I recently reloaded the 20 June 2017 false arrest ordered by T-Rampageifer Gamble for asking why make new rules regarding small buildings when just a few weeks ago he and Crooked Ira allowed Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to buy and place a used double-wide in violation of theys’ own rules. The video showed that Granby Council-Criminals are corrupt and they hire crooked piglice to do theys’ [s]will. Just a recording of another day in Paradise in a shithole of ZOG/Babylon and its Mighty Evil Empire.
Of course someone probably in Granby who just loves crookedness went bitching to Fedbook and the post was removed as “spam.” I appealed the decision based upon something and was told that they didn’t have enough censorship tards because theys kind take the clot-shot and are all gonna die like sick pigs — which is good
What you got to understand is that all Social Media — Fedbook, jewggle, Twatter, even Gab is set up to spy on ZOGlings, just like they do in China and less so in Russia. The Boomer [de]generation are the only ones who watch the TalmudVsion or read lie-papers. The GenXers have been screwed since birth and the Millennial Boomer-Spawn and Zoomer GenX-spawn know that the System is out to screw then and have the attention span of a fly.
What I do is to make a video. Then upload it to a secret youtube account, have it compressed and then either post it to my blog or web page or blogs and then post it on Granby UnCensored so if it is censored, well I have plenty of other places.
It is possible, indeed probable that Granby UnCensored might disappear one of these daze. Such things happen, especially in this Late ZOG-Age Collapse. But if it happens it happens. Granby UnCensored and my granby-mo Blog will continue to speak out at least until the Late ZOG-Age Collapses.
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Elected South Ward City Councilman 2020-22
Write-In Candidate for U.S. Senate
See censored post on blog:
Mayor T-Rampageifer Gamble has his pet pig Jacob arrest the Mad Dog who dared make fun.