The Newton County Republicunt Watermelon Feed 3 Aug. 2021

Nothing but a super-spreader of Republican politicians wanting to becum the next U.S. Senaturd

(This is a work in progress)

I went to this year’s off-election year Newton County Republican Water-melon Feed from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at Big Spring Park in Neosho where I learned about the mood of the Neosho Courthouse Clique and their sundry delusions about the State of Missouri, of Newton County and of the federal government interaction of them all.

Four of the potential U.S. Senatard candidates to take over the Senate seat of Roy “Skunk” Blunt (ZOG-Corporate) were giving they’s spiels. Two were U.S. Congress-Critters who are allegedly giving up theys’ seats as one of 435 clowns to try for a bigger seat as one of a hundred Senaturds. Jason Smith from the 8th Congressional District showed up later and seems to have some grip on reality in that “anusannouncing ain’t the same as doing” and is probably just trying to milk the free publicity. The other one present Vickie Hartzler from the Fourth Congressional District is easily the stupidest Congress-kritter huffing from her own supply and with no idea other than that she wants to be a Senatard in order “save ZOG from itzself” or some other such crap. And she had an especially smarmy and slimey kid who rather than simply hand out a campaign card with an e-mail address promised to give me a return e-mail and then refused to take it down.

Then Eric Schmitt — current Missouri Attorney General — yapped about how he is going to sue the Chinese Communist Party but not Dokturd FrankenFauci who used tax ZOGbux to create the ZOG-virus which has killed over 600,000 ZOGlings so far plus counting. Of course “selective enfarcement” is what Eric Schmitt and all the prostitutors do in order to advance their selective tyranny and oppression. In fact, I’m suing Eric Schmitt — and Josh Hawley — over their coontempt for the Missouri Sunshine Law and for them getting my own Sunshine Enforcement actions shut down against crooked Newton County judges GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel and Kevin Lee Selby for them granting “domestic protection orders” on behalf of Granby City Clerks Lawna Price and Carra Jo Coffer. But Eric Blood-Ass Schmitt knowing who I am and seeing nothing to be gained by talking to me run like a pussy or having blockers so I never got to explain why I’m suing him for his legal and moral deficiencies.

Leading off was Attorney Mark McCloskey the lawyer with his wife who waved guns at antifa Black Lives Matter (albeit not to the niggers gunning each other down in the big shitties) activists who trespassed inside they’s gated mansions and pleaded “guilty” to something about scaring trespassers.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 27 July 2021

Proposed Agenda July 27, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted July 23, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, July 13th 2021


1) Rheaonna Green — Business License Request

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Resolution re:monthly meeting

3) Discussion re: Automatic Meter Readings

4) Engineers report

5) Discussion re: zoning and building codes

6) Discussion re: decorative lights

7) Designate a check signor

Look Outsiders: Why Granby Fails In Selecting A Safe Area

Granby is a lot more like Gomorrah than Mayberry

There are a bunch of people who over the years have asked me since I live in Granby if I recommend that they live or move here from where-ever they live now. How big is Granby? Isn’t it located on the edge of the Ozarks with appropriate values. Isn’t since the housing so degraded the only possible outcum in buying up some cheap shithole to live going to result in an improvement if you build it yourself?

And the answer is is that if you are of good intelligence and have some work ethic then of course you will do well simply because throughout the ZOGland since people are becoming stupider and lazier and more corrupt that if you got anything on the ball then you will do well anywhere. But like most of the young people in Granby who lived here in their youth the first order of business is move to Springfield or Joplin or Carthage and then upon retirement sell out and buy rural property upon the Collapse. Anything you invest in Granby other than a basic shithole living is largely wasted. There are no McMansions buildt in Granby because a $100,000 hovel elsewhere is worth only $60,000 in Granby. I myself bought Granby shitholes for a few thousand ZOGbux from the children and grandchildren who didn’t want to live in “Paw-Paw’s & Mee-Maw’s” 1920’s rough-sawn rock and tar-paper hovel and while I like hovel living that is not for today’s pussified bunch.

To live in Granby you don’t have to be smart or pretty or rich. You do have to be tough.

That said, I do recommend that if you want to live in rural Newton County cumfort, that living amongst the Mennonites in Eastern Newton County as far as possible from Neosho is the best option.

This is the best video on how to choose to live in rural areas.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 13 July 2021

Proposed Agenda July 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted July 9, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, June 22nd 2021


1) Rheaonna Green — Business License Request

2) Miner Mowing — Business License Request

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Report

3) Bids for Auditor ($7250 per year three years)

4) ENFPD contract and Resolution

5) Resolution to sign contract for purchase of property

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 22 June 2021

Proposed Agenda June 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted June 18, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, June 8, and June 18th 2021

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Budget 21/22

3) Proposal from Granby Telephone re: Phone System

4) Zoning and Building Codes

5) Resolution for Fireworks

6) Victor — purchase request for WW Treatment Plant

7.) Nuisance Abatement

Granby City Council Meeting 8 June 2021 part 1

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call: Councilman Charlie Brown by Video Conference

1) Approval of Agenda as presented Amended to add Items #11 and #12
2) Approval of Minutes, May 25, 2020

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Workers Comp Insurance Renewal

