Crooked Ira’s AB_Use Tax fails by 2-1
Doreen Clause sends Pfat Jackass Kelly packing.
Old Granby Heritage Buildings saved.

What you might find useful knowing about Granby Missouri
I expect the additional Granby AB_Use Tax of 2.2666 % Sales Tax on Internuts purchases to fail and that Doreen Clouse will prevail over Pfat Jackass Kelly, thus endling my tenure as elected/non-selected South Ward City Council-Critter. The Dylann Storm Coof ZOGvirus brewed in Ft. Detrick/Wuhan hath rid Granby of some really senile & thieving council-criminals and Assley Edgmon & Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett done r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh and Carthage with the Allieger-Martin winnings leaving the Granby Inbreds with the bills. Only Mayor Crooked Evil Awful ass-Clown Ira Hawkins remains and this senile thieving retard looks like large hunks have been taken from its brain leaving not much left just like Senile Joe of what wasn’t much there to begin with of a grouping thieving idiot politician.
Crooked Ira’s walk-n thieving retard replacing JoAnn Lamp who croaked, Gomer-Goober Carrel will get 80% of the eligible vote of nine percent of the 400 registered voters so approximately 45 votes with a few “No Gomer-Goober” write-ins.
Jamie Arnall shall win re-selection as a strong empowered woman to the North Ward City Council Seat. She could have saved Granby $3500 by telling Pfat Jackass Kelly, Crooked Ira, and Senile Heifer Joyce Mann that she wasn’t allowing them to tear down her old hardware store and they could shove that plan into theys’ seats of consciousness but didn’t. Crooked Ira and Pfat Kelly cum-cum, cum-cum around after she deeded her building to the Flintville / Greater-Granby Build Back [Barry] Better Boutique Bizness Bureau (Henceforth the F-GG BB[B]BBBB). Pfat Jackass Kelly then destroyed the old building across from the Church and made the owners do it at they’s own expense, but spared to old church owned by Mexicans. She voted to give the F-GG BB[B]BBBB 20% of the BidenBux for something other than Granby sewer and water infrastructure. She has refused to boycott Granby City Council Meatings thus letting Crooked Ira appoint one of his council-criminals to thieve, i.e. Gomer-Goober Carrel.
Jamie is a lot better than Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was overheard hoping to lose so that she could watch Faux SNoos with her cat until finally croaking of the Coof, but still Jamie was just a speed bump for Crooked Ira and Fattt Lawna and Jim Channel
The next step is a $10-15 million (or more) water bond issue lasting the next 50 years through Allieger-Martin costing $400 per month water bills resulting in the diminished population living in hovels capturing rainwater with birdsh*t as opposed to the sulphur & sewage from the polluted aquifer. No one sane shall drink unfiltered Granby tap water but reverse osmosis filtering can filter out 2/3 of the oxygen and sulphur and 99.99 % of the sewage.
The Granby population — regardless of the legendary toughness of Granby Inbreds — shall decline by 4-5% per year in the next years as opposed to the 2% yearly decline in 2020 and 2021. The latest variant of the Boomer-Remover will strike but the Baal Gates Mark of the Beast Mark 666.66 Clot Shot shall remove much of the vaccinated sterilized population aged from 6 to 60.
However the Somalian and Guatamelian refugees will move into the hovels as Chinese — as opposed to Illinois housekeepers like Box-Wine Wedgie Tard who has lied low since the UnSuckcessfool Ms. Piggie/Wedgie Tard Thanksgiving Coup of 2020 — dump theys’ ZOGbux holdings as the price of renting a shotgun shack rises to $1000 per month plus $400 sewer/water bill. Newly rich Granby city council-criminals will sell out and move outside the city limits but faster than in the past 20 years. (Here’s looking at you Rick McCully).
Fattt Lawna the She-Mayoress /City Clerk having moved out two years ago with Her Lustfool Meercat (previously appointed by Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ass-Clown Ira Hawkins to the TIF Bored Prez-o-dintcy until replaced by Ex-Mayor T-Rampage Gamble in turn replaced by Crooked Ira as part of the “Bad Ol’ Boyz Nutwerk) to Build Back Barry (Both Flint & the County of) Better has refugeed from Barry County to Oklahoma and is coontemplating a move at Granby expense to Texas, where it is further but possible to commute but only if the Granby AB_Use Tax passes which it won’t.
