A vote for Doreen Clause might be voting for the lesser of two evils:
The Evil is that she thinks like a Granby City Council-Criminal: No respect for private property upon getting elected.
Let me introduce myself. I’m Doreen Clouse and I am running for South Ward Alderman for Granby City Council, I have lived in SW MO since the age of 3. My family moved to Newtonia in 1970 and we lived there all through my school years. I have been married to my husband, Mike for 36 years and we have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. We have lived in Newton County our entire married life and plan to stay here. We have purchased our home in Granby and want to contribute to the community.
I previously worked 15 years at Sunbeam in Neosho. After that I went to Crowder College and earned an associate’s degree in accounting. Right after graduation, I started working for Crowder College in their grant funded TRIO programs. I am the Budget Manager for the TRIO programs that are housed at the Neosho campus. I have been with Crowder for the last 17 years.
My job includes managing budgets for 10 grants that each have a budget of over $250,000 annually. With this job experience I hope to use my knowledge to find ways to improve the spending habits and explore ways to use our funds efficiently. I want accountability and answers for how our funds are budgeted and expended in each department. I feel like the citizens of Granby need to be aware of the spending habits of the departments, as well as the revenue that we receive. All of this is not to point fingers, but to improve our town.
The water system is one large area that I would like to see substantial improvements as quickly as possible. It is not going to get any cheaper the longer we wait and we have wasted a lot of time and money with no real solutions to date.
Sounds good so far. But now cum-cum, cum-cums the “Oh Shit Moment” . . .
I would also like our town to look appealing to outsiders who are looking for a new place to call home. We have housing issues that need to be addressed, starting with the homes that have been abandoned and left to deteriorate. Those property owners need to be held accountable and the structures should be brought up to a standard that a family could live in, or torn down to make way for future builds. We need to be able to take pride in our town !
The above idiot notion is common to those seeking power over others. This woman thinks that just because she gets [s]elected that she gets to “own” private property within the municipality and turn it into her own private Home Owners Association in which she gets to keep the poor and weaker than he “accountable.” She wants to tear down private property if it isn’t up to her own “standards” and thus is a fascist or communist in ideation. The best way to deal with such idiot notions is to destroy the power base, in this case to dis-incorporate Granby.
I got on to her over this matter during the second of Mayor Crooked Ira’s Town Hall Beg-a-thon. So since she is slightly more rational than Pfat Jackass Kelly I’ll not make a big deal about either voting for her or not, but this woman might well be problemic if she wins, which she probably will.
Let’s also understand something. Granby is dying. There is no point to building anything new in Granby because those in power want to steal it or tell you how to live because Granby Inbreds in Power have no respect for private property, indeed think that it is theys’ property if [s]elected.
— Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
I am excited that Grow Granby has jumped in to improve commercial growth in our town. This should be coming from our council and not from a small group of people who see the potential for Granby. Many of these committee members do not even live in our town and still want to see our town be prosperous and profitable! I will work alongside this committee to help bring businesses and increased revenue to our town.
These types of improvements will bring growth to our town. So, my hope would be by voting for me, we can work to Rebuild and Restore Granby!
City of Granby “Special Work Meeting” Feb 22, 2022 @ 5:15 pm
Granby City Hall
302 N. Main Street
Special Work Session Agenda:
- ARPA Funds
- Street Lights
- 22/23 Budget
- Zoning & Building Codes
I get thrown out of the Granby City Council-Criminal Meating on an #815 Action
(To a party who messaged me as to what transpired after being ejected from the Granby Council-Criminal Meating)
Thanks for letting me know what went on after I was threatened with arrest for making fun of Mayor Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins, Pfat Jackass Kelly, Fatter Lawna the She-Mayoress, Baal Shittrell, and Gomer-Goober Carrel. Not that it mattered as the serious issues this month were swept under the rug.
But the issue is that the City of Granby is running a corrupt police state in which the other city council members wish to simply get rich off of kickbacks from contracts then run off with the proceeds, leaving Granby with massive debts. And they use a corrupt poice force to act as their enforcers.
Last night Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins, Pfat Jackass Kelly, Baal Shittrell, and Gomer-Goober Carrell decided to not allow myself to speak in an orderly fashion and so when I wanted to make it quite clear to the City Attorney, also corrupt, that here would be litigation under color of Ordinance 815 I was threatened with arrest and thus given a new federal lawsuit which will cost the City $100,000 in litigation and hopefully lead to the pulling of the City Charter so that any water and sewer improvements can be placed in the hands of water companies and gas companies given that these people are simply too stupid and corrupt to run anything, much less a decaying town of less than 2000 people.
