Pastor Lindstedt, Aryan Nations of Missouri, et. al v. City of Granby Missouri, Newton County, State of Missouri, U.S. Government 3:21-cv-05029

Suing the City of Granby Missouri, Granby City Present and Former Officers and Employees, Granby Police Department and Police Officers, Those who benefitted from cozy contracts and restraint of trade under color of Granby Municipal Ordinances, Allieger-Martin and Employees for fraudulent contracting practices.

Newton County and some of its Officers, Judges Greg Stremel, Kevin Lee Selby, and Charless Curless for acting without jurisdiction to grant spurious “domestic protection order” against Pastor Lindstedt to keep him from checking up on the Granby City public business.

State of Missouri and former and present Attorney General Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt for making a mockery of the Missouri Open Public Meetings “Sunshine” Law and Jay Nixon and Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft for allowing the City of Granby to not follow [s]election laws in refusal to allow Pastor Lindstedt to take his South Ward City Council seat.

The U.S. Government for failure to ensure a “republican form of government” for the City of Granby, Newton County, and State of Missouri.

The Civil Cover Sheet listing 45 defendants:

Twelve-Page Initial Civil Complaint:

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri