Will the Current East Newton School Board Close the School on Tuesday because of the Corvid-19 “Boomer Removal” Virus?

Whenever this Corvid PLA/CIA “Boomer Removal” Virus hits like in the case of the Seattle nursing home outbreak they find out that it was dormant for a month to six weeks. So likely it is already in Granby. There won’t be classes Monday because the district can’t afford a five-day week partly because the funding is wasted on a TIF fund which is used as a slush fund for the Granby City Council.

Tuesday starts “Spring Break” in most locations. I’m running dead last for Skrule Bored but I predict the following:

The governor declared a state of emergency Friday March 13th but gave the option of local school boards having the option to close. The Missouri Department of Aging closed to visitation all the nursing homes unless it is a dying time for those resident. This virus will kill at least half of them when it infects the residents, but then again the average stay in a nursing home is six months or less under normal circumstances.

The colleges and universities are closing and going on-line. So are most of the sporting events. Did anyone see the madhouse at Walmart Friday? Had more cars than Black Friday. Reminds me of the panic I seen on 9-11 at the Fast-Trip and Six-Ten as people figured out that the government wasn’t going to save them back nearly 20 years ago. Anyways,

Now the school-age children have adequate lung capacity per body weight, and are in the best health that they will ever be in. They are what you call “a-symptomatic carriers” like Typhoid Mary. They can come down with it and be sick a little bit or be totally a-symptomatic. They will of course carry the virus home with them and kill off their grandparents and some single-mom parents. All of this is understood but the governor, a weak and corrupt man decided to shove the decision onto the local Skrule Boreds. (A former Polk County sheriff Parsons listened but never did weigh in when I instigated a debate between two candidates for Newton County Sheriff back in 2016 as to whether it was better to taser or just go ahead and shoot handcuffed prisoners. Such is the professionalism of Missouri “law enforcement”.)

So, Monday is “No Skrule” at what I call “The Whigger Factory” in which children are turned into consuming producing animals because the East Newton Skrule Bored hasn’t the money to go five daze a weak. They let the Granby TIF district take out the funding so that the Granby City Council can have a slush fund to suppliment the ailing general fund and to buy the Styrons a new metal building to rent the Dollar General Store and to sell the old store for a “new” police station and have the natural gas users pay for it. Greater love hath no Granbyites that they will believe this crap about taxing their way to prosperity so they gave up $500,000 in taxes for the love of connected insiders, says so in the Bible or somethang like that.

So Tuesday cums and that raises the question of what next? I predict that they will have Spring Break because they will be told that if Junior goes to skrule he will take the “Boomer Removal Virus” to Granny and Gramps & they’ll be Raptured to Cloud 666 or to that Big Walmart in the Sky (or Underneath). By the time Spring Break arrives the “Boomer Removal” Virus will have an “Oafishul Outbreak” in Granby, the stock market will be down to 12000 (or less), Senile Joe Biben will croak after naming Michelle Obama as his running [pri]mate and Granby might consider roadblocks to traffic coming in on US 60 and E & B highways. Just saying.

( I did ask Jacob Kelley what the governor told him along with Jim Channel and the She-Mayoress the City Clerk, but have had no response as yet and expect none.)

The smarter solution will be to keep the teachers teaching by having them come to the school and divide the students into quarters with them having furnished computers or tablets with an wi-fi hotspot to do their lessons with. As always the smarter students will learn regardless of inputs while the idiots will learn nothing useful. The public school system is a failure and with increased poverty shall come decreased funding to pay for these failures.

The public school system has largely been a failure because it costs so much and does so little insofar as raising a responsible younger generation. Most of the local property taxes go to the school, it doesn’t really teach most of the younger generation much of anything worth learning but in fact is used as a sort of day-care for forcing their parents to have to both work in order to live a poor life style. As this virus — which will not go away — runs its course the limitations of the current educational system shall become obvious in that those who don’t work hard while confined at home until the older weaker generation dies off won’t work hard to learn anything while at home or bussed to school. So if the level of ignorance remains the same whether the kids go to school or not, then what reason to keep on paying high taxes to maintain a failed system? Teacher’s pensions which failed during the financial collapse as their 401(k) plans becum 101(k)s then None-Oh-One k’s?

