It’s no longer true that on the Internet no one knows that you are a dog . . .

. . . If you are on the City of Granby “Oafishul” Facebook page EVERYONE knows that you are a lying thieving scumbag out to steal the People of Granby blind

I’m allowed back to post on this forum. There are a number of developments, particularly with these secret city Council meetings to swear in Ashley Edgemon and not Reggie Bard. The Prices are selling what little they have remaining in Granby and according to rumor moving to live in McDonald County to run their rented store in Neosho.

Jason Kelly started a post complaining about being blocked on the “City of Granby Missouri” Facebook page. In his complaints Jason Kelly is correct. Whether government actors can have an offical or semi-official social media Internet page and then block users has been litigated and decided at the federal appellate court level. See:


“This case requires us to consider whether a public official may, consistent with the First Amendment, “block” a person from his Twitter account in response to the political views that person has expressed, and whether the analysis differs because that public official is the President of the United States. The answer to both questions is no.” Knight First Amendment Institute v. Trump, No. 1:17-cv-05205 (S.D.N.Y.)

In August 2018, the government filed an appeal brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.[18] In October 2018, the plaintiffs filed their appeal brief in response.[19] Oral argument was heard March 26, 2019.[20] The Second Circuit issued its decision on July 9, 2019, upholding Judge Buchwald’s opinion.[21] The Second Circuit determined that Trump used his Twitter to conduct official government business, and therefore, he cannot block Americans from the account on the basis of their political views.[22][23] The government was denied an en banc review by the full Second Circuit in March 2020.[24]


While the Granby City web page says “no politics” that is far from the case. Ashley Edgemon was allowed to post his self-serving diatribe against myself. Ira Hawkins came out in favor of the 1/2 cent Sheriff’s Sales Tax. (To bail out with its $78,000 cut for Granby the mis-managed private security police force which is the Granby Police Department.) The Granby Facebook page is nothing less than the political opinions of the “She-Mayoress” Lawna Price — soon to be departed — and sometimes even Ira Hawkins, alleged Mayor of Granby.

Even more importantly, Jason Kelly has a federal case if he decides to pursue it. A case which will last a lot longer than the federal courts which will hear it for the next 2-3 years, cost Granby’s municipal insurance carrier $80,000 and have Blanchard Mitchell Robertson Cooper of West Fourth Street in Joplin as Defendants’ law firm hear it out, as they have been the lawyers hired to do Granby’s dirty work.

And lets understand something. The Newton County circuit court and the Missouri State Courts are absolutely corrupt. I lost all three of my Sunshine Act Enforcement Actions because the Missouri circus korts refuse to obey the law. I was even assessed with an unlawful $4000 sanction for daring to sue Granby, which Ira Hawkins, Ashley Edgemon sold to non-white White Supremacist Bryan Reo in Oct. 2019. The third lawsuit was dismissed because I decided to let the matter be on the Styron Eyesore because I realized that all of the 1/4 cent “Granby Police Farce” tax qwould be wasted in fixing the Styron Eyesore. Since my arrest and conviction for protesting this matter is still pending, I can revisit this matter and reverse this in the federal courts.

Also reversible via the federal courts is the sewer bond issue because it was placed on the ballot as a result of an un-announced “secret meeting” on 20 August 2019. Thus, as like the recent [s]election in which Ashley Edgemon filed 11 minutes before filing season closed in order for the rest of the Granby City Council. The several years delay aas things work their way through the murky bowels of civil litigation in federal court will finish off the sewer bond as the City Council will face scrutiny for their misbehavior.

The [mal]administration of T-Rampage Gamble meant that independent organizations such as the Granby Volunteer Fire Department and the Granby Memorial Cemetery were brought under the heel of the Granby City Hall, legendary for its corruption. The office of the City Collector was abolished through deceit and an out-of-town hireling answerable only to City Hall put in there. T-Rampage and Ira Hawkins fired the old city Clerk on the pretext that she couldn’t do book-keeping on Quicken and hired the incompetent and parasitical Lawna Price — kicked out of the Jasper County Courts & recently removed within the past few years as a notary public — was put in who can’t do the book-keeping at all and doesn’t do the billing. It is an open secret that Granby City Hall exists only to steal and put huge debts on the People of Granby.

I’ll get into later the trope that 80% of the Granby voters knowing most or some of this still voted for Ashley Edgemon. And so let me answer by saying that this is true. But should the 20 percent of those who are the most informed and responsible have our lives, liberty and property held hostage to the degenerate 80 percent who like and want this continued civic thievery and corruption simply because, owning property in Granby, living here, that instead of wanting to raise our property values in order to sell out and move to Neosho or Joplin — or like the Prices having fouled our nests — to McDonald County we simply want simple cheap city utilities in order to continue living modestly in Granby?

I think that we should either fix or repair our own infrastructure and we can’t do that with the current people we have who over the past decade wouldn’t do their jobs. Or we need to simply sell the Granby utilities to someone who will do so at an affordable rate. We need to do away with municipal ordinances, close the Granby ca$h-register municipal court, and revert back to Newton County Sheriff’s Department law enforcement — especially now that we have to pay an additional 1/2 cent Sheriff’s sales tax. Why not spend $2000 to fix the old police department roof and claw back the money stolen to buy the Styron Eyesore then use the repaired building as the East Newton County Satellite station? Instead of $78,000 going to the corrupt Granby Police Department, why not hire two more deputy sheriffs as Granby Patrol to curb the thieving crackheads?

The “City of Granby” Facebook page was nothing more than a means for the City of Granby to lie about their motives and intentions of stealing from the City of Granby. But since it claimed to be an “Official” Facebook page for the City of Granby Missouri then it thus bears the responsibility to not censor critical and dissenting views from its citizens.

And that is the law as it stands.

The Silence of the Meercats

If you live on the South Ward, even though you outnumber the North Ward by 400 to 1000, your vote doesn’t count.

Several years back in 2017-18 when Ira Hawkins and T-Rampage Gamble were going to appoint their choice as to who to replace Bill Cooper as South Ward City Council and not even have an election I called up Newton County Clerk Kay Baum and asked her to call up T-Rampage in lieu of my filing a mandamus action to force open the election. Kay Baum called up City Hall and told them that they had to have an election. The Newton County [Fake]-News lie-paper claimed that according to their lawyers and the Missouri Municipal League they didn’t have to hold an election for the office but they were going to do so anyway . . . just in case. I asked how many registered voters there were on the North Ward and South Ward. The figure was 375 to 945 or a ratio of 2.5 to 1 more registered voters on the South Ward than North Ward.

Which is why during the upcoming litigation it will be necessary to pursue a more equitable representation arrangement other than the traditional one in which the North Ward dominates since the founding of Granby. The North Ward is where the richer families lived, the businesses were built and the stamping mill was located. The South Ward housed the miners and underneath Cobbn Hill were the lead mines. This is the way it always was.

I have no doubt that they, being desperate as well as stupid and corrupt will leave it to litigation

The cities in America are burning right now because of the population in them being whipped up by antifa like the ones which Ira Hawkins and Ashley Edgemon sold a bogus judgment against myself to. Right now I’m counter-suing some of them in four federal lawsuits and will add Ashley Edgemon and Ira Hawkins to the litigation soon. They prefer the non-white non-heterosexial white supremacists as opposed to those of us who are merely waiting the collapse. Below is the 2017 IRS 501(c)(3) Short Form income tax form showing that they and the Board of Directors are the very ones responsible for the Charlottesville Massacre.

These riots are merely a prelude to the inevitable food riots for this fall as there is a massive die-off as the Mighty Evil Empire implodes into pockets of survival. A lot of white people will no longer be able to feed themselves or their families so the current foolishness of worrying about others who burn down and loot their own neighborhoods is going to evaporate rather quickly.

I have no doubt that the current Granby City Council will do as advertised. Ashley Edgemon was second on the ballot because in the waning days of filing he filed after me on the last day. The entire plan was to leave the City Council open to their choice of selected thieves.

Which is why I have not expressed any “white supremacy” beliefs but rather sought to ask you South Ward city voters to accept my 4 proposals as posted on my yard sign:

1.) Deny, delay and disavow the $3.2 million needless storm-water sewer basin debt brought by the current City Council. Ashley Edgemon is an evil and wicked man for forcing like a pharisee this debt burden and then fleeing to Florida when it comes time for him to pay anything on this 35 year debt.

2.) Fix the water pipes 100 ft at a time. Jim Channel isn’t going to do this so he will be gone and we’ll find someone who will work for the wages Granby pays him.

3.) Plug the sewer leaks. Again Jim Channel isn’t going to do this so he will be gone and we’ll find someone who will work for the wages Granby pays him.

4.) Open the schools and businesses so that we can go back to what is now the new “normal.”

What is most important is to not be providing Granby with any new or renewed taxes. Save our Cemetery by taking it out of the City Hall’s thieving paws. Vote “NO” on the Cemetery property tax. Vote “No” on the 1/2 cent Newton County Sheriff’s sales tax.

By depriving them of the feed they need to grow and cover up their past thievery you control them to where they have no choice but to fire the corrupt Lawna Price and Jim Channel and cannot proceed with putting Granby into further debt. You control the tax money and you control the government. These realities are the basis of Western parliamentary and congressional representative governments.

I think that Ashley will “win” and then resign so that the corrupt City Hall can appoint a meat-puppet meercat (literally) but if the tax increases fail then ira Hawkins will be confined to watching systems fail or imposing efficiency through terminating the wasteful Lawna Price and Jim Channel.

I’ll of course keep on fighting.

The pathetic Facebook page created two daze ago by Jim Channel and the upper 80s-lower 90’s IQ Channel Fambily means nothing but the Silence of the Meercats.

The Russians made City Howl Do It

They deliberately refused to fix the water pipes, plug the sewer leaks, bought an eyesore of a surplus building at three times the actual value & put us $3.2 million in debt just before before they r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. back to Floriduh

Further “damage control” from the “oafishul” City of Granby /facebook page. Pity the Russians are not behind this as this is rather pathetic:


I just want to encourage everyone to vote tomorrow.

There is some misinformation going around about the tax levy issue on the ballot. I want to clarify that this is NOT A NEW TAX. It is a continuation of a tax that was originally passed in 2002 and is renewed every four years by being placed on the ballot. This tax pays for upkeep of the cemetery. It helps to pay for mowing and weed eating, fuel to do so and insurance. The average income from this tax is just less than $8700.00 per year; total payroll is $10,00.00 so the general fund pays any difference. The money comes from real estate taxes paid in to Newton County for the City of Granby. There will be no change on your real estate taxes, they will remain the same as far as cemetery tax is concerned. To further clarify, this money does not pay JIm Channel. The funeral homes typically pay Mr. Channel out of monies collected from the families of the deceased. When someone passes away, the family will pay for a cemetery lot and they will pay for opening and closing the grave. That money is collected at City Hall from the funeral homes, not taxes.

Please vote tomorrow, and make an informed vote. If you have any questions about what you’ve been told, please call us (417) 472-6556. There are several sources out there that are unreliable.


“Several sources “out there” that are unreliable. . . ” Like Granby Thoughts & Views wherein the City Council members and City Employees explain how come Granby is in debt and ailing. Maybe it is the Russians. Or the East Germans, uh well they have been gone since 1989. It never is theys’ own double-dealing, incompetence and corruption coming back to bite them.

So now they need to tell you how to think now that everyone is questioning them all of a sudden? They have had their chance to debate. Instead they abused the Panic-demic to close down City Hall and to vote on “Resolutions” spending your money without public notice.

As City Councilman from the South Ward you will have your chance to debate me at every single City Council meeting wherein the entire town will have a chance to be heard. Not an incompetent and corrupt City Clerk / she-mayoress unable to do the book-keeping and billing with a lot of time on her hands to try to save the jobs of a public works director who cannot fix the water pipes or plug the sewer leaks no matter how much you pay him.

Let’s Save Our Cemetery by putting it under an independent Cemetery Board and the way you do that is simply to veto the extention of a 1/8 cent sales tax which delivers up the Cemetery to the witless and corrupt Granby City Hall.

