Shitty of Granby aldermamzers OK bond for kickbacks for water system design work by favored coontractards

Newton County Fake-Douche of Aug 28, 2024 on August 22d Council-Criminal Meating

Shitty of Granby aldermamzers OK bond for kickbacks for water system design work by favored coontractards

Doctor (He is a M.D., Mad Dog doanchaknow) Pastor Martin Lindstedt read this stupid shit so you don’t have to in the local lie-paper)

From Newton County Fake-Douche by Chadifer Sexton-Meercat #3 Heyworthless, August 28, 2024

Thieving idiot Granby aldermen last week approved a $536,000 bond issue to cover the design and engineering costs for the city’s proposed water system upgrade project. Granby Idiot Inbred Tards of Geezers, Chomos, and Crackheads were promised that they wouldn’t have to pay until the water & sewer scam was finished, but that was a lie all along designed to get the Granby Inbred Tards to vote for massive indebtedness. Now they get to pay for just the already drafted scheme for the initial payment of $536,000 the fucking Granby Inbred tards council-criminals need as get-away money to r.u.n.n.t-o.f.f.t.

The bonds will be used to cover a interest-free loan from the state Department of Natural Resources for the work, . . .

So by paying on the bond debt it really is not an Interest-free debt at all but only accounting fraud.

which started last year after Mayor Crooked Ira with tits resurrected the dead project left on the table after Mayor Crooked Ira without tits just let it die on the table afther his fat daughter croaked of the clot shot, telling this Christian Scumbag that YHWH didn’t like him fucking over the Granby Inbred tards that much.

To date, the city has paid OWN, its engineering firm, $76,850, City Administrator Lawna Price said. Now they will get another $500,000 from the new bond before the thieving council-criminals r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t.

In actuality the Council-Criminals have added a surcharge to the city water and sewer utility bills and put the increase into a “new” account so that they can justify the lie that the Granby Inbred Tards didn’t have to pay for the sewerwater scam right off.

Voters last year approved issuing up to $11 million in bonds to revamp the city’s crumbling water system. It will fix up to half the water lines so that Granby Inbred Tards can slurp from the new straw from the polluted aquifer fresh sewaege and sulphur water when simply distributing bottled water would be a lot cheaper– and healthier.

This in addition to the $3.2 million that them fucking idiots voted to build anpther stormwater sewer lagoon. After that vote, lying bitch Mayor Jamie Conway announced that both the water upgrades and the federally mandated improvements at Granbys sewer plant could be covered for that amount. She is delusional and full of shit, especially when thieving.

Work on the additional unnecessary storm-water sewer lagoon and plant is expected to be complete by years’ end. But the paying off on the $15-20 million debt ends never.

Ed McLiney, the city’s Kansas City-based underwriter, told the idiot thieving aldermamzers that the design loan will likely be rolled into a larger bond issue when the city starts construction on the water project. $11 + 3.2 million = 14.2 million. Then cums the usury. . .

Granby missed out on he first round of state fiancing for the water project last year. SUCKERS!!! Aldermen learned in July that the city had made it past the preliminary fund in this years funding cycle. A final decision expected this fall. Just keep chasing that car, Granby Inbred Tards. Someday you shitheads might catch the rabbit. Just keep on wishing . . .

In other business, aldermamzers:

-appointed Sandra Jackson as deputy city clerk, so that someone else other than Fattt Lawna and Crooked Ira with tits could be left holding the bags


-approved the annual property tax levy. Mad Dog was bitching because he wants to get his and his church’s property outside shitty of Granby jewrisdik-dik-shun

‘approved a job description for a public works director. Jim Channel didn’t care because it is like reading the [d]rules to a lazy dog. Aldermen also voted to review city ordinances in October to ensure the two align and that there is the appearance of law while appointing they’s crooked lawyer as municipal cash-register kort judge to thieve from the Granby Inbred Tards.

‘approved up to $1,000 for a bench for Judge Steve White, who was killed in a mowing accident August 1. YHWH struck him down for giving Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits some new ideas of how to steal private property through ordinances, so the mower was possessed to kill the retiring kort judge like in a Stephen King novel (Christine).

