Shitty of Granby Council-Criminal 12 Sept 2024 Meating — The Council-Criminals table the “Vacancy Fee” until Jan 2025 and ask for a property tax increase vote for the cemetery in April [s]Election courtesy of the Granby Inbred Tards

Shitty of Granby Council-Criminal 12 Sept 2024 Meating — The Council-Criminals table the “Vacancy Fee” until Jan 2025 and ask for a property tax increase vote for the cemetery in April [s]Election courtesy of the Granby Inbred Tards.

Well the delusional Granby shitty council-criminals after the disasterous last meating got 41 people to fill out surveys about imposing a “vacancy fee” tax/penalty upon Granby Inbred Tards who have abandoned theys’ shitholes. As with zoning which the Council-Criminals want to impose, no ones but the biggest suck-up jerkoffs want the council-criminals decide the best use for theys’ own properties. One of the surveyees said that she bought a shithole cheap not for storage and thievery by Granby crackheads but because she wanted to cuntrol who her neighbors were so she bought a hovel cheap built 100 years ago. But still Granby council-criminals demolished six houses and a number of trailers in the past year. These tards got the idea from St. Louis and cash-register municipal korts like Steve White becum before his lawnmower got possessed like Stephen Kings “Christine” to rid Granby of crooked judges going ass-to-mouth with Granby shitty council-criminals lawfaring the Granby Inbred Tards.

Saint Louis, after the 1947 Supreme kort decision mandating that “covenant agreements” couldn’t be enfarced, got a bunch of knee-grows as did Detroit and when white Pee-po moved out from both eventually figured out that it cost ZOGbux for lawfare but nothing for old buildings to collapse into a pile of rubble tipped off by grass and brush. But Granby Council-criminals have less sense than Detroit knee-grows and are a lot less honest. Seems like Haitians spared they’s pussies and poopy-dawgs and ate theys brains — such as they is.

After a half-hou of natterings, the sole male of the council-critters moved to table the matter until Jamuary 2025, so I have three months to gin up federal kort litigation to Save Our Hovels from Fat Doreen’s schemes to establish a Granby Home Owners ASSociation..

Then the cemetery committee trying to safeguard they’s $250,000 trust fund from council-criters saying that the bill for mowing is $4400 more per year than is taken in by the 1/8 cent per $100 assessed valuation of property. Fatt Lawna Price the Shitty Administratard was panting to get into the $250,000 Cemetery Trust Fund when the 1960 charter specifically says that the trust fund can only be spent on capital improvements. So the council criminals like marxist demonocrats hit upon raising taxes to cover the $4400 per year shortfall and voted to coonvince the Granby Inbred Tards to raise theysselfs by they’s own boot/jock-straps and to vote for a property tax increase in April 2025. yes, theys’ been coonsistently that stoooopud.

Left unsaid is what happens if the property tax increase is voted down? Then instead of a $4400 per year shortfall is the current $8300 property tax income. $8300 + $4400 = $12,700 cemetery fund shortfall.

Of course the Granby Inbred Tards voted in a TIF scheme in 1998 which becum a slush fund for council-critters the next 23 years and the 2019 and 2022 sewer and water bonds which will be unpaid for the next 30 years. Granby Inbred Tards are made out of money and love drinking sewage and sulphur in they’s water supply. Just wait when cholera and typhoid gets into the 1290 ft deep aquifer.

I got shut down during the Three-minute hate/commentary after-tard closed-secret session although Build Back Barry got extra innings as a “FYI session” to get Granby to pave the roads of his trailer park. Nothing too good at Granby Inbred Tard expense for Barry.

Mayor Crooked Ira with tits’ henpecked husband showed up upon dismissal and I begged him to take his errant wife and take her with him to Floriduh before she finished off Granby. He said he wanted that as well, so I asked him to man up and do something. Might I suggest roofies or an old-fashioned piss-elm club just to stun her a bit and then handcuffing or chaining her to the bed for when she cums to like one of the dogs in the city pound?