A bunch of the old and sick will die off because of this bio-warred virus but the question is whether the schools will reopen. Probably, at least for a little while.

I am of course running for skrule bored but cannot get an interview since telling the lie-paper that my solution if elected would be to mandate weekly head-lice and green-card inspections. That and I freaked them out at a candidates meeting a few years ago. However given that there is a current crisis as things are falling apart you need to vote for a candidate that thinks outside the box and break the glass and pull out the fire axe.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Candidate for East Newton R-6 School Board

24 September 2019 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

Proposed Agenda September 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted September 20th, 2019

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes September 20th, 2019

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

2) FYI Street Lights

3) FYI Street Repairs

4) FYI Mayor Hawkins


The Granby Missouri 2014 Water Survey Summary

Section IX “Implementation & Costs” 
Summary of five pages.

“Build a $750,000 Well #3 Water Tower, 
$220,000 Additional Costs, raise the water 
bills by 229 % to get state & federal grants”


Of a 100+ page Water Report from Sept. 2014 these five pages concerning the recommendation and how to pay for $970K improvements is the summary.

This Engineering Report has Well #1 and the East Tower #1 both made in 1906 as a reserve system.

This 2014 Water Study compressed into five pages recommends that a $750 thousand water tower be built at Well #3 instead of pumping Well #3 water to Well & Tower #2 and other improvements costing another $220 thousand. To pay for it via “grants” from the federal and state governments but you won’t get the grants unless you raise the water rates by 229 percent.

What the Granby City Council did was to do nothing other than to raise water rates by 100%.

The importance of the 2014 water study was that it recommended making real capital improvements to be paid for by grants made possible by raising water rates by at least 229 percent.

Build a new Water Tower #3 at Well #3 at a cost of $750,000 and sundry improvements at Well & Tower #2 for $220,000 and raise water rates ASAP.

The Granby City Council had no intention of building any new water tower or following any recommendations of this 2014 Water Study other than raising the water rates by at least double or more

The five pages of Section IX detailing the proposal and how to pay for it is the core of the 100+ page 2014 Water Study.

23 April 2019 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


Proposed Amended Agenda April 23rd, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted April 18th, 2018

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes April 9th, 2019

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

2) Closed Session — personnel matters

3) Recycle Center Hours — to include Friday 8-4

4) Insurance renewal

5) Thomas Law Firm contract renewal \ bid notice

6) Taylor Green Proposal re: payroll

7) Mayor Pro Tem

8) Chief Kelley — request to attend police chief’s conference

Closed Session in accordance with RSMo 610.021 (3) referencing hiring, firing, and disciplining personnel


Some Thoughts on Granby and Neosho, Missouri


Alright, I’ve been here a few days and I feel like I can comment on this place. It’s literally in the middle of nowhere. It’s a bunch of small towns surrounded by farms and nature. The outside world doesn’t intrude here. These people act like it’s still the 1990s. They have no idea that a REVOLUTION is about to occur. Shit, maybe the REVOLUTION won’t even make it here. This is the DEEP interior of the cuntry, and you feel the isolation. Even more than in Illinois, because Illinois has Shitcoongo. But Missouri has nothing, just KC and St. Jewis, which are barely big cities. So, it’s like entering a time warp here, except for seeing a bunch of new pick-up trucks.

Everyone here is YUGE. They all seem like 6’5. I feel puny at 5’9. And when they’re not tall, they’re ten feet wide. I’m like a grasshopper here. There’s a whole other Jewmurica out there that never gets publicized. When you’re “average height” here, you’re the exception. And most everyone talks with a serious Southern drawl. They can tell I’m an outsider when I talk, and look at me funny. The girls are prettier here, and blonder. At least that’s my perception.

