following 24 hours to drop below 32 degrees.


Jim Channel

Terra Clouse the PSC rules are for investment owned companies the rules do not apply to municipality owned companies

Only a municipality as messed up as Granby would hire my worthless ass, much less discontinue the final notice because I wanted more time on Facebook and watching Internet porn.

Crooked Ira decided to let me jack off some more on City time so he discontinued giving final notice to the poorer citizens of Granby.

Jamie Arnall

Patti Miller Farmer, Jim’s comment above was exactly what I was telling you this morning about this concern. He states since the city is a “ municipality” they don’t have to follow the Missouri utility laws …. Makes you wonder why Missouri has these laws and why A municipality would not be required to follow them.

Friday, Sept 24, 2021 @ 8:45pm


Patti Miller Farmer

Jamie Arnall, it seems to me that letting people know before you shut them off is simply the right thing to do. Basically, it’s like they are saying that the law doesn’t specifically apply to our city, so we don’t care enough about our citizens to treat them fairly. Acting a lot like a big city that just doesn’t give a rats ass about people.

Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins & South Ward City Councilman Pat Kelly are Criminals Together

Today on Tuesday Aug 17, 2021 I called the Newton County Prosecutor’s Office and the Newton County Sheriff’s Office in order to press criminal charges against both Pat Kelly and Crooked Ira Hawkins for their crimes against myself. And possibly against Granby police Chief Jacob Kelly.

You see Pat Kelly gets the notion that as a supporter of the corrupt bunch of Granby Council-Criminals infesting Granby the past six years since the advent of the T-Rampage Gamble [Mal]Administration that these Granby regime criminals get to loot Granby and that Pat Kelly is one of them.

On Aug. 10, 2021 at 5:45 pm 15 minutes before the Granby City Council Meeting was a scheduled open public meeting in which the Granby public subject to property taxes could speak freely. However for the past three years Pastor Lindstedt has been harassed by Granby Police Department from getting to speak simply because Granby Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins doesn’t want to be criticised for his activities as Granby Mayor. In all of these “open public meetings” the Granby Police Department is coonscripted as “enforcers” denying political speech critical of the Granby City Council.

Last year there was Ms. Piggy Christina Poitras who called Jim Channel up to hinder Pastor Lindstedt criticizing forcing Pastor Lindstedt and Roxie Fausnaught and Church property located within Granby from being de-annexed. Ms Piggy kept on yapping about how she wanted to “talk outside” about something while the public hearing was going on. Pastor Lindstedt said that he wasn’t interested in talking about Granby property tax levy with Ms. Piggy — who was later fired because of the Wedgie Tard / Ms. Piggy Thanksgiving Coup of 2020.

When Jim Channel cum up upon being summoned by Ms. Piggy and Crooked Ira Hawkins, Pastor Lindstedt asked Jim Channel “Short sleeves or long?” When asked what that meant Pastor Lindstedt said it was a choice as to whether having Jim Channel and the entire Channel criminal cornholing fambly having their hands removed at the wrist or above the elbow. Pastor Lindstedt preferred above the elbows, but was willing to leave more of a choice than the Channel fambly and the Granby Piglice Department was giving.

Jim Channel, being a hulking snivelling coward said that he had no intention of assaulting Pastor Lindstedt. “In which case if you have no intention of assault in order to shut me up you might as well sit down then.” Channel sat down and thus Ms. Piggy was reduced to yapping about how she had something important to discuss outside with myself.

Pastor Lindstedt allowed this Shannon Swope woman to discuss planting some trees and she sat down when told that the regular meeting wasn’t up. Then Pastor Lindstedt wanted to resume criticism of the Granby Shitty Council and Ms. Piggy was doing Stupid Piglice Shit until the time struck 6 pm and Crooked Ira Hawkins could close the “open public meeting” farce and start the regular meeting.

Time after time starting with T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins these council-criminals have destroyed the basis of their mis-rule by threatening to arrest citizens and taxpayers by means of using their police forces to destroy or evaporate dissent. This was particularly during the Allieger-Martin stormwater sewer scam in 2020 and 2021, when Eugene Spears and Susan Bascomb demanded that Pastor Lindstedt be refused to participate in the public meeting enforced by Jacob Kelly acting as a policeman over dissent.

What is relevant is that the “good shitizens of Granby” have gone along with this. Danny and Sally Bush. Steve Burnett. At the latest tax-levy public hearing on 5:45 to 6:00 pm on Tuesday 10 August 2021. What is with this civic nationalist crap about “land of the free and home of the brave” and worshipping a flag fetish and pledging allegiance to a corrupt form of government of hypocrisy promising freedumb while delivering tyranny and oppression.

So having a present federal lawsuit I simply assurred Granby Police Chief Kelly that all this was doing was to justify future federal litigation and I had no intension of being arrested that night.

