Granby People Ain’t Smart but they sure have to be Tough:

Answering a Dollar General Cash Register Survey from the Granby Store . . .

Hey, I might even win this Granby roulette

This is the Dollar General Store in Granby Mo. I go there at least once a week to pick up a coupon of $5 off $25 purchase.

The manager of the Granby store is an honest woman from a good family. A month ago some woman who manages the tire store had her psycho kid gun down her dog and had a bunch of liars claim “self-defense” for shooting the dog in her own yard and then had the Granby Police claim it was “self defense” about it as well.

So the woman with the psycho kid with the gun who likes to shoot dogs has gotten her kids and friends to buy something from the Granby store and then they all negrep on the sales receipt the Granby store and the good woman who manages it.

So I went in and bought some self-sealing envelopes for mailing on March 2d and asked her how she was doing “post-Rambo”. Rambo was her dog, a big stray she took in and now dead because of the psycho kid with a pistol. The store manager told me what was going on and I said that I’d high-rep her and the store although I usually cash it in at the Neosho store just outside the city limits without city sales tax. I try not to buy stuff in Granby because the City Council-criminals are crooked and run a police state.

Granby people ain’t smart but they sure are tough.

RIP Rambo. You gots gunned down in Granby but such is life & death in Granby.