The cuntry is really pretty. Martin says Granby is ugly, but I don’t see it that way. He says east of here is nice cuntry. The cuntryside has rolling hills and winding roads. The towns are surrounded by farms, and some of the farms have cattle. You don’t see that in Illinois. There’s only one big town 10 miles away, Neosho, which has 12,000 people, and all the amenities you could need. There’s some beaners and a few niggers there, but it’s mostly whigger. Granby has 2,000 whiggers.

This place is more like Oklahoma than Missouri. The weather is crazy, it swings 30-40 degrees Fahrenheit in a day. It can be freezing at night and almost summer in the day time. You have to be tough to live out here. Martin has a half beard, and no one gives him any trouble over it. That would never happen in Illinois. Everyone would be asking why he has a half beard, LMAOOOOO. So, they’re pretty accepting, non-judgmental people.

There’s some inbreds, and the type of people you don’t see anywhere else. but everyone is really friendly. This is the only place in Jewmurica that people drive UNDER the speed limit. Everything moves pretty slow. No one’s really in a hurry. Martin said some lesbians from Colorado moved in across the street from him, but didn’t last long when they realized who was living by them. They didn’t feel welcome here. I think that was probably more of function of there being nothing really to do here, so you have to be yugely independent.

Some people have money here and some people don’t, so it’s a hodgepodge of newer fixed up homes and homes that are not being kept up. You have your occasional pack rat house, with a bunch of junk in the yard. Like everywhere, the farmers have money and brand new $40K pick-up trucks.

Neosho is like a police state. I haven’t seen too many piglice in Granby, but Neosho is crawling with pigs, local pigs and county pigs. Some Newton County Sheriff was following me in Neosho when I was about to drive back to Granby yesterday, so I pulled off the road into a park of some sort. I wasn’t going to let a pig follow me for 10 miles back to Granby. I hung out for a few minutes, and another Newton County Sheriff pig came the other way, LMAO. WTF is this shit? When I was in town the whole day yesterday, I must have seen 5-10 pig cars driving on the road at various times.

There must be a ton of Nazis out here, or at least anti-government types. That’s WAY too many pigs for such a small place. ZOG must know that this place is crawling with Nazis, so they beefed up their security forces. No way are the locals responsible for this many piglice. This is cuming directly from ZOG. They probably know what they’re dealing with out here. But no matter how many pigs they put on the streets, pigs are still outnumbered. Jewmurica in general has too many pigs. Alex Jewns was right, this cuntry is a fucking piglice state. But I’ve never see so many pigs anywhere in my life as Neosho.


Posted on 03/27/2019 by Fat Kike

Fatkike Does Granby



In case some of you don’t know, I’m staying with Martin in Granby. I decided to have a vacation after being poisoned out of my apartment by my GenX whigger landlord. That’s ZOG for you, just a bunch of idiot whiggers chasing shekels, on the backs of fellow whiggers.

I think he sprayed the apartment below me with pesticides, and then a few months later, he rehabbed the place. Whatever that stuff was, it traveled into my apartment and messed me up. I got so disoriented and coonfused, I got in my car and drove to Granby, MO for some reason. Anyway, I felt like I was dying, so I bolted as soon as it was obvious that something was seriously wrong. I think I have a lawsuit. I’ll have to coonsult with my cuntry lawyer, Martin Lindstedt. A highly credentialed individual.

BTW, I can verify 100% that Martin is some kind of Viking. There’s no jew in him whatsoever. I saw him in his underwear and he’s built like a Viking ox. I didn’t look down, so I don’t anything about that stuff, but his upper body is yuge. He has broad shoulders, which you wouldn’t expect when you see him in a shirt. Don’t ask me how I saw him naked. I wanted some coffee in the morning and he just came out of his room in his tighty whiteys. No fucking robe, no sweats, no pajamas. What was I going to do? I needed a cup of joe.