These 815 actions are losers.
You might have to get used to living amongst the crackheads as opposed to having boutiques run in Granby while the inbreds are drinking sulphur & sewage slurry. These people ought to be smart enough to realize that their actions are made public and while Granby used to be a nice place to live there is no point to investing anything much over $50,000 to live within the City limits. Granby needs to become the Quean City of Eastern Newton County, not a dumping ground for the poor, weak, stupid, doped-up and perverted of Newton County and Southwestern Missouri.
I like living in Granby or at least I did and take Granby people as they are — except for the City Council-Criminals. Perhaps we can talk about this later and presently I have no intention of suing you but you need to understand that the best thing for the People of Granby is to go after the thieves, make them disgorge everything they stole and then some, disband this animal police department, and to let the County take back over minimum policing.
Tall grass & crackheads raising theys’ spawn without public utilities is far better than massive debt from massive corruption.
Hail Victory !!!
Three Strikes & This Sock-possum is OUT on Granby Thots & Views:
The Inbred Jeds sucking up Sulphur, Sewage, & Lead don’t do Satire
Here is the latest offending post in relation to the Verizon Slowdown in this area:
I sure hope that this doesn’t interfere with me posting my One Post of the Day as I wanted to post about the Cemetery Board Meeting last night but here goes:
Verizon not only hasn’t been working the past three daze, but it is also likely the Cause of an Unfortunate Transporter Accident with the other Greg 5G Johnson out of Sans Fagscrisco to where I now have an irresistable impulse to join the GGBBBBBB (Greater Granby Build Back Better Boutique Bizness Bureau) to put up a used adult bookstore & Gayporium to sell Rubber Goods for the Weekend & Gay Bath-House where Mayor Ira Hawkins’ Toxic Waste Dump currently squats across from Granby City Hall & when it rains creates a mudslide onto Wayne Brooks Tattoo Parlor Shop & am currently up to close to Three Percent and a $3 ZOGbux bill less Homophobick.
I have a Verizon cell phone which I use as a hotspot given that since Sept. 11, 2001 I have been banned from using the Internet on Stouffer Communications working in tandem with the Granby City Hall and Bryan Reo and ZOG. Whenever I need to use broadband I go parking at JJs or at Walmart. But the cell phone hotspot is by far the cheapest and most coonvenient.
For the past three daze I’ve had a problem with my Verizon cell-phone hotspot. I especially needed it when I got a letter from Senior federal Judge Chris Boyko in Bryan Reo v. Martin Lindstedt 1:19-cv-02589-CAB informing me of his final judgment (Doc. 123). So I had to get on PACER to download Docs #117-123 informing me that Judge Boyko without benefit of a jury trial assessed me a $750,000 judgment violative of not only the First Amendment but the 7th Amendment of a jury trial and 8th Amendment no excessive fines or judgments clauses. Luckily three of those judgments were a free download so it only cost me three dollars to download and I’ll appeal again to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals where it will join the other two and the pending U.S. Supreme Court docket 21-6219.
Isn’t it nice to know that the federal courts around Cleveland are even more corrupt by degree than the Newton County and Granby korts? They do corruption bigger in Cleveland Ohio and Lake County Ohio.
But it took me the better part of two hours to download off of PACER (Pub[l]ic Access to Court Electronic Records) the early morning hours of the 8th of December after the Day which will live in Idiocy around 50 pages of court documents. But this Verizon slowdown is nothing cum-cum-pared to what happened over Verizon in April of this year when I was teleported mentally with a left-wing homosexual white supremacist and exchanged, THANKFULLY no precious bodily fluids but consciousness — and I’m sure that it didn’t do him much good either.
To see the rest of this article go to Granby UnCensored: @
Mayor Crooked Evil Ira: I’m going to appoint another ass-licking Pharisatanic Scumbag to the Granby Shitty Council
Good Thing There Is No Shortage of Really Stupid Fat Old Granby Bitches Wanting to Fill The ZOGvirus South Ward Skank Seat Perilous and Go Directly to Hell
Well at last City Council-Criminal Meating held on Sept. 14, 2021 I actually found out that that awful stupid evil old bitch Joyce Mann had croaked off of the ZOGvirus earlier that day but since I was asked by the rest of her family to keep it secret instead named the other awful mean evil thieving fat bitch council-criminal who also croaked of the ZOG-virus JoAnn Lamp six weeks earlier instead.
I was running around Granby looking for another morally gelatinous weak minded thieving pharisatanic ass-clown but when I finally found one he was scared off about how the Boomer-Remover Coof was sending council-criminals to Hell, Go Directly to Hell, Do not Pass Go, Do Not Collect Contractard Kickbacks. Besides there is nothing much left to thieve, the Shitty of Granby infrastructure, the shitheads are drinking sulphur and sewage from a 1290 ft. cesspool/aquifer and Jim Channel is suffering from the clot shot and can’t be bothered much outside of viewing Internet porn and getting on Facebook to fight with Granby Thots & Views.
Between myself and T-Rampage Gamble and the rest of the thieving Granby City Council we have pretty much hollowed out Granby to where a witless and dependent indigent population has created a hollowed-out police state wherein those living outside this dumping ground avoids Granby like the plague it is. Inbred Jed was always sucking up lead but now with the addition of sulphur and sewage from 60+ leaking water pipes from a contaminated 1290 foot aquifer / cesspool.
In addition the past decade has the City Hall second story rotting from the water allowed to enter to where there was a coontractard bid of $30,900 for new windows.
In addition the price of natural gas has more than doubled to where the professional retard says that the price we charge will triple.
So whatever weak-minded thieving idiot I manage to appoint with the vote of Pfat-the-Jackass Kelly and Baal Shittrell will preside over a dying shitty well past the point of any return.
But then again the Granby City Hall has always been about stealing as much as possible, setting up a police state, driving out everyone with a spark of life and intelligence, oppressing the poor and weak while pretending to be christians instead of being baal-priest pharasatanics, and doing evil in order to serve our real Father and God — Satan.
I’ve never believed in democracy and neither did the rest of my fellow superstitious baal-priests. Why when Baal Cooper was so sick that the fool couldn’t even shoah up to steal we decided to appoint some idiot named Chelsea until she threatened to interfere with our Cemetery Scam with Assley Edgmon and T-Rampage Gamble running it. So T-Rampage Gamble got rid of Kevin Johnson and then Stansberry so that we could put in the “Reform” nitwit Tim Murphy as fire chief.
See how much I believed in “democracy” back in 2017 when me and T-Rampage and the rest of the Granby City Council-Criminals decided to appoint some mallable thieving ass-clown of our own.
Instead Pastor Lindstedt got the Newton County Clerk to force us to hold a [s]election.
Eighty percent of you people in Granby don’t deserve anything other than living in a decaying shithole. The only option is to take the path of Purcell which got a state audit, then upon detection criminal charges were filed against their mayor and city employees and they figured out that they couldn’t run a water and sewer system so they sold their utilities to a public water company.
Granby needs to be de-annexed and have its home rule charter pulled.
But the one thing we have accomplished is that because of our misrule and mismanagement Granby is such a shithole that even niggers and beaners don’t want to live here.
And the price of Granby hovels will become affordable again.
Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 12 October 2021
Proposed Agenda October 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted October 8, 2021
Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call:
1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes September 14,2021.
3) Appointment of council member
1) Todd Clouse re: Halloween Parade
2) Sarah James and Barry Flint re: The Foundry and future Economic Development projects
New Business:
1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand
2) Department Head Reports
3) Discussion re: replacement windows for City Hall
4) Jerry Schwartz re: gas increase
5) Replace Signors on Court Checking Account
6) Closed session re: real estate matters
7) Fire Chief re: tire purchase
8) Write-offs
Closed session in accordance with RSMo 610.021(3) reference real estate matters
Meyer Crooked Ira Hawkins decides to let Jim Channel goof Off Some More
Its cutting into the Facebook & Youporn Cell-phone watching so no more shut-off notices for you Granby, cum-cum, cum-cum !!!
A sharp-eyed business owner seen the recent city utilities notice above and decided to post it to Granby Thots & Views.
The thread devolves into sanctimonious shitheads virtue-signalling about how they always pay their bills but with a minority asking why a change in policy to where they don’t give “final notice” for those about to be shut off if they don’t pay by the first of the next month. Why this change in policy?
Terra Clouse
This is from the Missouri Public Service Commission: Before your service is shut off, your utility company must:
• Send you a notice that you are going to be shut off and
indicate what you will need to do to maintain service.
Different companies have different policies regarding
shutting off service.
• Attempt to contact you in person prior to your shut off.
• Place a hang-tag on your door, or make at least two telephone call attempts, warning you of possible shut off.
• During the winter months (November 1 through March 31), the PSC Cold Weather Rule is in effect and service cannot be disconnected when the temperature is forecasted for the following 24 hours to drop below 32 degrees.
Jim Channel
Terra Clouse the PSC rules are for investment owned companies the rules do not apply to municipality owned companies
Only a municipality as messed up as Granby would hire my worthless ass, much less discontinue the final notice because I wanted more time on Facebook and watching Internet porn.
Crooked Ira decided to let me jack off some more on City time so he discontinued giving final notice to the poorer citizens of Granby.
Jamie Arnall
Patti Miller Farmer, Jim’s comment above was exactly what I was telling you this morning about this concern. He states since the city is a “ municipality” they don’t have to follow the Missouri utility laws …. Makes you wonder why Missouri has these laws and why A municipality would not be required to follow them.
Friday, Sept 24, 2021 @ 8:45pm
Patti Miller Farmer
Jamie Arnall, it seems to me that letting people know before you shut them off is simply the right thing to do. Basically, it’s like they are saying that the law doesn’t specifically apply to our city, so we don’t care enough about our citizens to treat them fairly. Acting a lot like a big city that just doesn’t give a rats ass about people.
Granby City Council-Criminals Hire Convicted Criminal Without a Valid Drivers License Because They Can
It is NOT as if them licking theys nuts is so darn good but that Granby has to eat shit as well as drink sewage in order to shoah them Inbreds who is boss, cum-cum, cum-cum!!!
In order to survive living in Granby whether you are a genuine Inbred Jed or simply someone hiding out on the cheap in this shithole which is the dumping ground of Southwest Missouri for the crackheads, drunks, chomos, and sundry Inbred Jeds & Jethrenes who like sucking up lead and a goodly amount of sulphur and now sewage through the decaying Granby water and sewer system or simply have already been r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. from Neosho, Carthage or even Monett and have neither ambition nor brains to leave then as a Tough Granby Inbred Jed Sucking up Lead then you need to vote for one of your thieving relatives onto the Granby Shitty Council or batten down as a Shitty [Sic] “Worker” and that means turning a blind eye or deaf ear or shit-loving taster or fart smeller.
If like Box-Wine Wedgie Tard or this senile old Boomer heifer who cum here because Granby being a shithole use-ta-mean this place is cheap but thanks to the [mal]Adminstrations of T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins you are drinking sewer and sulphur water from the decaying sewer pipes thanks to the stupidity and thievery of the last decade and especially last seven years or so and now you have gotten to the end of the line and have no assets to move to a worse place (and not just because Granby is the worst place) then you simply need to suck it up, Buttercup.
But living in a shithole hath itz advantages, foremost of which is bitching about it on Granby Thots & Views, and to a limited extent Jim Channel’s “Suck Granby Dry” where you too can enjoy this 91 IQ (on a good day) dick-tater-sheep of the Granby ZOGling anglo-mestizotariate. The Channel Fambly is to the Granby Shitty Polytick defined as being somewhere between “Cancer” and “Chlymidia” — usually closer to merely annoying like chlymidia but insofar as Granby Infrastructure (such as it is) closer to cancer.
The problem with being an Inbred Jed/Jethrene though is that being related to everyone — like in Mississippi where the fambly tree looks like a telephone pole — is that you are going to piss off at least half your relatives if not more of them. There are cliques and claques and factions and interests which an outsider will find incomprehensible. But Granby had its day and now in the twilight of a weak and degenerate population living in the ruins while outsiders who bought some shithole properties cheap simply fail to understand them whatsoever.
So you have the “honest inbreds” who live amongst the “bad trash inbreds.” Those who are the better sort can be reasoned with and sometimes vote for myself by 20% to 80% of the rest simply because they have cum to the realization that it can’t continue like this — but it does. There is a lot of ruin in a perpetually ruined shithole to paraphrase Sodden Winnie Churchill.
So back to bitching on Granby Thots & Views, wherein I am allowed to lurk.
Last month this nasty old piece of shit Pat Kelly ( working with Bryan Reo ) upon seeing that Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins used the services of Granby Police Chief Jacob Kelly to shut down for a third year in a row my criticism in wanting to de-annex my and my Aryan Nations Church properties from outside Granby shitty limits even though in the decaying heart of Granby. So of course Pat Kelly understood that it is legitimate to hide behind the guns and badges of Granby Piglice Department to make whatever threat he wanted. The Newton County Sheriff’s Department and Prostituting Attorney doesn’t want to get involved in taking my cumplaint as “Whatever happens in Granby needs to stay in Granby” like Raccoon City’s toxic waste dump.