Twenty Percent of the better sort will be allowed to de jure as well as de facto de-annex theysselfs from the Granby Police State.
Granby Piglice will mess with the wrong crackhead as in Joplin last month but it will be open season for them on baby-girl Granby crackheadettes as in Joplin.
Eric “Navy-SEAL Republican Family Values Rape-Dungeon Running ex-Governor” Greitens shall win the Republican Primary for U.S. Senate defeating Corporate Lawyer Eric Schmidt, Trans-ChickenHead Vickie Hartzler, and ZOGBot Silly Long and the several dozen Republicucks and then go down to defeat to the write-in candidacy of Pastor Martin “Half-Beard the Conqueror” Lindstedt, MD (Mad Dog) as seccessionist movements make Missouri the Guerrilla Capital of the Second Civil War like it was during the First Civil War.
Granby shall look a lot like its sister city in Eastern Ukraine. Or even more to the point Eastern Ukrainian towns and villages shall look more like Granby as events unfold.
Just a few sundry political observations and predictions now that the polls have closed.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin “Half-Beard Mad-Dog” Martin LindstedtChurch of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri/ZOGland
Candidate for U.S. Senate
Outgoing [S]Elected but Never-Seated South Ward Granby City Council-Critter
North Ward Granby City Council-woman Jamie Arnall had no part in keeping myself from the “secret private meeting” held by the She-Mayoress Lawna “Lawna Peeg” Price and Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ass-Clown Ira Hawkins with Barry Flint & Sarah Jones to divert Covid Relief Funds to their friends at the work-meeting of 22 Feb 2022.
When I was finally let in after the “secret private meating” by them letting in South Ward Council-Criminal Pfat “Jackass” Kelly who while voting as told on this matter, Jamie Arnall entered a few minutes later.
The vote was 4-0 at the 22 Feb 2022 meating for setting aside up to 20% of these Covid Relief funds on the Mayor and Council-Critters’ friends as opposed to spending it for water and sewer infrastructure and the Granby Piglice State piglice were present to stifle dissent from myself as has happened quite a bit before. [Mis]Representative democracy is the most corrupt form of government and using the Granby Police Department — another thing brought to Granby by Barry Flint — has nothing on Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin who at least sometimes could be relied to look after their People.
Let me state I do not find Jamie Arnall corrupt. She is foolish and enables this Granby City Council Corruption as she overlooks the refusal to allow myself to have my South Ward City Council seat in favor of Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins’ baal-priest walk-on council-criminals and the use of Granby Police to stifle dissent. She is the Snow White on the Granby City Council of scruffy thieving trolls.
If this continues, any outside funds will be wasted on graft and kickbacks. The water and sewer system will continue to decay and be replaced by debt. And anyone stupid enough to vote in 2.6250% sales tax will find out that they get nothing for the [ab]use tax just like the TIF taxes of 1998.
Again, having secret meetings to which dissent is disallowed in order to divert public funds to select private use is a sure sign of corruption. It is also known in political “science” as “fascism.” As populist icon Huey Long of Louisiana said when asked whether fascism would cum to Amerika, said that it would but would be called “anti-fascism.”
I told Jamie Arnall that I would be posting this to Granby UnCensored to make it quite clear that she neither attended this “secret private meating” nor while she knew about it kept the Council Chambers locked up until Pfat Jackass Kelly was let in and I slipped in as well behind the regrettably not-r.u.n.n.t.-o.v.e.r. jackass of the Kelly bunch. This is a violation of the Missouri Sunshine Act and thus the vote should be overturned.
