The Very Last Person Departed Granby South Ward City Council-man Ashley Edgemon Wanted to See His City Council Papers Has His City Council Papers & Other Things of Interest

I go to my house in Granby every day. Usually to get the water or take a shower and to make sure that the rat hasn’t unplugged the refrigerator or to use the old Windows 7 computer. Today I went to get the Granby City Council-Packets and today they gave me the minutes of their secret “emergency” City Council meeting to swear in Ashley Edgemon — but not Reggie Bard — so that Ashley could leave for Florida and the City Council could accept his resignation as planned back when Ashley filed at 4:49pm 22 January 2020 — 11 minutes before filing ended so as to defeat myself who had signed up on 15 Jan 2020. The Granby City Council deliberately made him file so they could later “appoint” a compliant meat-puppet meercat to further steal Granby blind. Ashley Edgemon left this past weekend.

As I drove to where I take care of Roxie, I seen an ice-chest in the small dumpster across from Ashley Edgemon’s former church. So I turned around and the workmen working on Skeeter Lamp’s back yard didn’t bat an eye. So I retrieved the ice-chest, a broken clothes hamper, a broken lawn chair, and saw some binders. I dug deeper. And there were approximately three-four years of the “City Council packets” made for the attention of the Granby City Councilmen for use at Granby Council Meetings. These city packets I have to pay for but Chad Heyworth gets for free as their tame newspaperman. The paperwork had stale coffee and pizza boxes soiling them buI I scooped them up and put them in the broken clothes hamper.

I also found the August 2019 Allieger-Martin sewer report that I shamed a copy from Ashley Edgemon and posted to the Internet. But what I found to show half-hearted shamefulness was a never-worn yellow Allieger-Martin 2X t-shirt which was given as a reward to the City Councilmen. That and Ashley Edgemon’s card holder. Ashley is obviously never going to be a pastor again. It made me mad because here Ashley was, shilling for $3.2 million in unnecessary debt lasting for the next 35 years and here he got a t-shirt and likely other stuff but never will have to pay a penny on it, not him or his kids. Just his stupid, stupid baal-sheep who listened to him and voted for him.

I also found the past city council-packets for March, April, and May 2020. Looks like I’ll not be needing to pay for them now that I got Ashley’s. He threw them away when he fled / r.u.n.n.t,-o.f.f.t. into the night to Florida. The June 2019 Dog&Pony Show Audit. Ashley was not even going to leave a copy for his successor — but he actually did as I’m notifying the Missouri Secretary of State, Attorney General and State Auditor for them to come to Granby and do their jobs.

The past five years of Granby City Hall criminality must be undone. I’ll be releasing these records rescued from the dumpster to those who ask. And as your next South-Ward City Councilman you will be able to see City business done with your tax dollars 10-15 minutes after I see what is on the plate and get my copy.

When I ran on four planks I meant them. 1) Disown Ashley Edgemon’s $3.2 million dollar sewer bond debt. 2). Fix the water pipes 3.) Plug the sewer leaks. and 4) Open the schools and businesses and keep them open.

We need to understand that it is up to us to fix our infrastructure and to hire them who will do it which means firing those who keep us from attaining our objectives.

The trash lady Tami tried to shoo me off but it was too late. I think I got everything except maybe a file or two as she picked up the dumpster and flipped it into the truck. I left behind a broken cork-board and broken picture-frames.

I found in Ashley Edgemon’s Church’s dumpster that it is not only evil which is banal, but representative democracy when run by such as Ashley Edgemon and Granby council-critters.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
2d Place Granby South Ward City Councilman.

A Last Word on the Subject

It looks like my commentary has been deleted. Not to worry as I have it saved on my I do not post after 10:00pm. I can well imagine the complaints to Jeremy about my observations. So since I don’t want to get banned again by popular demand I’ll desist for now in stating the obvious, viz:

A lot of people living in Granby will be cut off from city utilities altogether as they won’t have the income to make payments they used to have to struggle to meet.

In seeking to live there might well be a number of options taken by desperate people to survive resulting in bad consequences arising from having no water, sewer, gas or sanitation.

There was $177,000 of their money which will not be used for their relief because it was deliberately spent on something else.

Mayor Ira Hawkins and the Granby City Council are responsible for their spending decisions and how they went about it.

Reggie Bard will be no source of reform if or when she gets elected.

We will see what happens, but I’m pretty sure that it won’t be a surprise.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; for Granby Shall NOT Prosper

We’ve had this debate as to why evildoers do evil things, especially when they get any authority. Someone like Ira Hawkins and the City Council say they are going to somehow “help” out a bit maybe. The TIF after it fulfilled its purpose in buying the Styrons a new $250,000 metal building was applied to them as a slush fund. You applied to get your family buildings out of the TIF district as did I. I even gave them a stamped self-addressed envelope so that they could obey the law. And regardless they still refused to obey the law and our property taxes went to the TIF slush fund for 2019. On March 10, 2020 they passed a “resolution” so that the Styrons could cash out in advance of 2032 for selling their old building for the ‘new’ police station. There is $177,000 in excessive meter fees which were applied to benefit the Styrons and I hear of no intention to ever roll back the meter fees to even $10 per month.