Neither Crooked Ira Hawkins nor Baal Shittrell / Bill Kittrel and certainly not Pat Kelly have any respect for rule of law nor free speech criticizing themselves for their miscoonduct while in office. And Granby Police Chief Jacob Kelley is merely a pig whose function isn’t to protect or serve the average Granby citizen but rather those who let him be a pig and pay his paycheck. The Granby Shitty Council is who is “protected and served” no different than the police farces of any criminal regime regardless of which form of government they oppress the People.

So is it any wonder that a senile old power-mad feeb such as Pat Kelly who is firmly in the fold along with Baal Shittrell / Bill Kittrell and with a massive hatred of the Hopper family, especially Jamie Arnall and having just found out that dissent can be denied or delayed through the threat of state-sanctioned terrorism by the police forces who have always historically been used for that purpose that Pat Kelly would of course make a threat to assault or harm any dissenter given that “his” police forces would protect him from the consequences of the tyranny?

So Pastor Lindstedt simply sat back and waited an opportunity to get in some more licks.

This crumbling retaining wall built around the Granby High School circa 1900 hasn’t been maintained for over 50 years after the Granby High School was supplanted by East Newton School District, then the High School was demolished and the old gymnasium suffered from “jew lightning” and the grounds sold to Granby House Nursing Home. The inner wall was of Granby chat which is the glass-like tailings left over from the lead and zinc mines surrounded by worked concrete. As the concrete got water in it parts of the 120 year old wall flaked away the outer concrete shell and exposed the crumbling Granby chat concrete. The end result is an ugly looking ruin which having retained the soil for the past 120 years is still structurally sound even in places where the wall has crumbled away.

A dozen years ago the Granby City Council of the day decided to force Granby House with an unfunded mandate to fix “their wall” even though given that the easement on all Granby streets is 60 feet and thus the wall is actually Granby City property for them to fix up. The nursing home told the then Granby City Council to go pound sand up theys’ bungholes and the Granby City Council let the matter drop.

So these thieving retards on the Granby City Council thinking that whatever they want by decree they get proceeded to argue the hypothetical unfunded mandate they would impose on the nursing home not altogether sure of whom the owner was. Never contemplated was in destroying Granby Heritage other than the pitiful few bricks in an above-ground memorial to Granby High School and the three generations who went to school there when Granby was a working community these idiots schemed and plotted.

So Pastor Lindstedt planned a jape at the stupidest and second-most corrupt Council-Criminal after Crooked Ira Hawkins namely Pat Kelly. Pat Kelly has already barged into Jamie Arnall’s quilt shop and threatened to assault her brother Jeromy Hopper last year over what was allowed to be posted on Granby Thots and Views by myself. But in order to punish Jamie Arnall for daring to run and win the North Ward Council Seat against Senile Heifer Joyce Mann Crooked Ira, JoAnn Lamp along with Crooked Ira decided to allot $3500 for a “safety inspection” of Jamie Arnall’s old brick hardware store 120 years old which has a decayed roof. This vindictive foolishness was carried out in the name of safety even though there is another old building whose north wall has collapsed and an old church with asbestos in it owned by Mexicans. Jamie Arnall’s building passed structural inspection and $3500 of Granby tax dollars wasted due to Granby City Council-Criminal viciousness.

Pastor Lindstedt decided to make a jape especially at Pat Kelly. “Why not for safety coonsiderations pay a structural engineer $3500 to determine the safety of an old structure even if the ownership is in dispute?’

Pat Kelly decided to tell an old lie meant to discredit and demean his smarter opponents. Then ensued an idiotic story in which Pat Kelly killed through his own stupidity the very best and smartest of the Kelly jackasses. At the end of the story — wait for it — the jackass would get its revenge on Pat Kelly.

When asked if the other Kelly jackass was a thief, a liar and a waster of tax dollars Pat Kelly snarled for Pastor Lindstedt to shut up while Crooked Ira Hawkins tried to stifle dissent.

Then this fat old feeb did what he did to Jeromy Hopper and threatened to assault Pastor Lindstedt. Just as Jay Jeter did back in July 1994 to assault Pastor Lindstedt and when Pastor Lindstedt hit back and was arrested by the new Granby Police Department the same things ensue. Council-Criminals and Granby Piglice assault dissenting citizens and the Newton County Prosecutors and Judges like GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel dismiss the assault charges and the “riot charges” by the Newton County Prosecutor Scott Watson.

Pastor Lindstedt was racked up by tendonitis in his left hip and thus carrying Roxie Fausnaught’s driftwood cane. I offered to hit a “home run” on Pat Kelly’s head. A pity because I didn’t want to get blood or brains on Roxie’s driftwood cane unless absolutely necessary much less shatter the best souvenir of Roxie. Not that there was anything to worry about because the Granby piglice were not going to let Pat Kelly do something stupid and get his head caved in. They called in the other Granby policeman and he took up station by my side.

Item #6 was about Jim Channel no longer wanting to get $400 of the $500 for opening up graves and the Granby Cemetery owned by the City getting a measly $100 of it. So Jim Channel working on Granby City time with Granby City equipment is against opening it up for bids but rather wants to get a kickback from Craig Hopper’s surviving spawn and is against bids. This item is another item of Granby City corruption.

So I was eased out of Granby City Hall and Pat Kelly kept away.

Jeromy Hopper heard about this matter and wanted a not subtitled copy of the incident. Jeromy unbanned Roxie Fausnaught’s nephew’s account and I provided a copy without subtitles which has gotten nearly 1000 views in 3 days as opposed to the subtitled one which the outsiders prefer because it gives them understanding.

So now there is a hue and cry to force Pat Kelly to resign. And so Kelly should. After all, I won the seat held by Pat Kelly that the Granby City Council refused to let me take.

But the real culprits are Crooked Ira Hawkins and Granby Police Chief Jacob Kelly. After all if Crooked Ira and Chief Kelly couldn’t shut down criticism in what is supposed to be a public meeting by threatening false arrest and imprisonment then even a senile corrupt doddard like Pat Kelly probably wouldn’t think he was all cute for threatening to assault a citizen who likewise ridiculed him now would he? Crooked Ira Hawkins as mayor and Jacob Kelly threaten to arrest Pastor Lindstedt saying that he would just as soon remove his real property from taxation by the City of Granby what is the difference, if any, between a false imprisonment carried out under color of law and an assault likewise protected under color of “law.”

I talked to some people at the Hope Kitchen soup kitchen in Neosho. They had the misfortune of working under Crooked Ira where Crooked Ira is in charge and one of them said that “Crooked Ira is the biggest hypocrite in the world.” Similar sentiments are voiced by the owner of the tattoo shop whose property is flooded by next door “Crooked Ira’s Toxic Waste Dump” which Crooked Ira uses City Employees to clean up every so often.

Yes, Pat Kelly should be charged with assault and forced to resign. But so should the rest of the Granby City Hall such as Crooked Ira Hawkins and Granby Police Chief Kelly, Baal Shittrell / Bill Kittrell, Lawna Price and Jim Channel.

But worst of all, Granby is really nothing but a decaying corpse in that for years the Granby City Council and Granby Police Department has been allowed to arrest and terrorize the People of Granby who protest the corruption while they pass municipal ordinances after ordinances which they ignore against their favorites and mercilessly selectively enforce against their enemies and the poor and weak. What is especially damning is that the worst of which pretend to be men of God whilst nothing but ravening Christian scumbags who oppress the poor by denying them the ability to live in single-wide trailers simply because Barry Flint wants to charge $600 per month in his own trailer park.

Granby is NOT Mayberry. Granby is a shithole much closer to Gomorrah. And it is not because of the lower elements of Granby society but of the higher and connected like Crooked Ira Hawkins, Baal Shittrell, Pat Kelly, T-Rampage Gamble, Ashley Edgemon who are run by Barry Flint and the Styrons.

However, the salvation of Granby is like Purcell. The Missouri Attorney General should step in as should the State Auditor. An cleansing of the Granby City Council should take place, the Granby Police Department disbanded and the law enforcement returned to Newton County who will only enforce state law and not municipal ordinances, the water and sewer sold to Missouri American Water Company, an above-ground surface water reservoir impounded, and the gas system sold and a franchise fee imposed to pay for an unincorporated municipality and Granby restored to what it was like pre-1994.

This can be done but first the main cause of Granby’s decay and decline swept away and that is the Granby City Council and City of Granby employees who cannot book-keep, cannot do the billing, cannot stop wasting and stealing the taxes, and cannot fairly and impartially protect and serve the People of Granby.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 27 July 2021

Proposed Agenda July 27, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted July 23, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, July 13th 2021


1) Rheaonna Green — Business License Request

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Resolution re:monthly meeting

3) Discussion re: Automatic Meter Readings

4) Engineers report

5) Discussion re: zoning and building codes

6) Discussion re: decorative lights

7) Designate a check signor

The Vote Which Failed 11 May 2021 Granby City Council Meeting

Mayor Ira Hawkins and South Ward City Councilmen Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp decide through a pretext of “safety” to vote using Granby city taxpayer funds to generate a bogus structural report to punish North Ward Councilwoman Jaimie Arnall to justify wasting another $200,000 in taxpayer money to destroy her old brick hardware building while ignoring a decrepit old church and building whose owners don’t mind having their properties demolished.

Jaimie Arnall wants to fix the old building, put in a new roof and use it for her array of businesses while restoring a 120-year old Granby Heritage building.