I intend to embarrass Eric Schmidt as another candidate for U.S. Senate over his not prosecuting this matter.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC/AN
Elected South Ward City Councilman
Candidate for U.S. Senator
For those who don’t live in Granby who are just driving along on U.S. Route 60 and looking at the few remaining buildings back from around the early 1900s but with gaps, the people who are behind today’s salebrayshun are mainly the ones who have done the most to destroy these old buildings and to impoverish Granby’s people and the big buildings that their vigorous ancestors built five generations ago that only a few, like Jamie Arnall and the Tanners, Farmers and Burnetts even wish to maintain intact. Most of the Granby Inbreds are resigned to having their town go further down the crapper — indeed they can’t even maintain the water and sewer infrastructure — because they keep on electing the very sorts of criminals and degenerates on the thieving Granby City Council who will steal everything they can to coonvert it to theys’ own uses. Granby City corruption and degeneracy is legendary in this area and they have set up an animal Granby Piglice Department which is run less honestly than Saddam Hussein ran his Republican Guard. Thievery and corruption and sometimes rape even of children is carried out and condoned, but that is a different part of this blog which intends to detail today’s events.
First of all, another Granby Heritage Building, the Old Boy Scout Building, was given to Barry Flint to run with a figurehead female as a “Boutique Thrift Store.” She is a very nice, obviously rich female who runs another boutique store further down the road which has items that a rogue male like myself feels totally alien in. When I did go in I was suffocated in the stench of perfume and of estrogen from four women and so I left quickly promising to return — but unlike McArthur — someday, but not soon. I much prefer the smell of a feed store or tractor dealership and the rough company there.
Which is why I have chided her for being used by Barry Flint as a catspaw. Barry Flint used to be mayor of Granby back in 1987 to 1989 and Barry brought in a cheap new sewer to Granby paid for by 95% state and federal ZOGbux because Granby was the largest municipality in Missouri without a sewer system and since the Inbreds didn’t want to pay for one the State of Missouri gave them one cheap with the experimental treatment of Ultraviolet light which failed within 20 years long after it was not fully paid for with 40-year bonds.
Barry Flint likes to pretend to be a man of God which makes it easier for him to be a rabid thieving scumbag. Immediately Barry raised the water and sewer rates, which was to be expected, but wanting to set up a trailer park for the poor and young to live in for $300-$400 per month, Barry figured out that these poor people starting out would prefer to simply buy a cheap used single-wide for a few thousand, pay $500 to move it in and set it up, and then after a year they would have a crappy starter home to live in for around $1000-5000 as opposed to paying Barry Flint that much for just one year and have nothing to show for it. As was the custom, some of these young people would fix it up or add to it or replace it as they got older and so Granby would slowly grow with herds of whigger & anglo-mestizo Granby Inbreds.
So Barry and a few others of the Granby Shitty Council-Criminals decided to pass new [f]laws but how to enfarce these sundry [f]laws? The Newton County Sheriff — not even Ron Doerge selling delicious nutricious avaricious doerge-dope / meth — wanted to dick with running inbreds and theys’ spawn out of Granby as itz bad for bizness. And fat old Dewey Beaver who would write ONE $300 ticket per year wanted no part of Build-Back-Barry-Better of the District of Flintville. So the most thieving and vicious of the thieving Inbreds (especially JoAnn Lamp and Joyce Mann) plotted to bring about a Granby Piglice State a all and so here cum-cum, cum-cums the most degenerate and thieving Piglice Farce ever. The Granby Police Department and its rent-a-lawyer from the dregs of the legal profession.
And the rest is history which will be covered further in this blog. Anyways . . .
Now Barry Flint shows up to Granby City Council most of the time like a hungry hound fed cut-off scraps from the operating table, which is even worse than Bismarck’s observation about watching polyticks is like watching sausage being made. Because Soylent Granby is made out of Inbreds.
But Barry Flint is no absentee landlord but keeps on maintaining the thieving. Barry was present at the Street-Walking Main Street Event for “Boutique Bizness.”
Now this Old Boy Scout Building is another old Heritage Building and the only reason it is in good shape is because until recently the City of Granby didn’t own it. Instead one of the Granby “Bad Ol’ Boys” coonvinced the Methodist Church to sign it over to Granby within the past eight years or so. Otherwise it would be in the same shape as Granby City Hall or rather Barry Flint’s someday New Old Hardware Building.
So what happened to the Boy Scouts? Well they’ve gone woke and got broke[backed]. Some of them followed Ashley Edgmon the Baal-Priest of the First Synagogue of Satan & the Pied-Piper of Allieger-Martin who led them all into fiscal drowning in the unnecessary storm-water sewer plant and the rest got [de]merit badges in sodomy and civic corruption upon joining the baal-priesthood as altar-tards.