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri’

Libertarian Nominee for Eastern Newton County Commissioner

Granby reserve piglice oreficer suspended without pay after threatening to falsely arrest Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits over being sent to squeal on Piglice chief — Gonna try to sue the Granby Council-Criminals slapping down they’s errent piglice

Piggy loses this Council-Critter & Piglice Riot and is escorted out by loyal piglice

GRANBY, Mo. — After Granby’s police chief was suspended last month, there’s more trouble for the city’s police department.PREVIOUS: Granby Police Chief suspended with pay without explanation

The city council held a special closed session last night to discuss possible disciplinary action against reserve officer John Epperson. Mayor Jamie Conway said they were considering taking action because Epperson started an unauthorized investigation into one of the Granby officers that outranked him.

When council members returned to open session, Epperson was given a chance to address the council. For unknown reasons, Epperson then read Conway the Miranda Warning, and that’s when things got heated:

  • Jamie Conway, Granby Mayor
    • “Are you an employee of the City of Granby?”
  • John Epperson, Reserve Officer
    • [unintelligible…] “Just stop.”
  • Conway
    • “Are you an employee of the City of Granby?”
  • Epperson
    • “Just stop mam…I’m, I’m..”
  • Bobbi White, Council Member
    • “Sir, she’s your boss.”
  • Epperson
    • “Negative.”
  • White
    • “She is your boss.”
  • Doreen Clouse , Council Member
    • “I would like to make a motion that we move to suspend officer Epperson, upon formal investigation.”
  • Epperson
    • “Do you understand that…”
  • Conway
    • “I have a motion on the floor by Doreen, that states that um…”
  • Epperson
    • “You just violated my civil rights.”
  • Conway
    • “Please step back. Officer Denno.”
  • Epperson
    • “Do you understand that?”
  • Conway
    • “Please step back.”
  • Gabe Carrell , Council Member
    • “Behind the microphone.”
  • Conway
    • “Behind the microphone sir.”
  • Epperson
    • “Sure. it’s okay. I’m good. Do you understand?”
  • [Unintelligible voices.]
  • Carrell
    • “I second that.”
  • Conway
    • “I’m sorry… (bangs the gavel), Order. Stop speaking sir.”
  • Carrell
    • “We don’t care about it. We made a motion.”
  • Epperson
    • “Okay. Good.”
  • Conway
    • “Stop speaking sir.”
  • Conway
    • “Doreen has made the motion to suspend officer Epperson.”
  • Epperson
    • “See you in court. See you in court.”
  • Conway
    • “Gabe has seconded that. All those in favor.”
  • Epperson
    • “I’ll see you in court.”
  • Conway
    • “4/Zero. As of today you are suspended. Thank you. Have a good evening.”
  • Epperson
    • “And you have just violated my civil rights.”
  • Conway
    • “We’re gonna need your key card please.”

The council meets on December 15th to discuss the fate of suspended Police Chief Rico Engberg.

Another nail in Granby’s Coffin

The foolish and evil Granby City Council-Criminals put the nail in Granby’s coffin by setting up Fatt Lawna as “City manager” given that she is now skilled — albeit not in book-keeping but in getting “free money” from Senile Joe’s administration to put Granby into debt the next 40 years.…te%20p1-11.pdf

Lawna Price is a skilled perjurer who ginned up a fraudulent “domestic protection order with the help of corrupt Newton County judges Kevil Lee Selby and GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel absent any jurisdiction given that she didn’t have any domestic connection uder Revised Stastutes of Missouri Chapter 456 — domestic relations and was merely a crooked cituy clerk who didn’t want to give me a copy of the public record posted on the bulletin board. So I posted three Sunshine Act Enforcent suits and was assessed a $4000 fine for doing so which Bryan Reo bought for $1000 on Oct. 14, 2019 and the City of Granby Council-Criminals bulldozed my and Roxie’s properties on 15 Oct. 2019. Which is why I never condemn all these mass shootings because it is the only time that ordinary people can get revenge upon a dying criminal regime.

For the next two years I would call up Newton County dispatch at a price of $14.92 at one o’clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays because the crooked judges of Newton County wanted to pretend that there still was a First Amendment. Now if an evil mean crooked bitch like Fattt Lawna can cause so much damage and tyranny as a City Clerk who can’t book-keep unless Taylor-Green does it for $26,000 per year and has gotten out of billing, imagine what crooked crap she can do for $10,000 more per year as “City [mis]manager as the Granby city council-criminals get to blame they’s crap on her instead of having to own up to it?