So recently Jim Channel decided to hire one of his good buddies who like Jim Channel had been fired for being a drunken thieving scumbag. Charles Brian Barker Jr. has over thirty-five items in his Missouri Case Net file. One for felony stealing was resolved in 2019 with five years probation, which means that he is a felon on probation and parole subject if he misbehaves to being imprisoned until 2023. But the disbarring feature is State v. Charles B. Barker 19NW-CR02093 in which Barker Jr. managed to evade trial — a pre-trial coonference was held 3 Aug. 2021 — on driving with a suspended license. A clever criminal can evade trial for a long long time by “working the [corrupt] System” and Brian Barker is no exception.
I asked one of the better Inbreds if he knew Brian Barker. Yes, as a doper and meth-head and petty criminal with a lot of issues involving domestic violence. Not his father who is a “good guy.” But Brian Barker is bad bad bad news. Coontrary to the lies of Jim Channel and Crooked Ira — and they know about his not having a valid drivers license and evading trial for driving while suspended — in this “Life of Brian” he isn’t getting a Second Chance but a 666th Change from Baal-Priest Crooked Ira Hawkins of the Pharisatanist Synogogue of Mammon.
There are a number of domestic protection orders given out by GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel — and unlike the ones granted by Greggie Stremel and Kevin Lee Selby to Granby City Clerk Lawna Price and City Collector Carra Jo Coffer in order to prevent me from entering Granby Shitty Hall to see theys’ Granby Shitty Corruption and Thievery — these domestic protection orders were to prevent assault by a violent drunken addicted criminal. There is also allegations of rape in which the corruption and incompetence of the Granby Police Department prevented felon charges.
In short Granby City Council-Criminals and City Employees have hired someone exactly like theysselfs and deliberately overlooked the fact that he doesn’t even have a valid drivers license to drive on City streets !!!
What is the corrupt Granby City Police to do? Drive they’s Granby Piglice SUVs after their Granby City Worker to make sure that he isn’t drinking and doping? Or ‘selectively enforce’ the Laws of Missouri and of Granby like they do with trailer homes?
Of course there was a time in which neither Jim Channel nor his father had a drivers license which wasn’t suspended and the Granby Piglice Department refused to go after them as well.
Now a shout-out to North Ward City Council-woman Jamie Arnall and her brother running Granby Thots & Views for objecting to this hiring of this felon without a drivers license.
However, just as Jamie is only one City Council member and the rest are simply thieves and liars and crooks that means unless the situation becomes politically untenatable altogether as happens every so often leading to resignations she is simply subject to being outvoted 2-1, nor does she have the strength to boycott the city council meetings to deny a quorum.
So Granby shall stagger on from embarrassment to embarrassment as the rest of Newton County sniggers.
So Jeromy Hopper as administrator of Granby Thoughts and Views allowed some sock-puppet to log on as “Group Member” to speak freely. Jim Channel — a cowardly bully — is trying to determine her name.
What is interesting is in seeing how the People of Granby go down on this issue. No shortage of drunkards who drive, crackheads, and other criminals but there are also those who are able to do a search on Missouri Case Net or know something about the parties involved who don’t like the embarrassment of being tarred with being a resident of Granby. Everyone other than fools who refuse to do “due diligence” in buying cheap property in Granby knows all about Granby if they live here.
Frankly put, City Clerk Lawna Price should be fired as she doesn’t know book-keeping, got out of billing, destroyed public records and costs the City money better spent in hiring a local City Clerk who is honest and knows something other than thieving and lying. Same thing with Jim Channel. All this character does when nothing other than on Facebook is to slowly repair some of the water and sewer pipes. That and hire one of his criminal buddies who doesn’t even have a valid drivers license and due to his own delay hasn’t settled his driving with a suspended license litigation of which both Crooked Ira Hawkins and Jim Channel were fully aware of.
Granby Missouri as an incorporated municipality is a failure. The utilities need to be sold off, the Granby Police Department disbanded and private individuals allowed to live in peace minding their own business like pre-1994 Polce State Granby.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC
Elected South Ward City Councilman 2020-22
Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 10 August 2021
Proposed Agenda August 10, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted August 6, 2021
Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call
1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, July 27th 2021
1) Sheena Eastburn — Business License Request
New Business:
1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand
2) Department Head Reports
3) OMTD — Committee and 2022 Dates
4) ORDINANCE 868: Re Tax Levy for 2021
5) Discussion — concrete wall on Main Street (Granby House Side)