But now let’s cover a particularly evil and worthless piece of shit who has worked overtime in destroying the Granby Heritage Buildings — and for the children too! Regrettably it has lived on for another year but one can only hope that the FrankenFauchi Flu will carry away this thieving Granby City Council-Criminal like it did for JoAnn Lamp, Joyce Mann and possibly Mild Swill Cooper.
This member in good standing with the local Granby Piglice State in fact was trying to make Jamie Arnall destroy her old hardware building until Jamie gave up and deeded it over to Barry Flint’s F-GG BBBBBBB. This senile thieving old piece of shit even pressured unceasingly this older couple to tear down their old three-story concrete building that was crumbling at their own expense in early December. Meanwhile there is a long-crumbling church downtown next to the convenience store which has been in decay for the past 20 years but because it has been bought by beaners for $4000, neither Pfat Jackass Kelly, Baal Shittrell, Gomer-Goober Cattrell nor especially Mayor Crooked Evil Awful Ira Hawkins will do anything about it because while they will cheerfully bulldoze down my properties or prevent poor whites from putting up a single-wide to raise their young in, these anti-white racists will worship the most dirty Squatemelan or rapefugee Somalian. In fact, Pfat Jackass Kelly should wear while campaigning for a second term a t-shirt with “I cum-cum, cum-cum 2 Granby for the niggers !!!”
(To a party who messaged me as to what transpired after being ejected from the Granby Council-Criminal Meating)
Thanks for letting me know what went on after I was threatened with arrest for making fun of Mayor Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins, Pfat Jackass Kelly, Fatter Lawna the She-Mayoress, Baal Shittrell, and Gomer-Goober Carrel. Not that it mattered as the serious issues this month were swept under the rug.
But the issue is that the City of Granby is running a corrupt police state in which the other city council members wish to simply get rich off of kickbacks from contracts then run off with the proceeds, leaving Granby with massive debts. And they use a corrupt poice force to act as their enforcers.
Last night Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins, Pfat Jackass Kelly, Baal Shittrell, and Gomer-Goober Carrell decided to not allow myself to speak in an orderly fashion and so when I wanted to make it quite clear to the City Attorney, also corrupt, that here would be litigation under color of Ordinance 815 I was threatened with arrest and thus given a new federal lawsuit which will cost the City $100,000 in litigation and hopefully lead to the pulling of the City Charter so that any water and sewer improvements can be placed in the hands of water companies and gas companies given that these people are simply too stupid and corrupt to run anything, much less a decaying town of less than 2000 people.
These 815 actions are losers.
You might have to get used to living amongst the crackheads as opposed to having boutiques run in Granby while the inbreds are drinking sulphur & sewage slurry. These people ought to be smart enough to realize that their actions are made public and while Granby used to be a nice place to live there is no point to investing anything much over $50,000 to live within the City limits. Granby needs to become the Quean City of Eastern Newton County, not a dumping ground for the poor, weak, stupid, doped-up and perverted of Newton County and Southwestern Missouri.
I like living in Granby or at least I did and take Granby people as they are — except for the City Council-Criminals. Perhaps we can talk about this later and presently I have no intention of suing you but you need to understand that the best thing for the People of Granby is to go after the thieves, make them disgorge everything they stole and then some, disband this animal police department, and to let the County take back over minimum policing.
Tall grass & crackheads raising theys’ spawn without public utilities is far better than massive debt from massive corruption.
Hail Victory !!!
Jim Channel:
I am so very glad that early in the morning before you show up for a hard daze thieving, watching porn, moderating Suck Granby Dry, and overseeing logging operations at the Granby ball park that you along with your sock-puppet had time to post here on Granby UnCensored.
I’m going to ask Jeromy to let me back on to Granby Thots & Views but not to post, just to collect grist for my rhetorical mill as opposed to infiltraiting with a new sock-puppet and then when getting about a dozen or so blowing one away like Greg “5G” Johnson. Putting in a Gayporium that sells rubber goods for the weekend, a used adult bookstore & a gay bath-house atop Crooked Evil Ira’s Toxic Waste Dump as part of the Flintville-Greater Granby Build Back Better Boutique Bizness Bureau (henceforth F-GGBBBBBB) is a stretch for Moan Persona.