4) Discussion re: RFP for insurance rep ( Request For Proposal — i.e. Asking around for savings on Insurance )

5) Bank Account for relief funds

6) Proposal from Emily Weber ( Social Media Consultant wanting paid $175 per month )

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 8 June 2021

Proposed Agenda June 8, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted April 4, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call: Councilman Charlie Brown by Video Conference

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, May 25, 2020

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Workers Comp Insurance Renewal

4) Discussion re: RFP for insurance rep

5) Bank Account for relief funds

6) Proposal from Emily Weber

7) Discussion re: Boy Scout Building

8) Bids for auditor

9) Discussion re: zoning and building codes

10) Procurement Policy / Internal Control Principles

T-Rampageifer Gamble with a Message of Extreme Importance for Crooked Ira Hawkins

As an extremely stupid drunken psychotic asshole and failed ex-mayor of Granby yapping to his suckcessor I have many questions about the big picture! I mean it is not printed up on the bottom of a Milwaukee’s Worst 12-pack so I just don’t see it. Besides when I’m down to muh last can I’m not particularly in the mood for reading and never in thinking anyways.

And I hope that people are being rational about things? These decisions that are being made on the run with nothing more to back them up then dreams are very disturbing and filled with unknowns? I’m seldom rational but rather a buffoon and braggart who puts his foot in muh mouth, which is why we need to keep on meating in your baal-priest temple to get our stories straight, cum-cum, cum-cum, Crooked Ira.

The seem almost tainted. You know “tainted.” Itz the place between a pussy and an asshole on a skank which ‘taint neither but smells like a mixture of both.

The topic I believe in question should NEVER have in front of the city government, but you can’t put the jennie back in the bottle! At least not unless we get to dip either our beaks or our peckers in it, whatever “it” is.

However if anyone envolved with the city is trying to pick winners and losers the should absolutely be ashamed of themselves and really give some thought to why the are in office? I mean other than to steal something or to have the Granby Piglice harass people we don’t like for whatever reason. I’m disturbed more than usual in this process and feel compelled to follow up on this at least as long as the 12-pack lasts.

Stuff like this can absolutely destroy a thoughtful agenda and hamper progress that actually benefits the Entire City Of Granby. Like how can tearing down Jaimie Arnall’s Big Beautiful Brick Building forward our particular scams and getting of kickbacks so that more Milwaukees Worst can be bought?

I ask these questions With All Due Respect Sir. This is no way to run an inbred retarded shithole like Granby, Crooked Ira.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 25 May 2021

Proposed Agenda May 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted May 21, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on US Grant / Loan to Buy Second Granby Police Vehicle

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, May 11, 2021 (Jamie Arnall calls out Pat Kelly regarding the May 11, 2021 minutes that Pat Kelly and City Clerk Lawna Price lied about being only after her building, not two others)


1) Sarah Kimbrough — updates from Economic Development Committee

2) Wayne Smith — re: building a duplex ( Wayne Smith doesn’t need permission to build duplex, it is stupid to build anything expensive in Granby, and Wayne didn’t show up anyways.)

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Fireworks for Old Mining Town Days

3) Wastewater Superintendant re: purchase for wastewater treatment plant

4) Resolution for Grant (to purchase Granby Police Car discussed at public meeting held earlier, approved)

5) Discussion re: Adoption Fee (Charging $50 per animal for adoption to recoup spay/neuter & rabies vaccination)

6) Senior Center ( Turning one of the City Annex buildings into a Senior Center )

7) Dangerous Buildings ( Jo Ann Lamp tries to pull her vote from last time, Crooked Ira Hawkins claims that he has power to run building codes, and they table the mess 3-0 against Pat Kelly who wants to tear down Jamie Arnall’s Old Hardware Store )

8) Purchase of floor cleaner ( $2,039 for floor cleaner for gym and annexes)

9) City Hall termite inspection / extermination ( $450-500 approved to inspect & repair termite damage at front of city council chambers)

The Vote Which Failed 11 May 2021 Granby City Council Meeting

Mayor Ira Hawkins and South Ward City Councilmen Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp decide through a pretext of “safety” to vote using Granby city taxpayer funds to generate a bogus structural report to punish North Ward Councilwoman Jaimie Arnall to justify wasting another $200,000 in taxpayer money to destroy her old brick hardware building while ignoring a decrepit old church and building whose owners don’t mind having their properties demolished.

Jaimie Arnall wants to fix the old building, put in a new roof and use it for her array of businesses while restoring a 120-year old Granby Heritage building.

After much wrangling it comes to a vote. Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp vote to destroy the old building. Bill Kittrell not seeing the point of pointlessly destroying an old building on the North Ward given that his collegue on the North Ward wants to fix it up and so he votes “no”. Jaimie Arnall is unlawfully not allowed to vote against destroying her old building but is forced to abstain.

The editor of the Newton County Fake-News points out that with a vote of 2-2 or 2-1-1 that since a majority of the vote wasn’t reached that the Motion to hire a structural engineer at Granby city expense fails, and thus the vote is moot. This annoys Ira Hawkins, JoAnn Lamp and especially Pat Kelly while Jaimie Arnall has the good grace not to gloat.

11 minutes 23 seconds videoed 11 May 2021 at Granby City Hall.