Enjoy living under a police state paying $300-400 sewer and water bills for the next 40 years of debt while your children move out to Springfield or Neosho and all because Barry Flint wanted to set up a trailer park and didn’t want you to live in your own used single-wide trailer.

Granby-Gomorrah/Flintville is dying and tonight another nail was hammered into its coffin by a witless and wicked city council with Fatt Lawna being the maggot eating the corpse.

Mad Dog Musings 26 Feb 2023 — Granby Water Scheme Commentary & Why You Should Vote “NO” on the $11 Million Bond

Vote NO on the Granby council-critters’ $11 million racketeering schemes

In this 12 minute video Pastor Martin Lindstedt discusses why the Granby City Council refuses to allow public service water companies go before the Granby voters to discuss simply selling the Granby water and sewer operations that they have allowed to disintegrate over the past 30 years under the malign neglect by Jim Channel, preferring rather to hire a contractor who will give them kickbacks.

In fact the gas system should be sold as well, with the meter fee rolled back from $17.50 per month used as a slush fund to hire animal Granby Piglice to act as a private paramilitary for theys’ racketeering schemes.

As a candidate for municipal judge I favor simply letting the serious crimes which are violations of state law go back to the Newton County Sheriff’s Department as we must pay property and sales taxes already and having municipal ordinances which Mayor Crooked Ira and the council-criminals won’t obey theysselfs. A satellite station for Eastern Newton County should be established in Granby and if Granby voters want additional police not simply the pigs run by council-criminals and Barry Flint for purposes of racketeering then the elected office of City Marshall and Night Watchman can be re-established to where they cruise the streets at night cutting down on the crackhead thievery with a cell-phone on quick dial to the satellite Newton County Sheriff’s Office for serious crimes.

So the Granby council-criminals don’t want fresh water and safe sewers. Rather they want to run — further into the ground — essential utilities from which they can derive profit from Granby citizens charging all the market will bear as the bond plus interest goes from $15 million to $20-30 million enriching bond merchants and banksters and letting the new system degrade.

Whereas if it is simply sold to a state-regulated public service utility they can first of all reduce the amount of water leakage and then make improvements. In fact, I would prefer to give the Granby water and sewer systems to Liberty Utilities, not leaving any stray money for the Council-Criminals to steal and make as a sale price that they in perpetuity allot special low water and sewer rates to Granby citizens who are elderly and on fixed incomes. Thus the People of Granby will have lower water and sewer rates, no massive debt, and depriving witless idiotic Granby council-criminals of any money to be used to benefit theys’ racketeering and special schemes.

What is damning is that these Granby city council-critters absolutely refuse to invite and allow a public utility water company to make their own proposals.

Vote “NO” on Granby City council-criminals wanting to keep stealing from the People of Granby and at the very least putting you in debt for $11 million to $20-30 million for the next 30+ years when all along Granby People can have cheaper fresh water and safe maintained sewers without ANY debt and not having to go to Granby City Hall for anything. Just pay $50 or less along with the electric bill as opposed to $120 minimum for Granby City Council-Criminals trying to get some “free money” from the State.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Candidate for Granby Municipal Judge

Granby Council-Critter Meating 16 Feb. 2023 @ 6pm

They didn’t have a quorum on Tuesday so they will try again Thursday.

None of them have a clue as how to proceed on a working water and sewer system other than begging the voters to bail them out with $15 million in bond issues which will become $20 million + after they steal the grants and r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. elsewhere leaving Granby People with the debt and blighted properties with $200 + per month water bills as people build outside Granby.

By the way, Barry Flint is back on his police board picking the dregs of the police for Flintville-Granby to run wild. Just like the collapse of the water and sewer system cleared the path to simply selling it to the electric company and getting a working water & sewer system, the resignations and firings in the Granby Police Department and municipal kort have justified simply letting it go back to the county so that people can put what kind of housing they want on their own property and negated zoning through deceit.