There are some, like T-Rampage Gamble that thinks you are a 91 IQ (on a good day) thieving moron as present patriarch of the Channel Fambly. Channel is defined as being between “cancer” and “chlymidia” on the Granby City lumpen-anglo-mestizo-tariate body polytick. Closer to chlymidia most of the time but persistent like cancer. Better City Councils got rid of you but only for a while and you were back like untreated syphilis.
Actually, I think that you are a glib sub-moron as well, but with a genius for thievery who fits well with the present Granby City Council. Mayor Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins at the last City Council Meating — in which there were only nine left — said that even though the Council-Cucks wanted you to get off your ass and deliver “final notice” for shutting off City Utilities [while a rattlesnake will give ‘final notice’ a baal-priest like Crooked Ira and the r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. Assley Edgmon won’t] Crooked Ira gave the parable of the lazy son who wouldn’t get off his ass in bed and go to work on time.
Here’s Mayor Crooked Evil Ira’s Parable about the Prodigal Channel: Crooked Evil Ira has a son who will not get up and thieve from Granby. So when he finally gets up it is to watch Internet Porn and to tinket with his Facebook Channel, and to put yet another clamp joining the other dozen on the 10 ft. water or sewer pipe, to try to teach the She-Mayoress how to book-keep & for her to teach you how to lay pipe, and to log off the walnut and oak timber trees at the Granby ball park. So Crooked Evil Ira doesn’t want to trifle with the Prodigal Channel’s propensity for thieving. Thus even though there was a 3-0 vote to make you work, and two of them already got theys’ itty-bitty heads together to make you work they still cucked out like chicken waste through a tin horn.
So here’s the deal for you, Jim Channel. You get to post here on Granby UnCensored — as does anybody. And both you and Jeromy allow myself the same. Jeremy on Granby’s Thots & Views and you on Suck Granby Dry, er, Help Granby Grow.
The Dec. 2021 City Council Meating could best be described as “Chickens are cum-cumming home to roost.” They admitted that they should have patched up the sewer and water leaks before going $3.2 million into debt. You admitted to logging off the Granby ball park. By default the Granby Cemetery Board is going to have to fend for itself. And the only options for getting out of this mess is getting the Granby retarded voters living with decayed infrastructure is for them to foolishly give you Granby Council-Criminals and employees who will not work yet another $100-200 thousand in [ab]use sales taxes taking 2.6250 percent on their Internet purchases which will not help a single one of Granbys’ current merchants.
I had to laugh when Joe Guinn cumplained about your logging these walnut logs but said it had to be “through the right Channels.” Wrong Joe, say it isn’t so. In Granby the “right channels” is ALWAYS the “Wrong Channels.”
You and Jeremy lets me on your respective Facebook Channels then you will get the uncensored cut of the Granby City Council-Criminal Meatings as opposed to having to watch Muh Directard’s Cut and not have to worry about a whorde of sock-possums to boot.
What say you? I don’t mind being lied to because I expect nothing else from you.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Current Elected South Ward City Councilman
Proposed Agenda, December 14, 202 1 a 6:00 p.m.
Posted December 10, 2021
Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call:
Gene Spears re: ARPA Funds
New Business:
14. Making Jim Channel restore “final notice” on Granby Utility Bills and making Mayor Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins make the lazy thieving bastard work as opposed to watching Internet porn, operating a FaceBook Group, and logging off Granby city property.
(Added on. Even though all three council-critters wanted Mayor Crooked Evil Ira to make the thieving lazy bastard give out final notices before disconnect Mayor Crooked Evil Ira wants his “son” to have more Granby-paid time to beat his meat and log off Granby property and keep the proceeds, Crooked Evil Ira wanted to take it under advisement.)