Your sources of information should be your own eyes, ears, and brain — not the City Hall and their lies.

Give Until You Croak — Mayor Hawkins wants you to forcibly contribute to the Newton County Sheriff’s 1/2 Cent Sales Tax

Mayor Ira Hawkins of Granby — having wasted all the 1/4 cent sales tax allotted for the police on the Styron eyesore scam — begs the People of Granby to vote away half of one percent of what they have left on a 1/2 cent “Sheriff’s Sales Tax” so that the Newton County Sheriff’s Department can do Granby Police Department business within Granby as well.

Times are going to get tough and you will need every cent — and every half-cent — that you have left to feed yourself and your family. The main reason I dropped my Missouri Sunshine Act Enforcement Action against the City of Granby is that I realized that if they were spending every single cent of the money upon buying the Styron Eyesore then they wouldn’t have any money to spend on anything else.

You have to realize is that last year when the Missouri Attorney General’s office came down hard against the Diamond Speed Trap scam is that Granby no longer could rack up revenue through writing up tickets over 20%. So since then the main bleeder in the general revenue fund has been for the Granby Police Department which has no real objective it seems other than to arrest me for making fun of City Hall. That and in enfarcing municipal ordinances which the county sheriff refuses to do as beneath his jurisdiction. So part of what they want is to get around having to pay dispatch fees to Newton County. This need will disappear when given no choice the Granby Police Department — a cesspool of villany and corruption since established in 1994 — is disbanded and its work reverts back to the Newton County Sheriff’s Department.

The Granby Municipal ca$h-register Court has been closed since March. Since the second wave of the Covid-19 virus will appear in September, the Granby Police Department isn’t writing as many tickets. So we don’t need them. All serious misdeameanor and felony crimes are outside the jurisdiction of any Granby Police Department or Granby Municipal Court anyways. Given the spread of Covid-19 is the reason that all the thieving crackheads even caught on video stealing over $1000 have not been arrested and jailed, much less tried. They are not going to be tried for their minor crimes any time soon. In the major cities you no longer can get the police to make a call. They are busily fighting the looters and running for theys’ lifes and having their piglice stations burnt to the ground or so it shows on the TV. It already takes at least a half-hour for them to show up now. What do you think will happen as the pandemic progresses? So folks, you are on your own.

When they pro-offered this “Sheriff’s Sales 1/2 Cent Sales Tax” scheme this man-made Covid-19 ZOG-virus was coonfined to China and Iran where it was deployed. Since then it has allegedly killed over 100,000 and tanked the economy and wrecked the tax base. Ira Hawkins and the rest of the City Council spent every single penny of your tax dollars on the Styron Eyesore and $26,000 for Taylor-Green to do the book-keeping because City Clerk Lawna Price can’t and won’t do book-keeping (or billing) and Jim Channel won’t fix water pipes or fix sewer leaks. Jim Channel will dig your loved-ones graves for $600 amd pocket $400 of it working on City time for a $40,000 salary, though. Granby’s current financial situation will lead to the firring of city employees. As a Candidate for South Ward City Council I favor keeping the ones who will work and ditching the ones like Lawna Price and Jim Channel who will not only not work but who are costing Granby serious money.

The only way for the financial bleeding to stop is for the People of Granby to vote “NO” on any and all taxes to where the Granby City Hall will have no choice but to spend more wisely on what lessened tax feedings they have left.

I’d like to thank Jeremy Hopper for approving my post of Mayor Ira Hawkins begging the People of Granby to open their wrists and give another infusion of their depleted financial blood in the form of an unnecessary sales tax for the Newton County Sheriff to give Granby City Hall another cut of the winnings so they won’t have to tighten theys’ belts.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC/AN
Candidate for South Ward City Councilman of Granby Missouri

Political Realities in Granby

As a frequent candidate for political office at the state, local and municipal level my policy has been to tell the electorate what I think they need to hear, not some lies I use to get into power to loot the public purse — like the current Granby City Council. Dem[on[ocracy is a fraud and representative dem[on]ocracy is the most corrupt form of dem[on]ocracy as it enables the looting of what little remains under color of popular sovereignity. The most stable form of government is the military dictatorship which follows all democracies like sharks following a slave ship.

