What harm can cum-cum, cum-cum of having some self-righteous idiotic infantile skank hiding behind a uniform with the witless delusion that she has some sort of superior morality yet deaf and willfully blind to the facts armed to the tits with a fully automatic assault weapon at one of the many flashpoints leading up to full-blown Civil War II?

Perhaps I should write a letter to your commanding officer of your military police unit informing him(or her) that he has a potential rogue female soldier who will go all “Abu Ghraib” when called upon as a National Guard member to deal with the inevitable civil unrest.
You and other females with too much time on your paws come upon this forum (Granby Thots & Views) and demand censorship of news items pending notification of people you do not know because you care so very much for them. It is pointed out that this is social media and that you go onto this Granby Thots & Views you might see things which you don’t like. Still you as a spoiled infantile she-child insist that certain news items not be published until some one you don’t know but claim to speak for have been informed as to a matter of public news. The Newton County Sheriff’s Office posts that his employee has been killed driving to work. They as the relevant law-enforcement with jurisdiction over this matter would have been the ones to notify the family of the deceased. In fact, THEY CLAIM TO BE THE FAMILY OF THE DECEASED.
So with all these facts still yourself and some other badly brought up female from the other side of this county still stomps your feet and insists that news be censored on a social media newsgroup in which you asked to join and were approved for no other reason than because you have nothing better to do than to insert yourself into this matter because you claim to care.
I’m suggesting that you don’t care. You are merely a snoop and a meddler and an idle female with nothing better to do than to bother people who normally would have nothing to do with you. In sterner times there would be a dunking chair and a scold’s muzzle to deter females like you and if that still didn’t work then the stocks and pillory where you could be pelted with offal. Doubtless that would make you behave as you have no strong character of yourself. In fact a night in the stocks wherein after night the baser sort of men could have theys’ way with you might do you a world of good. Your father and/or husband should be ashamed for how you sully their good name and status by your behavior.
But this is merely Granby Thots & Views. How serious can it be that some importunate skank(s) like you with nothing better to do cums on here demanding that the rest of the Facebook news group censor theysselfs because you inserted yousself into the matter because of “feelz”? And the answer is, not much. When so much of the population is like you then nothing much can be done pending collapse and then you will all die like maggots when the food runs out.
But the problem is that you are a National Guard soldier of the military piggery Military Occupational Specialty and will be called out to deal with the inevitable unrest. And you will be armed with a military assault rifle and maybe even given live ammunition. What harm can cum-cum, cum-cum of having some self-righteous idiotic infantile skank hiding behind a uniform with the witless delusion that she has some sort of superior morality yet deaf and willfully blind to the facts armed to the tits with a fully automatic assault weapon at one of the many flashpoints leading up to full-blown Civil War II?
When I put it like that — no telling — but sometimes thangs just happen like sunrise following sunset.
I think I need to notify your Commanding Oficers that they have a domestic pre-Abu Ghraib potential situation on theys’ hands and that they need to nip it, nip it, nip it in the bud, as Barney Fife would say.
Logic and reason doesn’t seem to work with you. I suppose that means humiliation and ridicule must be employed to either make you behave or at the very least make it so you cannot do further harm.

This is not secret news which needs to curated by self-appointed Facebook skanks with nothing better to do but virtue signal on social media.