After much wrangling it comes to a vote. Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp vote to destroy the old building. Bill Kittrell not seeing the point of pointlessly destroying an old building on the North Ward given that his collegue on the North Ward wants to fix it up and so he votes “no”. Jaimie Arnall is unlawfully not allowed to vote against destroying her old building but is forced to abstain.

The editor of the Newton County Fake-News points out that with a vote of 2-2 or 2-1-1 that since a majority of the vote wasn’t reached that the Motion to hire a structural engineer at Granby city expense fails, and thus the vote is moot. This annoys Ira Hawkins, JoAnn Lamp and especially Pat Kelly while Jaimie Arnall has the good grace not to gloat.

11 minutes 23 seconds videoed 11 May 2021 at Granby City Hall.

A Sign of the Times — [S]Election Day 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri — Sign of the Times — [S]Election Advice for 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri

For the first time in 25 years I did not run for something when able to do so, especially in Granby Missouri.

The reason is because I would prefer to boycott the [s]election given that [s]elections are corrupt farces in which the last thing meant is that the average citizen should choose for a systemic change but rather vote for the shit-sandwich that the powers that be choose for them. That is a reason for political party primaries and [s]election laws is so that having a true democracy and even a representative repub[l]ic can be dispensed with in all actuality while preserving the facade / display of having “the greatest cunt-tree ever” and “The AmurrrriKwan Way of life.”

In reality it simply does not work that way — not that it ever really did. Especially in Granby.

Last year around this time Governatard Mike Parsons — a 105 IQ pig from Polk County raised to the governaturdship by this thieving perverted jewboy [s]elected as governor who got caught running a Republican BDSM Family-Values Navy SEAL rape-dungeon for slutty whiggress hair-dressers so he had to resign — decided to postpone the April 2020 municipal & skrule bored [s]elections until June 2020 because of the rampaging ZOG-virus built in a Chink lab.

Running against me was this thieving baal-priest piece of shit, the incumbent Ashley Edgemon who lived next door to my Aryan Nations compound in the First Synagogue of Satan who worked for Allieger-Martin (and certainly not Jesus Christ) and wanted to share in the $830,000 to build an unnecessary storm-water sewer catchment plant. Certainly nothing to fix the leaky sewer pipes which leach sewage into the aquifer. So knowing that he would r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh from whence he cum he deliberately under pressure from the thieving Granby City Council lead by Crooked Ira Hawkins — the Second Worst Mayor of Granby — filed a whole eleven minutes before the filing period ended as part of a scheme to bypass dem[on]ocracy in favor of the thieving oligarchy that has [d]ruled Granby for decades and with the help of the native population turned Granby into the decaying shithole it is today with sewage & sulphur water to drink from leaking pipes from coontaminated aquifers.

So in return for not expressing my rampant racism on the biggest social media page of Granby Thots & Views and sticking to the campaign pledge to disown the Granby storm-water Allieger-Martin scam in which the Granby City Council-Criminals got a cut I instead agreed to work on fixing the water and sewer pipes, firing the incompetent and dishones Directard of Pub[l]ic Works and stopping the steal.

In the June 2020 municipal [s]election I got 20% of the vote and Ashley Edgemon got 80% and then as arranged all along proceeded to be sworn in, then to resign and then to r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t to Floriduh and then Crooked Ira proceeded to appoint Charlie Clown Brown, yet another thieving baal-priest serving the City Hall and Satan but never the People of Granby.

So isn’t that at odds with the notions of democracy as well as the Revised Statutes of Missouri? Sure it is. But the same thing happened back in 2003 when I came in second for Granby municipal judge and Steve White then got sent to Iraq with his National Guard unit. Neither the State of Missouri or Newton County much less Granby or the FBI or the jewspapers really give a shit when [s]elections go against whom they have bought.

Seventy-Five Million Trumptarded ZOGlings found out the same way when the Pretender Senile Joe & the Nasty Ho Kum-kum-allah “won” the Presidential [S]Election of 2020 that [s]elections are a fraudulent joke.

Anyways, over the past year as city council-criminals r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. be it Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett, or Box-Wine Wedgie Tard coonspiring in the failed Ms. Piggy/Wedgie Tard Thanksgiving Coup of 2020 or whatever, Crooked Ira Hawkins has appointed a series of baal-priest ass-lickers to steal Granby blind, even bringing out Senile Heifer Joyce Mann out of retirement (not retardment though).

After Wedgie Tard was forced out for her failed Thanksgiving Coup then Senile Heifer Joyce Mann was unretarded and put in. Then Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Carthage Missery with his pelf and was replaced by the new Bill-the-Buttlicker Kittrell, or as I call him Baal Shittrell. These thieving retards are placed into office so that the thieving cannot end.

Now Jaimie Arnall decided to run and so did Bobby Brooks, both long-time natives or Granby who love the town and its people. So Crooked Ira forced Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to run against Jaimie Arnall and of course Baal Shittrell wants to keep his position as North Ward Shitty Council-Criminal.