The Granby City crookedness and tax wastage is simply going to put an end to business as usual. As long as a majority of Granby voters simply vote “no” on rate and bond increases, make city utilities sold to those who know how to run them efficiently, and simply make it impossible for Crooked Ira and Greedy Barry to use tax funds and police then Granby can get back to being a hardbitten Mayberry as opposed to “Christian Scumbag” Gomorrah.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN

Reform Candidate for Granby Municipal Judge

Mad Dog Musings 26Dec22 — Anderson Engineering 2-page Granby Water Survey Summary 2022

In this video concerning the 4pm 27 Dec. 2022 Granby City Council Meeting the Granby City Council will try to justify putting a water bond on the April Municipal election on the ballot. They refuse to coonsider the only other real option of simply selling the Granby water and sewer system to Liberty Utilities and getting safe sewers and cleaner water for a combined bill of $40 per month tacked on to the electric bill. Rather they want to convince the People of Granby to accept an average $57 water and $57+ sewer bill and have a $120 per month combined sewer and water bill in order to try to get “free” grant money. The option of fixing the water and sewer pipes by having Jim Channel do it is laughable. Jim Channel is the main reason Granby sewer & water is failing.

Back in 2013-14 when a previous water survey was published, asking for $970,000 to build Water Tower 3 and fix the water pipes the water leakage was 62%. Mayor Richard Eustler gave Jim Channel permission to clamp the leaks once per every 12 feet. Now in 2022 when Jim Channel has 10 clamps per dozen feet the leakage is 67% meaning that 2/3 of the water pumped goes right back into the ground to further pollute the Granby aquifer with pollutants and sewage from the numerous mineshafts which is why Granby water tastes of sulphur and sewage. Jim Channel routinely lies about how fixing these decayed water pipes 100 ft. at a time means MORE leakage from both ends as opposed to 40 or more leaks from these rotten pipes. Give Jim Channel a chance to jack off once per dozen feet means jim Channel will jack off 666 times in a 100 feet on his cell phone.

What Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and most of the Granby City Council-Critters want is to use Granby Utilities to act as a slush fund for their Police State Projects and to collect kickbacks during construction and like has been done time and again to move out of Granby with the loot, leaving Granby rate-payers with millions in debt for the next 30-40 years. This proposed water system will cost from $4.6 to $6.5 million and leave it in the paws & hoofs of the very same people who let the present water and sewer system decay. Drinking a Granby cocktail of sulphur & sewage even from a new straw is no advantage given how well Granby handled the old straw.

Even trying to get “free money” means a minimum $120 combined sewer & water bill per month and 30 years of debt. There is no guarantee of any grants, given that Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and Fattt Lawna the City Clerk & She-Mayoress have a history of not posting the public commentary public notices on the bulletin board until a month AFTER the public comment period is over. And the fact that Crooked Ira, Baal Shittrell, and sometimes Doreen Clause and Gomer-Goober Carrell allow for the Granby Police to arrest myself during public meetings under color of Municipal Ordinance #815 for my criticism of them and theys’ schemes. Granby is run as a racketeering scheme with the same legal basis as Gomorrah. And thus, like the storm water sewer scheme, if they do get a grant it will be for only $750,000 and only because it was the Missouri Department of Natural Resources who forced the issue. Paying $120 per month at the “free money” indoor gambling table for 40 years of debt is a suckers’ game when compared to simply paying $40 to the electric company and having a functioning water and sewer system regulated by the state, as opposed to Newton County and Missouri letting Crooked Ira and Barry Flint run wild because Granby is the dumping ground for SW Missouri. According to the “Christian Scumbag” Republicuck Faction — what goes on in Granby stays in Granby because there has to be some place somewhere to keep Inbred Jed sucking up lead and it might as well be Granby.

They don’t even have any plans to invite the Missouri American Water Company / Liberty Utilities to render their proposals before voting to bring this corrupt scheme for Granby People to vote on. Why not? How about simple old fashioned crookedness from a corrupt city council which has been present for the past 30 years and overpowering under the [mal]administrations of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins?

The only good thing I have to say about the Granby City Council is what I said over ten years ago: They have turned Granby into such a shithole that at least it keeps the blacks and latinos out and keeps Granby majority whigger Inbred Tard. Which is kind of the way I like it.

