From previously in the thread:

Thank you Jamie Arnall and Allen Malloy for making it clear that none of you want to be on the Granby City Council but rather on the Granby Build Back Better Botique Businesses Bureau. (Henceforth “The GBBBBBB”). Granby needs more flea markets and antique sellers downtown to take the place of . . . well whatever there used to be whenever there was something there.
I wish you all the luck in getting on the Granby BBBBBB, especially given that Mrs. Arnall has already contributed her building worth $10,000. And yet another Granby Heritage Building was recently wrecked at the expense of the owners. Perhaps those owners too can get a place on the Granby BBBBB. Perhaps Mr. Malloy can contribute his old heritage building as well to show that he is serious about being on the GBBBBBB. Perhaps the owners of this old church can be induced to destroy their old church building with asbestos in return for a place on the GBBBBBB along with their cousin Jesus. Think of the free publicity!!! Jesus gave up his Church and joined the GBBBBBB!!! Well Granby is used to & prefers being kicked as opposed to being ignored. Granby NEEDS a whole lot more of Jesus (and a lot less late 1800’s and early 1900s Granby Heritage buildings).
Why to think about the filings for City Council nearly two years ago! The City Council except for Mayor Ira Hawkins either croaked of the Covid-coof or r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Florida or Carthage or for the tall grass after voting in $3.2 million for Allieger-Martin to build a stormwater sewer plant. Indeed, it is suspected that all of them got kickbacks and one of them actually worked for them (although this was not mentioned on Facebook until he r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t to Florida and certainly not when filing his Financial Disclosure Form eleven minutes before the close of filing). The Granby City Council seems to have placed such burdens upon Granby utility customers for the next 40 years while evading them and their families paying for them by either death or by distance.
So the next step will be in getting a water system. If it is done like it is usually done in Granby then the result shall be a $10-15 million water system which like the Birmingham Alabama city utilities will result in $400-$500 water and sewer bills paid for by the Section 8 welfare houses while the greater number of Granby people will simply set up rooftop rainwater catchment cisterns and drink bottled water and simply flush their toilets with wash rainwater.
Or like Purcell, which got a state audit, found that the mayor and council-members were stealing and held them up on charges and voted by 4 to 49 to sell their water and sewer to the Missouri American Water System for $200,000.
So how much do you think that Granby will get for its low-pressure leaking water and sewer system full of sulphur and sewage?Of course knowing Granby, any such payment to take things over shall be stolen as surely as walnut logs from the City ball park.
But not to worry. Mayor Ira Hawkins surely has a number of “walk-ins” to do whatever to keep business as usual usual in Granby (or Flintville). Let him reap the whirlwind that he and his kind have sown in the name of Jesus. (Not the one perhaps soon to be on the GBBBBBB.)
Perhaps the State will step in. (The County certainly won’t if they have any choice in the matter.) Or Granby voters will eventually vote to dis-incorporate Granby (while trying to disown the massive debt left).
Nope, some things are just too far gone to fix.
Like Granby.