Pat Kelley decided to run unopposed to my South Ward City Council seat and of course JoAnn Lamp who by this time was the only City Council-Criminal who ever got a single vote ran again for re-[s]election.

JoAnn Lamp married Roxie’s older brother Clinton Lamp who was a sharp-businessman. Joann Lamp used to be Granby City Clerk and would use her powers to selectively disobey municipal ordinances for her favorite relatives. A relative of hers described JoAnn Lamp as a “fat greedy stupid evil old bitch with all the money in the world but it is never enough to where she got to get some more at public expense.” That is an apt characterization.

(Both Roxie’s and Clinton Lamp’s mother was best friends with Joann & George Martin’s mother. Joann always was an evil mean greedy bitch but George was the best whoremonger in Granby and would do myself, Pighook and Ralph a favor by breaking up a small herd of skank at The White Spot i n Granby by generously screwing the fattest, ugliest and oldest whores so that those younger & tenderer of us could get the youngest, cutest and tightest of the skanks as we wanted fresh pussy. George certainly cared for those of us wanting fresh whore pussy, reserving the real bad hides for hisself and like Babe Ruth swinging a double-heavy bat did the same with condoms. George was missed. JoAnn Lamp probably never except by the thieving and corrupt Granby City Hall & Itz Denizens.)


So anyways, if you live on the South Ward and are one of the 1000 registered voters then the only thing you should vote for is against raising the property tax levy to expand the Newton County Ambulance District Crooked Ira Hawkins and JoAnn Lamp are without any competition so the last thing you should do is vote for them. Pat Kelley who is running for my seat might be amenable to reason but then again running for my seat so I’m not going to vote for him. I’m not going to vote for Steve White running a municipal cash-register kort which needs to be disbanded. Nor for any other of the skrule bored members or for anything.

Only on the North Ward with 400 voters does it really matter. Vote for Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks who actually care for the People of Granby. NOT Baal Shittrell nor Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was overheard whining that she hoped to lose but ran anyways because Crooked Ira Hawkins and the rest of the Granby City council-criminals forced her to get out of retardment. Of course not voting for Crooked Ira and the rest of the bunch by default.

Voting is a scam and a joke and those who continue to ratify this fraud are collaborators in their own destruction. They should boycott their own dispossession.


Two years ago I received a visit from one of my listeners from Chicago and during our visit like Tiberius Gracchus riding in the hinterland outside Granby I found out more by teaching than I imparted. What was shocking was how decrepit Granby was and how there were no and going to be no Shubart-Mitchell $250,000 minimum McMansions put up in Granby but plenty of them outside Granby in the Newton, Barry and Lawrence County area. So much so that Newton County reminds me of McDonald County in the 1980s and 1990s wherein the Walmart millionares would buy up Sugar Creek properties and put up a rich bungalow and a half-mile you would have the poor McDonald County natives living in single-wides and even some remnant tar-paper chicken-wire & concrete shacks with their children and their chickens running around open-air toxic waste dumps burning off the plastic to get to the copper wire to sell off for meth. Now Granby is much like that in the 2010-2020s.

Fatkike (his alias given him when he listened but disagreed with me on my Internuts podcasts from 2010) was from Chicago and no stranger to civic corruption but even he was amazed at local piglice corruption. Fatkike said that Neosho had the most piglice per capita that he ever seen and I pointed out that a decade ago when the Neosho whiggers & anglo-mestizos refused to raise a 1 cent sales tax, they ended up firing half the piglice and fire-pigs. Now the Newton County ZOGling whigger & anglo-mestizo ass-clown ZOGtards have raised the sales taxes for Newton County Sheriff piglice and Neosho piglice expect them to run even further wild.

However Granby is a byword in corruption. Ever since Barry Flint and the rest of the Granby City council-Criminals have done away with an elected City Marshal in order to do away with poor whiggers able to raise theys’ young in used single-wides so that Barry and coonected council-criminals could profit from they’s made-up municipal ordinances and have an animal Granby Piglice Farce to set up they’s own Turd-Whirrrld Piglice State they have done so since 1987. But the last six years under T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins the rate of corruption and resulting decay of the Granby City infrastructure has increased to well past the point of recovery.

That is why I recently sued the City of Granby and its past and present officials, employees, piglice, etc., along with Newton County and the State of Missouri and the federal ZOG regime for letting this corruption proceed apace.

And that is why medieval justice shall have to be imposed upon ZOGling criminal regimeists by the Ten Thousand Warlords upon the current criminal regimeists like lawyers, judges, politicians, jewrnalists, piglice and their families. They will invariably coonfess through the use of torture then publically crucified and their families enslaved to pay off their debts against the People in order to cement the power of the successor local theocratic military dictatorships.