Telling the electorate that they are mostly nothing more than a herd of diseased herd animals awaiting the collapse of their environment’s carrying capacity is not popular — except amongst the sane and healthy ones who know what is happening. Only one in twenty of you have any real leadership capability. Four out of five of that talented five percent are bought off. Get the allegiance remaining one percent and when the die-off claims eighty percent then you have the new ruling class of the 10-20 % survivors.

So this reality will play out everywhere as in Granby.

Let’s understand something. Ashley Edgemon is going to win the election. I am going to come in second. Ashley is going to resign and the City Council will appoint David Price (or some of you want Danny Bush) to try to fill the term. Lawsuits will be filed, and the State of Missouri might well swoop down and declare Granby to be a “failed municipality” like they do with other municipalities which have been declared bankrupt. All of which is fine by me.

So I’m offering an alternative. Fire Lawna Price and Jim Channel. Repudiate increasing Granby debt passed by fraud and fear. Fix the water pipes and sewer leaks using the current resources intelligently planned and applied. Undo the municipal ordinances telling people what they can and cannot do with their private property. Let the police force revert back to the County, which while corrupt has no interest in enfarcing municipal ordinances. Allow people to have their say before the Granby City Council as opposed to unlawfully doing what these council-criminals got theys heads together to do anyways under color of “resolution”.

Now many of you equate freedom with me setting up say, Dauchau. When I tell some woman that I do not intend to use City police or ordinances to harass her or her non-white husband it seems that once extermination is off the table all of a sudden I don’t deserve to live in Granby. This is why I am so dubious about refugees from elsewhere. Their main objective is to tell the natives how good it is for them to come in, then when they are established they immediately seek to take over and loot the place to turn it into from whence they fled. They get on the City Council and then things immediately take a turn for the worse. Then they flee back, either from whence they came like Ashley Edgemon or to seek another Granby to loot like Reggie Bard.

So the funds are depleted. I urge people to vote “No” on the Granby Cemetery 1/8 cent sales tax which used to bring in $12,000 but will be used as a tool to have the Granby City Council dictate what should be Granby Cemetery policy. The runnt-oft T-Rampage Gamble and Ashley Edgemon were the main architects behind that scam in which the price of cemetery lots quadrupled, and $400 of the now $500-$600 grave opening fees go to Jim Channel’s pocket as opposed to $100 for the cemetery upkeep. Decouple the sales tax and you decouple the power of the Granby City Council to rule over what should be an independent board which will apply funding for cemetery plots and grave openings to the upkeep of the cemetery. You want to save the cemetery? Get it out of the thieving and incompetent paws of the Granby City Council.

I also urge people to vote “NO” to the half-cent sales tax for the Newton County Sheriff’s Office. They are absolutely corrupt and should be starved of funding always so that they don’t get into mischief and false arrests even in the best of times. When you need every single penny before the currency is hyper-inflated away you will need the $500 or more in additional sales taxes you will pay to buy canned food and shotgun shells. The only virtue to the Newton County Sheriff’s Department is that they will not enfarce selectively or at all Granby municipal ordinances.

The good times are over. There will be no return to “normal”. We either fix Granby using our own resources or some of us are going to go our own way and let the rest of you fend for yousselfs while claiming to be Granby.

Your skin is trying to tell you something & that it wants de-annexation from you.

Cheryl N Roger Bogan-Kidd

he makes my skin crawl. He basically makes fun of Jesus in almost every single post he makes. I also don’t live in town but it scares me to think of what it will become if that pervert gets in to any position in the town. Just having read read his posts makes me want to get out of the group. I keep trying to remember that there are so many great people on here and he is just one useless thing. I don’t like the fact that he is getting all of this attention.

Well at your age it is a good thing to have crawling skin. Maybe your skin is trying to de-annex itself from yourself like I’m trying to de-annex those who are tired of living under the corrupt & witless [d]rule of City Hall. Your skin may well be a Pastor Lindstedt supporter, in which case I’m all in favor of judging you by the color of your skin!

