It’s no longer true that on the Internet no one knows that you are a dog . . .

. . . If you are on the City of Granby “Oafishul” Facebook page EVERYONE knows that you are a lying thieving scumbag out to steal the People of Granby blind

I’m allowed back to post on this forum. There are a number of developments, particularly with these secret city Council meetings to swear in Ashley Edgemon and not Reggie Bard. The Prices are selling what little they have remaining in Granby and according to rumor moving to live in McDonald County to run their rented store in Neosho.

Jason Kelly started a post complaining about being blocked on the “City of Granby Missouri” Facebook page. In his complaints Jason Kelly is correct. Whether government actors can have an offical or semi-official social media Internet page and then block users has been litigated and decided at the federal appellate court level. See:


“This case requires us to consider whether a public official may, consistent with the First Amendment, “block” a person from his Twitter account in response to the political views that person has expressed, and whether the analysis differs because that public official is the President of the United States. The answer to both questions is no.” Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump, No. 1:17-cv-05205 (S.D.N.Y.)

In August 2018, the government filed an appeal brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[18] In October 2018, the plaintiffs filed their appeal brief in response.[19] Oral argument was heard March 26, 2019.[20] The Second Circuit issued its decision on July 9, 2019, upholding Judge Buchwald’s opinion.[21] The Second Circuit determined that Trump used his Twitter to conduct official government business, and therefore, he cannot block Americans from the account on the basis of their political views.[22][23] The government was denied an en banc review by the full Second Circuit in March 2020.[24]


While the Granby City web page says “no politics” that is far from the case. Ashley Edgemon was allowed to post his self-serving diatribe against myself. Ira Hawkins came out in favor of the 1/2 cent Sheriff’s Sales Tax. (To bail out with its $78,000 cut for Granby the mis-managed private security police force which is the Granby Police Department.) The Granby Facebook page is nothing less than the political opinions of the “She-Mayoress” Lawna Price — soon to be departed — and sometimes even Ira Hawkins, alleged Mayor of Granby.

Even more importantly, Jason Kelly has a federal case if he decides to pursue it. A case which will last a lot longer than the federal courts which will hear it for the next 2-3 years, cost Granby’s municipal insurance carrier $80,000 and have Blanchard Mitchell Robertson Cooper of West Fourth Street in Joplin as Defendants’ law firm hear it out, as they have been the lawyers hired to do Granby’s dirty work.

And lets understand something. The Newton County circuit court and the Missouri State Courts are absolutely corrupt. I lost all three of my Sunshine Act Enforcement Actions because the Missouri circus korts refuse to obey the law. I was even assessed with an unlawful $4000 sanction for daring to sue Granby, which Ira Hawkins, Ashley Edgemon sold to non-white White Supremacist Bryan Reo in Oct. 2019. The third lawsuit was dismissed because I decided to let the matter be on the Styron Eyesore because I realized that all of the 1/4 cent “Granby Police Farce” tax qwould be wasted in fixing the Styron Eyesore. Since my arrest and conviction for protesting this matter is still pending, I can revisit this matter and reverse this in the federal courts.

Also reversible via the federal courts is the sewer bond issue because it was placed on the ballot as a result of an un-announced “secret meeting” on 20 August 2019. Thus, as like the recent [s]election in which Ashley Edgemon filed 11 minutes before filing season closed in order for the rest of the Granby City Council. The several years delay aas things work their way through the murky bowels of civil litigation in federal court will finish off the sewer bond as the City Council will face scrutiny for their misbehavior.

The [mal]administration of T-Rampage Gamble meant that independent organizations such as the Granby Volunteer Fire Department and the Granby Memorial Cemetery were brought under the heel of the Granby City Hall, legendary for its corruption. The office of the City Collector was abolished through deceit and an out-of-town hireling answerable only to City Hall put in there. T-Rampage and Ira Hawkins fired the old city Clerk on the pretext that she couldn’t do book-keeping on Quicken and hired the incompetent and parasitical Lawna Price — kicked out of the Jasper County Courts & recently removed within the past few years as a notary public — was put in who can’t do the book-keeping at all and doesn’t do the billing. It is an open secret that Granby City Hall exists only to steal and put huge debts on the People of Granby.

I’ll get into later the trope that 80% of the Granby voters knowing most or some of this still voted for Ashley Edgemon. And so let me answer by saying that this is true. But should the 20 percent of those who are the most informed and responsible have our lives, liberty and property held hostage to the degenerate 80 percent who like and want this continued civic thievery and corruption simply because, owning property in Granby, living here, that instead of wanting to raise our property values in order to sell out and move to Neosho or Joplin — or like the Prices having fouled our nests — to McDonald County we simply want simple cheap city utilities in order to continue living modestly in Granby?

I think that we should either fix or repair our own infrastructure and we can’t do that with the current people we have who over the past decade wouldn’t do their jobs. Or we need to simply sell the Granby utilities to someone who will do so at an affordable rate. We need to do away with municipal ordinances, close the Granby ca$h-register municipal court, and revert back to Newton County Sheriff’s Department law enforcement — especially now that we have to pay an additional 1/2 cent Sheriff’s sales tax. Why not spend $2000 to fix the old police department roof and claw back the money stolen to buy the Styron Eyesore then use the repaired building as the East Newton County Satellite station? Instead of $78,000 going to the corrupt Granby Police Department, why not hire two more deputy sheriffs as Granby Patrol to curb the thieving crackheads?

The “City of Granby” Facebook page was nothing more than a means for the City of Granby to lie about their motives and intentions of stealing from the City of Granby. But since it claimed to be an “Official” Facebook page for the City of Granby Missouri then it thus bears the responsibility to not censor critical and dissenting views from its citizens.

And that is the law as it stands.