Proposed Agenda September 14, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted August 6, 2021
Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call
1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, August 10 2021
3) Appointment of council member
SWEARING IN OF NEW OFFICIAL The proposed baal-priest Crooked Ira wanted to put in there chickened out at last minute.
1) Stephanie Mikeska — Business License Request Baked goods
2) Isiah and Alysha Howe re: Business License Private contractor under the delusion that plenty of real stupid rich people who want a big $200,000 McMansion to be built in Granby
3) Amanda Kelly re: Christmas festival
New Business:
1) Council Chamber Etiquette Crooked Ira and Baal Shittrell claim that Granby Municipal Ordinance #815 gets to allow them to arrest dissenters, particularly Pastor Lindstedt, who is threatened with arrest four or five times. They have no remorse for Pat Kelly’s misdeeds.
2) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand
3) Department Head Reports
4) ORDINANCE 869: An Ordinance to amend Section 117.010 Article II Chapter 117 of the Municipal Code , the Same being an Ordinance of the City of Granby Newton County Missouri to establish a procedure to disclose potential conflicts of Interest and Substantial Interests for certain Officials. Ashley Edgmon the fat baal-priest and council-criminal failed to disclose that he worked for Allieger-Martin while voting $3.2 million in debt until he r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Florida in defiance of this ordinance asking for interests of contractors before they vote to impose these debts for construction. This ordinance is a sham as are [s]elections.
5) Bid from Ozark Electric for light poles. $9453
6) Bid from James Johnson Construction re: insulation $13,400 for Community Building
7) Jim Channel re: purchase of leak detector $5,000 after all these years
8) Victor Coggin re” purchase for wastewater plant $2500 for Douglas Pump Service, $1900 for 2 hp grinder pump
9) Amend 20-21 Budget to actual
10) Resolution re: OMTD Change from July 4 weekend to June 4 & 5, 2022
11) OMTD Committee members: Steve Burnett, Dawn Fenton, Sarah James, Pam LeeMaster along with Parks Director Guinn
12) Discussion re: replacement windows for City Hall Bid from Loews for $32,978 to repair water leaks and termite damage of neglected City Hall
13) Website Demanded by the removed Box-Wine Wedgie Tard and never updated but costing $78 per month to have. They will NOT buy an inexpensive camera to stream video feeds on Facebook.
14) Employment qualifications and hiring process Obviously they cannot simply look at Missouri Case Net to find out that theys’ latest employee is on probation and without a valid drivers license)