Time to curb a corrupt Granby City Council by a first step of removing their utilities stranglehold and selling them to private companies which have that as their business. Not petty power over others for its own sake.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Elected South Ward City Council 2020-22

Odysee video:—-Anderson-Engineering-2-page-Granby-Water-Survey-Summary-2022-360p:8

Mad Dog Musings 13 Dec 2022 — Granby City Council Criminal Meating of 13 Dec. 2022 on Granby UnCensored

Telling the Granby Inbred Tards About the 13 Dec. 2022 City Council-Criminal Meating

The Granby City Council Criminals were in fine form at theys’ City Council Meating on 13 Dec. 2022, being petty tyrants to begin with deigning to allow some old Boomer whigger tard to park a RV on his own property. Then when Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and the She-Mayoress Lawna Price were going to raise the utility rates by 2% on the water, sewer and gas, South Ward Granby Council-Critter Gomer-Goober Carrell decided that since they were trying to get stoooopid Granby Inbred Tards to vote to raise theys’ water and sewer rates by over 102% in order to get “free BidenBux” in order to go into debt for the next 50 years for $4-6 million for a water tower and fixing the water lines, paying the $58.86 each on the sewer and water utility bills in order to do some outdoor gambling that they will get some free BidenBux.

Of course making Jim Channel (and in the Granby body polytick “Channel” is between “cancer” and chlymidia) actually do some fixing of the water lines is out of the question as Jimbo needs city time to get on Adult Friend Finder and Facebook. Former mayor Richard Eustler told Jim Channel back in 2014 that he could clamp once per 12 feet of rotten water line and Mayors T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Evil Awful Ass-Clown Ira Hawkins now let Jim Channel put a dozen clamps in 10 ft. of line. Which is why the Granby City water supply leaks 67% of whatever they pump out of the 1290 ft. aquifer coontaminated with sulphur and sewage.

So Granby will raise both water and sewer rates by better than 102% which is why Gomer-Goober didn’t want to piss off the Granby Inbred Tards with a 2% raise in the water, sewer, and gas utility rates. You see, Granby Inbred feral Tards are sorta like feral kittens needing trapping in order to cut theys’ nuts and ovaries. Feral kittens are much, much smarter than Granby Inbred Tards. You trap a feral kitten by putting out some rancid tuna and getting them to feed under a deadfall trap, but feral kittens can usually only be trapped ONCE. Not so with Granby Inbred Tards, who can be fooled into voting for TIF, for buildings, piglice stations, water and sewer projects, etc. just not within a few months of each other or until theys’ nutsacks, ovaries and buttholes heal from the last surgical invasion of theys’ wallets. So while Gomer-Goober Carrell is deemed a dullard, actually Crooked Ira is the real idiot baal-priest. Soon Doreen Clause, then Jamie Arnall/Conroy, Baal Shittrell, then Crooked Ira figured out that a 2% raise in water and sewer rates in December would endanger voting for a 102+ percentage rate and a bond issue to go into debt for the next 50 years in municipal [s]elections cum April. Granby Inbred Tard nutsacks, pu$$ies, & bungholes need moar than three months to heal.

So that is Granby City Council-Criminal Plan A. Going to the tax-increase well. There is no Plan B — not even making Jim Channel work on fixing the lines theysselfs.

Of course Plan A for Pastor Lindstedt, who has a number of old buildings each with a sewer and water coonection from when these buildings were owned by now-dead Granby people, is simply sell the sewer and water works to the Missouri-American Water company now owned by Liberty Utilities and subject to Public Utility Commission regulation and having a combined sewer and water bill of $30-40 per month and no public debt for any of the future years and working clean drinking water filtered free of sewage and sulphur and safe sewers which will not let more sewage enter the aquifer. Maybe even a fishing lake with surface water collection on Shoal Creek.

So a minimum $120 water and sewer bill every month, fifty years of debt, in a water system which will be neglected like the old one was — OR — $30-$40 per month total, no public debt, and a maintained sewer and water system run by a regulated public utility company (as opposed to thieving idiotic Granby city council-criminals running wild setting the rates as they please whenever they want). Seems like a no-brainer to me. But then again I’m not a Inbred Granby Tard or someone running a racketeering scheme to rob them through a Granby Piglice State Farce wanting to turn what is advertised as Mayberry but actually Gomorrah.

Granby Police Chief Jacob Kelley tendered his resignation as of Dec. 31, 2022 and moving hisself out of Granby. Some of the other Granby Piglice told him to get out while the getting is good. Barry Flint reminded the Granby City Council-Criminals that he has always been head of the Granby Piglice Bored and wanted to choose the piggy who will enfarce his racketeering schemes like he has done for the past 30 years.