So, I haven’t had a lot of time to look into the latest movement crapola to document it. This vacation may turn into a staycation. Granby and Neosho are total shitholes, perfect for someone like me. The people are super nice here. It’s almost like the South. WTF is going on in Pissinois that whiggers act like such mother…? I’m trying to turn a new leaf and be a nicer person. I think Yahweh may be punishing me for my vitriol spewed at all the inferiors in my path….or maybe it’s the DEVIL oppressing me because I’m a prophet of the Most High? These spiritual issues are hard to sort out sometimes.

The left side of my body is still kind of numb, and I have problems walking sometimes. My breathing is still a little fucked up. I hope I recover. I was breathing in some shit for 6 months. I’m not the same loving, happy guy I was before. So, this is a status update. I’ll try to start looking into movement stuff and write some posts. Martin doesn’t seem into doing really long shows for some reason. We still have to work out the audio issues.

Last night, a mouse ran across the table while I was doing the show. And the cockaroaches are everywhere in the cumpter room. Martin needs to clean that room. I literally can’t count the number of cumputers Martin has, and they’re ALL squeaky clean, LMAO, WTF? He has a minimum of ten cumputers. Martin has strange priorities.

Posted on 03/25/2019 by Fat Kike

27 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

27 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


27 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


Agenda November 27th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Posted November 21th, 2018

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes November 13th, 2018

New Business:

1) Closed Session — Legal Matters

2) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

3) Cemetery update and Appointments

4) Cemetery Resolution for Acceptance of Trusteeship

5) Accounting Practices

6) Taylor Green Proposal

7) Update — Demo for Old Maintainence Building

8) Update — Repaving Neosho Street

9) New Welcome to Granby Sign

Closed Session in accordance with RSMo 610.021 (1) referencing legal matters


13 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

13 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


Agenda November 13th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Posted November 9th, 2018

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes October 23rd, 2018


1.) Susie Goodall — business license

2.) Brad Taylor w/Taylor & Greene. PC

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

2) Police Chief Jacob Kelley re: pay increase for Officer Deras & police vehicle purchase

3) Appointment of Cemetery Trustees

4) Approval of 2017-2018 Amended (to actual) budget

5) Additional Signor at Community Bank & Trust


23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

27 Nov. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

23 Oct. 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


Agenda October 23rd, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Posted October 19th, 2018

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes October 8th, 2018

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

2) Pitney Bowles contract

3) Wastewater Superintendant purchase request

10 Sept 18

11 Sept 2018 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating


Amended Agenda September 11th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
Posted Posted September 7th, 2018

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes August 28th, 2018


1) Rachael Day — Decker & DeGood Audit report 16/17

2) Todd Clause — re: Halloween parade

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand, Department Head Reports

2) Ordinance 833 Fee In Lieu Of (rent)

3) Resolution re: Hutchens Construction Neosho Street

4) Will Barrett — re: Christmas Festival Date, Fundraiser Date

5) Schedule OMTD date

6) Reschedule City Auction Date

7) Will Barrett – re: Olf Maintence Barn & Bathroom Facilities

8) Clean up / write-offs April 2017 thru February 2018 Utility accounts

Note: On the morning of the 11th, City Clerk Lawna Price and Mayor Travis Rampage Gamble changed the agenda — without the required 24-hour notice — to where Item #4 above about Will Barrett was moved down the list to Item #5, and a new Item #4 — Resolution re: EPA contract for repaving Neosho Street was added and the one about setting the Old Mining Town Days dates was dropped. Nor did they put these Resolutions to spending Granby taxpayer dollars upon the bulletin boards on the previous Friday, Sept 7th or Monday Sept. 10th.

These corrupt idiots no longer even pretend to obey the law. –Pastor Lindstedt