The bench will be placed in Veterans Park, as part of plans by the Mining Town Area Veterans group’s plans to renovate the park. The plans include new flag poles for all service branches and a commemorative brick wall and stray dog urinal.

‘approved a plan to do away with an elected city judge, opting for one hired by the city council since they don’t want some mad dog to get elected and put the kibosh on Granby council-criminal thievery.

Aldermen have asked the city attorney to make changes to the city ordinance and bring it back for their approval. So these thieves will pass some dogshit allowing them to thieve private property then find a crooked lawyer they appointed to thieve. In the meantime, the Newton County Circuit Court has appointed former City Attorney Jared Thomas who proved routinely corrupt, stupid and lawless as Granby’s thieving cash-register municipal kort judge.

‘tabled a plan to declare a wood chipper at the recycling center as surplus. Aldermamzers have watched Fargo and know that they should be fed feet-first into the surplus wood chipper. Aldermen asked department heads to create a list of surplus items so the city can create a plan to sell them off.

‘Approved the annual payment to the Harry S Truman Coordinating Council. Based on population, the city pays $943 per year to give Fattt Lawna new ideas on how to fuck over the Granby Inbred Tards some more. The council provides economic development and grant writing support to cities and counties in southwest Missouri for kickbacks and rampant taxation and soaring debt.

Shitty of Granby Council-Criminals to impose zoning and theft of private property through they’s municipal kort

Originally posted on Granby UmCensored Fqcebook Group

Mayor Crooked-Ira-with-tits Jamie Conway and the rest of the Granby Council-Criminals will pass legistreason which will establish them stealing your property — they think they own it though — to establish “permits” for you to build your homes and how to remodel them. Ever since Granby was incorporated nearly 180 years ago, no such building or remodeling permits were needed or desired. In short your property doesn’t really belong to you but must follow the whims of council-criminals. This is really nothing but communism and/or its initially humpable cousin — fascism.

But to make the Granby piglice state free for communism, first they must appoint a new cash-register kangaroo kort judge to ‘legalize’ they’s fascism — contrary to Revised Missouri Statutes 479.230(4) demand for a “special election” for a vacancy six months before the April municipal elections. According to the Agenda, these council-criminals intend to item 2: Appointment of Judge and court Procedures. Missouri Supreme Court Rules is supposed to be the court procedure — which says that due to current Missouri Supreme Court Rule that no one can be jailed for violation of a municipal ordinance — and Missouri law says that a municipal judge is to be elected — not appointed by the very same council-criminls making up self-serving ordinances (which they don’t obey theysselfs when incoonvienient). Appointing a crooked lawyer to screw over the local population for revenue (or paying off they’s sewer and water coontractard bribing them) or forcing myself to hook up to the failing utilities is NOT rule of law but rather predatory treason leading to civil conflict and strife. These council-criminals haven’t learned a new trick in over 20 years.

Then Ordinance 834 and 935 to establish a $11 and 3.4 million sewer and water bonds in order to create $15-20 million Granby indebitness for the next 30 years fort which Granby Inbred Tards will be paying $300-400 per month sewer andf water bills. Today. But what happened to the lies of Gomer Goober Carell and Crooked Ira (with and without tits) that one of you Granby Inbred Tards wouldn’t have to pay for it until after five years the infrastructure was fully built.


It what they do and always have done, Get used to it but don’t pay for it. They want to ‘appoint’ some crooked lawyer to they’s cash register kort, then understsnd that they have no competent jurisdiction and file for a trial de nova and jury trial which the Shitty of Granby will lose.

I wish for me and my Church properties to be beyound the fake juruisdiction of the Shitty of Granby. But I suppose that the civil strife that these Council-Criminals whip up must get to open warfare befoe they learn it was best to not steal, to not think that they get to steal your property to pay for theys’ kickbacks, to have to let they’s expensive piglice go back to Newton County and understand that they don’t know how to run a city government and that they need to runnt-offt to where they like and not over us.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri To

Libertarian Nominee for Eastern District Newton County Commissioner &

Special Election (RSMo 479.230(d) Candidate for Granby Municipal Judge