Of course I think it is time to bring back piglicing to Newton County who ought to set up a three-piglice Granby satellite station to keep an eye on Granby and Eastern Newton County as opposed to having to drive out of Neosho. Thus they will be enfarcing Revised Statutes of Missouri against robberies, rapes, etc. and not Barry Flint’s racketeering schemes. Nor acting as Crooked Ira & The Granby Council-Criminals’ Piglice Dissent Destruction Force. Crooked Ira and T-Rampage Gamble were a lot more polite when they don’t have theys’ private piglice farce to stifle dissent.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

[S]elected South Ward City Council-Critter 2020-22

Granby City Pub[l]ic Meating – Waterloo Court Trailer Park 12 July 2022

Subsequently disabled on Granby UnCensored

Thirty-five Minutes of Granby Racketeering in Action

This is a recording of the Granby City Pub[l]ic Meating cooncerning Travis and Rodney Allen of Stark City (small village of Eastern Newton County Missouri) having bought the Waterloo Court street Mobile Home Trailer Park which was set up with 20+ slots wanting to buy factory seconds and used houses and refurbishing 13 of them to out in the doubled lots.

Most Granby trailer parks were established late 1980s upon Barry Flint outlawing the private use of mobile homes and setting up his own trailer park having outlawed by legistreason poor people with children setting up their own affordable housing arrangements. Previous to ex-Mayor Barry Flint and the Council-Criminals outlawing single-wides and used double-wides the preferred method of housing was either to buy a hovel and fix it up enough to live in or to buy a used single-wide for a few thousand, pay $500-1000 to move it to the lot and thus not have to pay Barry Flint $300-400 per month for the great privilege of living in Granby. To enfarce these rules for the perpetuation of racketeering it was necessary to remove fat old Dewey Beaver as the elected town marshal who would not enfarce Barry Flint’s crap and create an animal Granby Police Force who would enforce these laws and corruption. The Granby Police Force became the haven for the dregs of the police profession and thus the basis for Granby decline.

These brothers already have seven or eight trailer parks, one in Diamond, of around 100 units total. They are prudently running their business of establishing mid-range rentals by rebuilding trailer houses to where they are livable to families starting out. The trailer park was flooded in the Great Gum Springs Granby Deluge of 2017 which flood water rose from the swollen dry creek to 4-5 ft crest. So much so that an old trailer made according to the manufacturer’s plate in 1953 was gutted and on its side. Back in 1994 in my first run for pub[l]ic office I went there to get Hancock II signatures and the place was full of families mowing the grass and barbequeing.

However, Bobbi White and her husband Steve, a former city council-critter with a pathological hatred of “trailer-trash” living in their native habitat, and their son Brandon have gotten 25 petitioners living in NorthEastern Granby in the flatlands next to the trailer park to sign a petition for the Granby City Council-Criminals running theys’ racketeering scheme to deny the brothers their rehabilitation project.

Looking at the 35 minute video one can tell that they have no problem with Barry Flint cutting a deal with Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ass-Clown Ira Hawkins (Christian-Scumbag & Baal-Priest) to bring in five more trailers to Barry Flint’s trailer park a half-mile or so away. Other than the fact that because Crooked Ira, Council-Criminals Senile Heifer Joyce Mann and JoAnn Lamp, and two others signed on just before the April 2021 municipal [s]election might change things. Initially Brandon seen the proof of racketeering and said to his mother Bobbi something to the effect that “It’s all over, they can’t deny Travis & Rodney their permit if they let Barry move some more trailers in. Which is why Bobbi interrupts myself given that Granby municipal ordinances mean nothing legally given that those who make up all these rules don’t follow them theysselfs.

This is why Crooked Ira didn’t let me speak over 40 seconds with interruption because the “municipal ordinances” dodge falls apart when it is shown that these “rules” are enfarced selectively. If Barry Flint can move five more trailers into his mobile home park why can’t the Allens move 13 refurbished trailers to their 20+ lot trailer park to double-lot their park? After all, rather than spend money on a new trailer park infrastructure civic costs of functioning sewer and water connections, is it not better to simply improve that which already exists and is functional with no need for future survey? And the land at Waterloo Court was a flood plain since well before Granby was platted in 1845, the park was formed in the late 1980s, and before the second set of municipal ordinances made for Barry Flint’s benefit was passed in 1996. Putting duplexes on that property won’t make it any less of a flood plain.

