. . . Not even if you are the stupidest & most degenerate Granby inbred crackhead, chomo, or sundry stupid thieving retard.
First of all, let’s see what Pfat Jackass Kelly — who happens to hold my own duly [s]elected seat by 20% of the more alert Granby inbreds from the 2020 ZOG-virus [s]election. Pfat Jackass Kelly — so named because according to its own testilying the wrong Kelly-ass was r.u.n.n.t.-o.v.e.r. in daze gone by — wants Granby Inbreds to vote him in for another term along with Gomer-Goober Carrell, a regrettably healthy-looking Crooked Ira council-criminal appointed by Mayer Crooked Evil Awful ass-Clown Ira Hawkins to take over the kleptocratic job done by JoAnn Lamp until she went to Hell, directly to Hell, Do not pass more gas, Do not collect Allieger-Martin or Barry Flint or coontractor kickback ZOGbux thanks to the ZOGvirus/FrankenFauci Flu.
In short Granby Inbreds, Pfat Jackass Kelly wants you to punch his ticket so he can do more of the same shit which has resulted in Granby shitheads drinking more sulphur & sewage at lower pressure given that none of them want to make Jim Channel work or do anything other than watch Internuts porn, run his Facebook Group, log off the Granby public domain and reduce your population. That and he wants you Granby Tards to voting to tax jewrselfs by an additional 2.625 percent on your Internuts purchases to fill up the slush fund now that the TIF is over, In short, he wants Granby Inbreds to fuck theysselfs some more as if they haven’t done it to theysselfs enough during the Reigns of t’Error of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira.
To wit, Granby witlings:

My Work has taken me to Lots of Places, No matter where I went or where Iv ever been, I was just a HillBilly Guy from a rock pile called Granby, full of Hard working, Honest, Down to Earth People that can be Proud of the Blood in their vanes, made Tough by the Lead & Zink of our Families & Friends.
As I myself, as an onlooker born and bred in Central south Dakota, I am still after living down here amongst the anglo-mestizo inbreds since July 1965, am an outsider, unlike Roxie Lamp of the Lamps who moved to Granby from Monett in 1969. If you are appalled by most of the Granby inbreds and know you could do better by definition you are an outsider.
However, a week ago after talking to one of the better denizens from one of the good founding families about her stray dog shot by another denizen’s psycho sprog, an outsider from Alaska who made the mistake of building a new $100,000 home in Granby and is looking to sell out and return to Alaska was bemoaning that Granby turned out to be such a shithole. And I pointed out that nowhere else but in Granby could I have bought hovels so cheap because these old tough Granby people died and their children sure didn’t want to live in Granby. I bought my first hovel in Granby back in 1987 for me and Roxie and my step-daughter Fatass with nearly a half-acre for $3000, which was a pretty good deal and then the rest of these shitholes in the Cobb Hill / Rabbit Track Loop from the heirs real cheap.
For outsiders seeking “survival acres” cheap like Box-Wine Wedgie Tard, housekeeper from Illinois or others wanting to buy a shithole in Granby and then fix it up to where it becum-cums even a North Neosho a.k.a. “niggertown/beanertown” then you are living with the fact that like Africa, Granby ALWAYS Wins. The inbred whigger & anglo-mestizo trash will always bring you down. There is a reason that while Carl Junction and Webb City pulled itself up by its own bootstraps and now have Schubert-Mitchell McMansions Granby never will. That reason is that ever since Granby was founded, those who lived off those who took something out of the Granby Hills when they got rich moved to Joplin back in the day. In my time those who were ambitious moved to Dallas and Kansas City. Now that those places becum shitholes, the place for those who are ambitious is Springfield.
But there are some remnants of better native Granby people. and they know that the biggest impediment is the thieving and corrupt Granby City Council, especially the past 30 years and getting totally out of cuntrol during the psychotic [mal]administrations of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins. But the decent 20% is outvoted by the majority 80%. Whenever someone intelligent gets in they have to deal with the realities of the foolish inbreds listening to the promises of liars and thieves promising that they can lift Granby up by its own bootstraps, then proceeding to steal the bootstraps.
I Firley Believe Granby Missouri has the Best in department heads. They work hard every day for a Better Granby. From our Police, Fire, Sewer, & Water They All Strive for the Best for Granby There are always issues that come up but as a City we work through them & make things Better for All. I am asking for your vote for South Ward Alterman for another year. If an issue comes up that I agree with I will vote so, If I do not agree I will say so. It is my Hope to stay & assist our Mayor in his vision to make a even Better Granby
Pfat Jackass Kelly is such a moral and mental imbecile. That and a “Good Ol’ Boy” from the Axis-Nutwerk of Awful Evil Thieving Shitheads.
The Fire Department worked all right back when Kevin Johnson ran it. Then when T-Rampage Gamble run him out along with Lawna Price getting rid of the elected City Collector and firing the old City Clerk there was no stopping the rest of the decay. The Granby Piglice are an enforcement arm to arrest dissent from myself and others while running a cash register kangaroo kort to oppress the poor and enforce selectively the Granby municipal ordinances.
The Granby sewer and water system is a real disaster. Having a fool and wastrel like Jim Channel refusing to fix the water and sewer leaks means that Granby people are drinking sewage and sulphur water from a shot system with low water pressure. Ever since 2013 the City of Granby only meters slightly over a third of what it pumps out of the ground. The rest leaks back into the ground where it eventually hits the aquifer. No one in their right mind drinks the Granby water unfiltered.
But it has been a choice for things to get this way. Rather than hire someone who fixes it up as it goes, the choice of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins has been to take advantage of the fact that Granby is “economically stressed” and then try to get “free money” from the state and federal governments which they can use to get kickbacks from contractors like Allieger-Martin and then leave Granby people with the debt for the next half-century. However the state and federal governments are strapped for the very money they inflate to worthlessness and soon things will collapse.