The sewer bond issue is a dead issue because everyone is buying T-bills while the printing presses run. Remember all the times since the Nov. 2019 [s]election when you pointed out to me that probably not one sewer leak has been fixed. Nor was it. It was simply a scam so that Allieger-Martin could get $830,000 to spread out in kickbacks to the passing parties in the Granby City Hall while the sewer users got their sewer bills to go up a minimum of 26 per month. Now half the population of Granby don’t have the extra $26 or the average of $30 water bill plus the $40 for the sewer under the old rate. What is going to happen is that the smarter will simply let the utilities be shut off, catch their rainwater, flush their tolets and do the wash with that rainwater — since the city workers won’t dig to fix leaks they sure won’t dig up the sewers for non-payment, drink bottled water and cook with bottled gas and just dump their trash. The end result will be the collapse of the City utilities. As with the trash service what needs to be done with the water and sewer is to sell them to Missouri American Water Service and the gas service to some private company and simply charge a franchise fee of a couple of dollars per month going to the municipality. T-Rampage Gamble and Ira Hawkins fired Paula Corsel because she would do the book-keeping to their liking, yet Lawna Price not only doesn’t do the book-keeping but not even the billing yet she is the “She-Mayoress.”

This Corvid-BoomerRemover biowarred virus will cum back in the fall. This bioweapon has been engineered so that even if you get it this spring chances are you have no immunity when like the Spanish Flu of 1917-1918 it becomes even more deadly in the 1918-1919 season. It spreads and is infectious between cats and likely dogs. So no real vaccine is possible. My latest puppy was vaccinated for ‘Coronavirus’ on March 3, 2020. It hasn’t affected Newton County just yet because the temperatures are headed to over 80 degrees. And the population is such that while Asians are five times as likely to get it as whites, so too are the Africans and Hispanics four times to get it than whites, which is why New York City, New Jersey, Detroit, Philadelphia, Seattle got it worst and the death rates are higher. But when the flu season returns in the fall, it will have more impoverished ZOGlings without much in the way of resistance or the means to buy their way from exposure.

So how does this affect Granby? Granby used to be the cheapest place to live. Thanks to T-Rampage and Ira Hawkins that is not the case any more. In fact it is cheaper to live in Neosho and Monett and where the jobs are. So what is left are the elderly and the crackheads and chomos and on the down and out. We already have had the expected Financial Collapse. Now we have the ongoing Commercial Collapse as small businesses fold and even the larger like La-z-Boy and Legitt and Platt lay off everyone. Soon, very very soon we shall have Government Collapse as states and counties and municipalities are spending and no one is able to pay taxes because they must spend for the lives of their own families. No one will want to raise their sales taxes or property taxes. The half-cent sales tax for Newton County is dead — who wants to pay the sheriff to evict them for non-payment of property taxes?  Probably the one-eighth sales tax for the cemetery — let the dead bury the dead as Christ counselled. The scheme to tear down old buildings is probably going to be put on hold as soon, very very soon a lot of old people will die off and like me buying a bunch of old houses because nobody wanted to live in Granby during the 80s and 90s there won’t be the money or point in doing so. As you pointed out yourself to me, it makes no economic sense to build anything new or elaborate in Granby.

The $177,000 dollar payoff to the Styrons needs to be set aside.  The People of Granby bought them a new commercial building — they need to turn in their old building in return. The sewer bond issue is defunct for now — it needs to be revoted on and set aside permanently. The gas meter fees need to be rolled back. The City Clerk, City Public Works Director, and Granby Police Chief need to be fired and replaced with far more modest and hardworking employees who understand that they work for the People of Granby — NOT the crooked and inept City Hall reptiles. There should be a place at the City Park where the poor can fill up 5 gallon jugs for drinking water. There should be a place for public dissent at City Council Meetings as opposed to being threatened with arrest and actually jailed for doing so. The municipal court should be abolished as municipal ordinances are voided and law enforcement except for a city marshall and night watchman reverts back to the County like pre-1994 Granby.  

Face it, the decline of Granby has been mandated through City Hall. But the People of Granby told to “pull theysselfs up by theys’ own bootstraps” have foolishly voted in the highest sales taxes in Newton County. They don’t seem to realize that it is austerity which makes for efficiency. When you are in a hole, stop digging. When you are in quicksand, stop strugging and start floating your way to the top.

Such is my vision of what Granby needs to survive. Everything set aside which has been killing us. But first we need to understand the problems and understanding that the problems were caused by problem people who are not that way because of ignorance but because they are evil. Evil comes from evil trees, cf. Matt 7:15-20

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Matt 7:15-20

No Jaimie/PollyAnna. Ira Hawkins is a bad corrupt tree which yields bad corrupt fruit. How could it be any different? Like Eve you believe Serpents selling you some rotten bad fruit and if you eat of it, like both myself and YHWH warns, you shall surely (no, not Shirley but Jaimie) die — as will Granby from enough bad debt and worse policies.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

Isaiah 10:1

Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC/AN
Candidate on Granby Ballot South Ward City Council & East Newton R-6 School Board