[S]election time is near — Tuesday April 6, 2021 — and the only choice of voting in on the North Ward. However I think that the majority of Granby Inbreds will vote for more screwing even when the chickens are cum-cum cum-cummin’ home to roost.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

Legitimate South Ward City Councilman



A lot of you tards are wondering, “Fatkike, why are you so intelligent, when we’re all idiots?” Well, for one thing, I don’t have an 88 IQ like some of you tards, who believe that whigger trash is really secretly jewish, and I don’t believe in stupid shit like Creatardtivity. There are signs that make it obvious what’s going on. That’s why when you tell me that you don’t understand the significance of Yockey and Spengler, I know I’m dealing with an intellectual inferior.

Many tards are also asking more specific questions like, “Fatkike, how do you know ZOG’s going to collapse?” Again, I answer, you need to perceive the signs of the times. One big giveaway that ZOG is done is that local piglice don’t even solve crimes anymore. The piglice are only there to extort money for the local corrupt ZOG government. Anything that doesn’t bring in money, they’re not interested in. Which is why pigs literally spend two seconds trying to solve crimes. PIGS ARE THOROUGHLY CORRUPT, even at the minute, local Granby, MO level.

This situation is turning whiggers against the system. As long as whiggers were safe and were free to work and make shekels, then the whigger herd LOVED the system. Now that the system has turned against them, whiggers are no longer invested in defending ZOG or any part of it. Pigs are no longer their “friends.” Pigs are just corrupt assholes who need to die along with ZOG. There’s no way that this obviously corrupt situation can coontinue to exist. That’s how I KNOW with CERTAINTY that ZOG’s days are limited.

Nothing’s really changed. Pigs were always bad. They never solved crimes, except for the crimes that were bad for business. Also, the masses had power in the past (whiggers remember how good ZOG used to be), so public opinion was something that existed as a real power, only to an extent. This put pressure on pigs to solve some crimes. But “public pressure” no longer exists. In the past, cops were just better at pretending to do their work. Somewhere around the 1980s, pigs just gave up pretending and started hanging out at the local doughnut shops, not caring that everyone could see they were nothing but corrupt loafers.

Pigs don’t give a shit. I’m amazed to see whiggers still cumplaining about pigs. Pigs don’t do anything, which is why so many of them are fat retards. SO MANY murders go UNSOLVED because the pigs are just too lazy to solve them. Pigs use a lot of resources in the beginning of an investigation, and if the crime is not solved immediately, they give up. Some crimes are so heinous that the FIB has to step in with their unlimited ZOG resources, because to not solve some crimes would damage the system’s credibility.

Solving crimes has nothing to do with any of these pig assholes being “public servants,” or “to serve and protect.” The pigs “serve and protect” alright, just not the whigger public, LMAO. The fact that pigs give up so easily exposes the narcissistic philosophy the pigs use. Narcissists are typical for starting something and giving up quickly when it proves not to be easy. Narcissists are spoiled assholes who never had to work for anything. Just think of Jewnald Drumpf. He was a big narcissistic (((boomer))) who gave up whenever the going got tough.

I’ve been watching a lot of true crime videos and it’s amazing how many people get away with murder. The pigs know who did it, they just won’t look for any evidence. The laws of ZOG are stupid. They favor the criminals. If someone is last seen with someone who goes missing, it’s bretty obvious who did it. But whiggers have learned that if you get rid of a body, you most likely will never be coonvicted of murder. And the idiot PIGS DON’T GIVE A SHIT if you or your loved ones are killed and the killer goes free. There’s literally THOUSANDS of murderers walking around free.

This system can’t last. Whiggers have figured out how to get away with crimes. The problem with any system is that whiggers are good at figuring out how to get around it. Which is why torture is necessary, and not human rights. Only the FIB can solve crimes by following around the suspect forever, and searching everything they have. But most pigs are too lazy, stupid or corrupt to do this. Solving crime does not produce income, so pigs don’t bother. This means the system has run its course and new techniques need to be employed, like torturing someone until they tell you the truth. None of this shit about “human rights” is for real. “Human rights” means only the criminals have rights.

There’s too much crime. Shit, the jews who own the banks are all criminals, by their very own laws! The highest members of ZOG society are nothing but criminals, which is why dago wops don’t feel ashamed being mafioso scumbags. Most businesses are criminal enterprises on some level. So, ZOG is finished. This system can’t go on forever. It’s one thing when they can’t find a killer. It’s a WHOLE OTHER ballgame when EVERYONE knows who the killer is, but the piglice won’t do anything. There’s literally thousands of criminals walking around.

ZOG is over. Piglice are some of the biggest criminals. They PROTECT the other criminals, which is why ZOG got rid of the dago wop mafia. The mafia’s services were not needed anymore. ZOG probably used the dago wop mafia to corrupt the local governments, so that pigs would not go after ZOG. And then ZOG got rid of the mafia, when they got coontrol of the pigs, and the mafia was no longer useful and more of a burden.

I’ve even heard that the piglice purposely hire morons. Maybe ZOG has their hands in that, too. I do know that if there was a real moobment where you could vote for leaders, you scumbag tards would NEVER vote for Fatkike for any position. You hate him out of jealousy of your own inferiority.

People are LITERALLY doing their own investigations now, or hiring private investigators, to solve crimes. The piglice are worthless and not even worthy of the name “police.” This is a huge sign that ZOG is almost over. I don’t know anyone who likes the piglice. The piglice don’t make communities safer. If crime goes down, it’s because cameras are everywhere now. Piglice ARE THE ENEMY. They enforce all of ZOG’s edicts, no matter how bad. The pigs have totally gone senile by destroying their own communities, listening to ZOG.

NOTE: This is especially the case with the Granby Piglice in which they go after the poor whiggers for poverty in failing to register a motor vehicle or living in an RV or trailer while Barry Flint gets a pass for his shitty mobile home park or Senile Heifer Joyce Mann gets to put in a used double-wide for her daughter and family. A righteous military dictatorship would make the Granby city council-criminals and piglice pick rocks out of a bag and then club those with the black rocks by the white rocks until there are only a few left to be hewers of wood and drawers of water in perpetuity. This after bulldozing down Granby public buildings, these regime-criminals’ homes, churches, and buildings. –Pastor Martin Lindstedt

When the REVOLUTION starts, the first people that have to go are piglice and judges. These are the real traitors today, helping the disgusting jews for 30 pieces of silver. The best quote I ever heard about “law enforcement” was, “It’s amazing how much evidence it takes to coonvict a guilty person, and how little evidence it takes to coonvict an innocent person.” When sayings like this start going around, it’s only a matter of time that ZOG will fall.


The Granby Shitty Council-Criminals Want to Tear Down Muh BBBB (Big Beautiful Brick Building)

Crooked Ira, Senile Heifer, Charlie Clown, JoAnn Skank & The New Bill-the-Buttlicker want to punish someone for daring to run agin Theys’ Kleptocrapocracy

May be an image of outdoors and text that says 'ANTIQUES 10 FRE All for the Love of My Hometown'
Jaimie Arnall’s Old Granby Hardware Store —

I have been thinking long and hard on this building, and I really want to know what my fellow community members think about it. Please be honest and provide reason for your opinion. To remodel this building will cost a small fortune; however, it will house 6 Businesses at the least and open up 2 (possibly 3) buildings for additional business to come to our town. Personally, I love this old building and I know it could be a huge asset to our economy. City officials have recently posed the desire to have it demolished what are your thoughts?

Fight against demo and figure out how to pay the small fortune to bring it back to life?


Let the city demo it?

A Concise Statement of What Went Down At Crooked Ira Hawkins’ Town Hall Head Monkey Shoah

Yes I was there.

They wish to move city limits and annex in more land to attract more housing builders.

They are looking for ways to attract more businesses to town and would like to see zoning happen.

Rock’n P would like to host a farmers market.

They are going to seek citizens opinions on moving City Hall in with the police department to cut down on overhead and waste. After City Hall is moved they are thinking about selling the two buildings they are in, to give more commercial opportunities to businesses and entrepreneurs.

Granby Orc Baal-Priests @ First Synagogue of Satan cut down all the old valuable trees

Crooked Baal-Priests are going to Hell anyways, decided to cut down all the shade trees in order to get ready for the increased heat in they’s Synagogue of Satan

I don’t know what it is about the thieving Granby Baal-Priests, but for some reason close to my hovel they decided to cut down the massive old walnut tree and another producing walnut tree and cut down a large oak in theys’ parking lot.

Perhaps they need the ZOGbux for the logs but it is certain sure that they will no longer have shade for their First Synagogue of Satan. But maybe that is for the best that they prepare for theysselfs and their followers, particularly JoAnn Lamp, Roxie’s brother’s wife, on the Granby City Council-Criminals and like her relatives acknowlege a “fat, stupid mean evil bitch with so much but never enough but what she just gotta get some more.”

Well, I have more sympathy for these majestic walnut and oak trees if their branches are in the fire than for the worthless bastards who will face the fire when they croak off but not nearly fast enough.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri

Two Proven Birds in the North Ward Hand Beats a Suspected Unknown Scumbag in the Council-Criminal Bush

You are judged negatively because as an unknown you have received power from the current corrupt City Mayor and put on their City Council.

