Especially Pfat Jackass Kelly who wants to destroy Heritage Granby

Pfat Kelly gloats about how it is commendable for old whiggers to destroy their own old buildings to suit the idiotic prejudices of Granby Council-Criminals:

Here is a property owner in Granby, doing the correct thing, more of this needs to be done, we need no danger of falling buildings
Pat Kelly You and the rest of the Granby City Council made Jamie Arnall deed her building over to Barry Flint and now you just made an elderly couple destroy their own building at their own expense. I don’t call this extortion leading up to destruction the “correct thing” but given that there isn’t much left of Granby Heritage buildings not much “more of this needs to be done.” So when are you going to make the Mexicans tear down their old church with asbestos do so at their expense as well as opposed to costing Granby $100,000? Pretty soon nothing much will be left of Granby Heritage other than fading pictures on a Facebook Group populated by dying old people nostalgic about when they were young and Granby growing.

The Granby City Council-Criminals hate their Granby Heritage Buildings. They cannot make anything off of old buildings which were around long before they were and want kickbacks for putting up cheap metal buildings so rather than simply add-on to Granby choose to destroy these old buildings, turning low-rent Mining Mayberry into hi-rent Gomorrah.
These beaners bought this old church building for a couple of thousand ZOGbux. This building if owned by some old whiggers like the Scholes or younger GenX whiggresses like Jamie Arnall with all the character of a sheep is easily destroyed. The beaners however have an old church loaded with asbestos and being beaners cannot be forced to destroy their old church. If the City of Granby were to buy it it would cost $100,000 to tear down because of the asbestos. So the cheapest way to get rid of the old church would be to offer the beaners $10,000 for a vacant lot. But Pfat Kelly, Crooked Evil Ira Hawkins want to get rich from old whiggers being forced to destroy their own buildings and not at Granby expense.
For example, after much Granby piglice harassment, I agreed to let Granby bulldoze down the Old Summey House (which is ruins) and the part which is this old aluminum trailer at Granby expense back in early 2020. When spring cum around I asked Granby Piglice Chief Jacob Kelley what was taking them in doing as coerced. He said that Box-Wine Wedgie Tard kept it from happening. Yes, Granby Council-Criminals want all these old buildings bulldozed down but they don’t want to pay for it.
Actually as explained years ago to me in Rameys store in Granby when this grey little man who introduced me as Ira Hawkins cornered me and explained what he wanted to do to Granby, it was an idiotic scheme to bring in millionares but have the Granby population of old inbreds, the poor, the chomos and crackheads pay for the latest and greatest civic infrastructure and to let the new bunch of ultra-rich who for some unknown reason was cum-cum, cum-cumming to Granby to enjoy it.
When asked what I thought of this grey little man’s idiotic schemes, I said that it never would work. Crooked Evil Ira then stated: “So whatever I am for you will be against?” I said that was the case and Crooked Evil Ira never explained hisself to me again.
The “Good Ol’ Boys Nutwerk of Granby” is out to screw over the general population of Granby. They want to take from the poor and give to the rich — which is them.
So knowing that one shouldn’t be surprised when they extort and force people like Jamie Arnall and the Scholes to tear down their Granby Heritage Buildings — at their own expense.