Here is the latest offending post in relation to the Verizon Slowdown in this area:
I sure hope that this doesn’t interfere with me posting my One Post of the Day as I wanted to post about the Cemetery Board Meeting last night but here goes:
Verizon not only hasn’t been working the past three daze, but it is also likely the Cause of an Unfortunate Transporter Accident with the other Greg 5G Johnson out of Sans Fagscrisco to where I now have an irresistable impulse to join the GGBBBBBB (Greater Granby Build Back Better Boutique Bizness Bureau) to put up a used adult bookstore & Gayporium to sell Rubber Goods for the Weekend & Gay Bath-House where Mayor Ira Hawkins’ Toxic Waste Dump currently squats across from Granby City Hall & when it rains creates a mudslide onto Wayne Brooks Tattoo Parlor Shop & am currently up to close to Three Percent and a $3 ZOGbux bill less Homophobick.
I have a Verizon cell phone which I use as a hotspot given that since Sept. 11, 2001 I have been banned from using the Internet on Stouffer Communications working in tandem with the Granby City Hall and Bryan Reo and ZOG. Whenever I need to use broadband I go parking at JJs or at Walmart. But the cell phone hotspot is by far the cheapest and most coonvenient.
For the past three daze I’ve had a problem with my Verizon cell-phone hotspot. I especially needed it when I got a letter from Senior federal Judge Chris Boyko in Bryan Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 1:19-cv-02589-CAB informing me of his final judgment (Doc. 123). So I had to get on PACER to download Docs #117-123 informing me that Judge Boyko without benefit of a jury trial assessed me a $750,000 judgment violative of not only the First Amendment but the 7th Amendment of a jury trial and 8th Amendment no excessive fines or judgments clauses. Luckily three of those judgments were a free download so it only cost me three dollars to download and I’ll appeal again to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals where it will join the other two and the pending U.S. Supreme Court docket 21-6219.
Isn’t it nice to know that the federal courts around Cleveland are even more corrupt by degree than the Newton County and Granby korts? They do corruption bigger in Cleveland Ohio and Lake County Ohio.
But it took me the better part of two hours to download off of PACER (Pub[l]ic Access to Court Electronic Records) the early morning hours of the 8th of December after the Day which will live in Idiocy around 50 pages of court documents. But this Verizon slowdown is nothing cum-cum-pared to what happened over Verizon in April of this year when I was teleported mentally with a left-wing homosexual white supremacist and exchanged, THANKFULLY no precious bodily fluids but consciousness — and I’m sure that it didn’t do him much good either.
To see the rest of this article go to Granby UnCensored: @
Ordinance #874
WHEREAS, the City has imposed local sales taxes, as defined in Section 32.085 RSMo, at the rate of 2.6250%; and
WHEREAS, the City is authorized, under Section 144.757 RSMo, to impose a local use tax at a rate equal to the rate of the local sales taxes in effect in the City; and
WHEREAS, the proposed City use tax cannot become effective until approved by the voters at a municipal, county or state general, primary or special election;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Granby, as follows:
SECTION ONE: Pursuant to the authority granted by, and subject to, the provisions
of Sections 144.600 through 144.761 RSMo, a use tax for general revenue purposes is imposed for the privilege of storing, using or consuming within the City any article of tangible personal property. This tax does not apply with respect to the storage, use or consumption of any article of tangible personal property purchased, produced or manufactured outside this state until the transportation of the article has finally come to rest within this City or until the article has become commingled with the general mass of property of this City.
(page 1 of 3)
You and Baal Shittrell and Pfat Jackass Kelly and now Goober-Gomer Squirrell are firmly in charge and thus responsible for this mess so now what’s next, you pharisatanic Granby City Council-Criminal ass-clowns???
Ira Hawkins and City Council members as winter is fast approaching and the costs of natural gas rising quickly could you let the residents know in the next billing any issues they may need to be prepared for due to our current political situation. I’d hate to see folks not budget accordingly since everything else has gotten more expensive and out of control. Plus since you pharisatanic ass-clown City Council-Criminals are less Christian than a rattlesnake and don’t want to cut down on Liemond Jim Chlymidia-Channel’s Internuts porn & Facebook time so no final notice could you coonsider giving this belated kindness to the poor and weak amongst you jewr utmost attention? Cum-cum, cum-cum & Thank you !!!
Allen Malloy
Friday Oct. 15, 2021 @ 2:25pm