“Martin Lindstedt just so that you will have your facts straight the meeting was not a secret meeting the meeting on the 12th was put off for one weak due to sickness in the council and lack of quorum. I was the one that approached the mayor and told him I would be interested in filling the vacant seat and that I was interested in filing to run. The mayor had no clue who I was until I started coming to the council meetings a couple of months ago. On top of that you have no clue who I am and I would hope you would give me a chance before passing judgment on me. I love my city and I want to see it grow and I pray that we can see great things come to pass. I believe if the people of Granby want great things and want change they need to get involved and help bring change. Martin Lindstedt I have decided to become involved… thank you sir” — Bill Kittrel, North Ward apponted meat-puppet to the Granby City Council-Criminals

You are judged negatively because as an unknown you have received power from the current corrupt City Mayor and put on their City Council.

First of all, I called in on both Monday and Tuesday to find out who was going to run. On the previous Friday and both days I was told no City Council meetings until Jan. 26th. So when I went in to collect my public records on Wednesday I read that a new City Councilman had been appointed in place of Reggie Bard, who was a massively dishonest and vicious person until she ran afoul of the pros on the current Granby City Council and Police Department who were even more vicious and wicked than she was. This dishonesty from City Hall is business as usual. You know sometimes they even claim to have posted the Notice of Meeting outside business hours on weekends in order to lying claim to not violate the Missouri Sunshine Act.

Then I read in the Newton county [Fake] News liepaper  that you were appointed to fill Reggie Bard’s seat. It seemed to myself, knowing Granby politics, that you were to be given a “leg up” in order to take your place amongst the most thieving criminal lot in the most decayed and dying town in Southwest Missouri. At the same time, Joyce Mann who made a big deal of “retiring” until such time as Will Barrett — North Ward – Styrons — r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Carthage after saddling Granby for the next 35 years with the Allieger-Martin stormwater sewer scam. Then she filed at the last minute to run against Jaimie Arnall. The last year all this thieving and musical chair filling with nothing but baal-priests and meat-possum thieves to replace the thieves who have r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. has left the Granby City Council-Criminals in power as they have looted every single tax fund, used their police department to stifle dissent and criticism. And now yourself have cum out of nowhere, claiming that you just want to “help” and that you are not to be judged as being like those who have given you an office as a “walk-in” even though Bobby Brooks six years ago was trying to get an independent audit of the City books, not the Dog&pony show audits with secret protocol “management letters”.

Thus you are adjudged accordingly to those of us who will judge according to the recent past events. I simply must assume that you are as big of a crook as the mayor who appointed you who appointed every single failed criminal back to the City Council or TIF Bored or whatever spends Granby tax money. Why should I give you a chance to do a good job as one of a den of thieves?

Now let’s say you are honest and just want to help as you claim. Therefore you are not out something if you were to immediately resign in favor of Jaimie Arnall or Bobby Brooks who have a proven record of love and service to Granby as small businessmen? If the Mayor had cared for an independent voice and mind on the Granby City Council he could have appointed Jaimie Arnall to the TIF Board and then the City Council. Or done so with Bobby Brooks and agreed to a thorough State Audit costing just a little bit extra, $18-21 thousand as opposed to the dog&pony show fake audit which backstops the $21,000 spent year after year because the she-mayoress / City Clerk can’t and won’t do book-keeping.

If as you say, you just walked in and offered to help, then you won’t be out anything by resigning then will you? Of course not !!! You first act of service in showing that you are an honorable candidate for office would be to selflessly say, “Please Ira Hawkins, please the rest of you Council-Criminals, let me wait my turn at the trough, please don’t use me to finish off Granby. Appoint in my place Jaimie Arnall or Bobby Brooks so that Granby Reform can get its honest snout in the door, please, please, please I beg you as an honest man !!!”

You get my drift, don’t you?

Well, I have slathered it on a bit thick. I think you are not going to resign. I think you are lying to me. If on the off chance you are not a crook, then I shall say as much. I don’t know you. But I do know Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks and although a South Ward voter will support them even though not able to vote for them.

Jaimie Arnall knows all about the Granby sulphur and sewage in the water since it was in her shop that she drew the stinking water five weeks ago. Bobby Brooks knows what the problems are as well and was against the City Council lawlessly bulldozing down my and Roxie’s and niece and nephews’ property back in Oct. 2019. So if they win and are allowed to take their city council seats along with Pat Kelly there is a chance that the sewer bond scam can be set aside, that Jim Channel and Lawna Price fired, and that all these municipal ordinances that this City Council won’t obey themselves repealed and the law enforcement can be sent back to Newton County.

With you, all there is is campaign rhetoric from someone appointed as one of their dreary meat-puppets by Granby City Council-Criminals who have made Granby into a thieves paradise. I prefer to stick with the reform that I got in Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks.

The reason that I didn’t run for anything for the first time since 1994 is because voting implies consent to a failed form of government. I have filed a tax protest and intend to file litigation to strip Granby of its taxing priviledges or allow those of us who have had enough to de-annex ourselves from the lot of you altogether.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC/AN
Duly Elected South Ward City Councilman 2020-2022
Duly Elected Granby Municipal Judge 2003-2004