The cumplaints by Bobbi White and her family are nothing more than the demand that private property ought to be run by an extremely corrupt mayor & city council to suit their notions of “proper growth.” If you don’t like Granby the way it is do what almost all of the young people and outlanders who too late find out about Granby and move to where the population is less inbred and the goats who prey upon the Granby sheep less rapacious and corrupt.

Granby is really nothing more than a civil racketeering scheme run by coonected City Council-Criminals enfarced by Granby Piglice over a bunch of inbred Granby-Tards.

Where oh where are you Eric Schmidt, Mo Atty General?

Send ZOGbux:

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

PO Box 666 Granby Missouri 64844

Three Hours of Mind-Numbing Boredumb — The Granby City Council-Critter Budget Meating of 27 June 2022

Three Hours of Mind-Numbing Boredumb — Giving Granby Employees small 2% raises during an “Oafishul” 8.5 % pre-Hyperinflation period — of the Granby City Council-Critter meating of 27 June 2022

Pretty much the Department Heads of the Fire Department Joe Guinn and Fire Chief Tim Murphy get $38,000 salary per year while the Region 8 Waste Management cuts Joe Guinn’s salary by half and East Newton fire District does the same. The search for juggling funds to make up for other governmental units cutting their budgets. Cumming to no coonsensus the budget process was tabled until the Granby committee members can work with the Region 8 and East Newton Committees paying more than half the salaries while fuel and everything prices soar.

After all the yapping about live-streaming last meating no web-cam or video-camera for archives but me and my $65 Sony digicam recorded this mind-numbing foolishness.

As usual, I amused myself by asking embarrassing questions showing theys’ corrupt stupidity: Such as “How much did you save by finally firing Crooked Ira’s bunghole buddy T-Rampageifer Gamble in his made-up job for which he was begging for voluteers to help him do? $35-40 K? Which like a few years ago going from five piglice kept at 4 piglice meant that Jacob Kelly and “Barney Fife” Denno and Ms. Piggy (who later plotted with Box-Wine Wedgie Tard to remove Kelly and replace him with her piglice humps from Pineville to Carthage in the failed Thanksgiving Coup of 2020) would absorb the Wages of No Fifth Piggy.

Chadifer Sexton-Meercat #3 Heyworth(less) of the Newton County Fake-Douche — T-Rampageifer’s Object de Bromance & Crooked Ira’s Press Secretary said that he knew exactly how much T-Rampage got (excluding graft & kickbacks). Chadifer would know because Chadifer & T-Rampagifer & Crooked ira are going ass-3-mouf,

So i asked, so “How much did T-Rampageifer get so how much was saved? “None of your [expletive deleted] business. “

OK, Chadifer. If you ever were a real reporter it long since disappeared when you becum a presstitute & Meercat #3 for jewnifer’s alimony payment lie-paper. Makes me support the Saudi Prince who invited a lie-paper jewrnalist from the BezosBlog to the embassy in Turkey, beat same to death and then took out a meatsaw and fed the presstitute to the pariah dogs. You told me. That said, your lying foolishness is nowhere near as entertaining and likely less true than what is said on Jeromy Hopper’s Granby Thots & Views and nearly as likely as on Jim Channel’s “Suck Granby Dry.”

With a likely real inflation rate of 25-30+ percent and gasoline literally doubling from last year on its way to $10 per gallon due to Senile Joes’s War on Carbon & Russia two government boards — Region M & East Newton Fire District have halved paying Granby Department heads Joe Guinn and Tim Murphy so in order to give a modest 2-4% pay increase in a “8.5 %” (Actually 30+ percent) pre-Hyperinflation rate the Granby council-critters must beg and scramble and such is the reality. They could have cum up with a vote on a “preliminary budget” but they know that when reality cums around like a “Rough Beast whose time has cum-cum, cum-cum to Granby-Gomorrah” that they will have to meat again to “do something” so they tabled the matter to after the Farce of jewlie.

Such is what I observed of the 27th June Granby City Council-Meating.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN, M.D. (Mad Dog)

Unseated legitimate south Ward granby Council-Critter (2020-22)

Write-in Candidate for US Senate