Insofar as being a pervert is cooncerned, the accusations were something to be used to stifle dissent. I’ve told the Newton County Establishment that of course come a Revolution that they and their families will pay like House Ahab did for destroying Naboth and his family. I’m not a pervert but I sure met quite a few of them at the Nuthouse and I’m sure that they will do all manner of vengeful things once unleashed upon them which used to be in power. Right now there is the question of what to do with all them caged up criminals, many of them innocent. Kill them or turn them loose? Either way more chaos ahead.

You say that you don’t live here. Fine by me. This “private group” has more people in it than live in Granby. Most of you live outside Granby. So Granby is akin to a diseased cell awash with Covid-GAIDS-Ebola ZOGvirus in an overall diseased boddy politic which is about to go under both at the cellular and the bodily level. I’m merely trying to salvage what I can of the Old Granby pre-1990 and tear it off from those who come in from outside and want to loot what little remains as Granby further crumbles.

So if you leave this forum what of it? Your crawling skin might bring you back to look. Many is the time that some gliberal whigger has given me the gliberal whigger Poop & Scoot:
I’m going to whine muh last whine and leave a turd as a my final word. Good-bye Cruel Mad Dog! Now to leave before the Nazi jackboot descends upon the now shit-encrusted Muh Anus.

Me & Phred Phelps & The Phelpsters from the Westboro Babtist Church diss Joplin

My feeding Phred & the Phelpsters of the Westboro Babtist Church back in May 2011 just after the Joplin E-5 Tornado was merely lashing them up to a fine homophobic frenzy by pointing out that the massive tornado started on the Missouri Kansas border and first hit McClelland Park in the sourthwest corner of Joplin wherein the rump-rangers don’t have to get a room but rather use the rest-rooms there. Back in the daze of pre-Lawrence v. Texas 2003 Supreme kort decision decriminalizing consensual sodomy the Joplin Police Department would dress up as girly-men and entrap the fudge-packers for mashing. Seneca readers like the cocktail waitress who thought she was better than me take note: Your current Seneca Police Chief Altic was the best entrapper of them homos. Why here I was being arraigned in Joplin Municipal kort back in 1996 for failure to wear a seat belt while driving my car on Main Street and a dozen fudge packers were pleading guilty to “mashing” all of them caught in the act by James Altic.

As my friend Swillis Gumpff-Turner who raised on a Newtonia sheep farm whose life took a different turn than his Cousin Randy Turner says, “How are you going to keep them on the [sheep] farm once theys’ seen Gay jewplin?” He don’t like his Cousin Randy much. He abandoned Ewelene.

Well, anyways Paula get yourself off’n the floor and time to make a plan to relocate. I hear that Detroit, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and East St. Louis are lovely this time of year, especially if you enjoy that diversity sausage.

Further closer to home since the Prices can’t run a feed store in Granby but have moved their base of operations to Neosho, even though rumor has it that when Assley runnts-oft to Florida the Granby City Council-Criminals will plop the Meercat into my rightful seat pending litigation and keep her on as the Granby City Clerk and “She-Mayoress.”

Show your solidarity while in Neosho by patronizing they’s feed store and everyone in Granby patronizes the MFA, Orschlin’s or Ritchey Crossroads feed store. See if you can’t go snout up in theys’ “Blue-Trough Special” 1/2 Star Dining and fill ‘er on up. A half-peck of chopped corn mixed with a handful of milo, yum, yum.

So what part of my Church’s web pages offended your tender sensibilities?

Why the Granby City Council-Criminals Don’t Want to Reopen the City Hall

— OR —
Fart T-Rampage, Fart Ira, Fart Lawna vs Granby Pissed-Oft Peasant Country

The City Council-Critters have no intension of ever opening if they can help it. They can hold “council-meetings” in which only they can attend and “discuss” spending what little money they have left now that the municipal bond markets have collapsed.

They had to get a bogus “domestic protection order” from Judge Greggie Stremel and Judge Kevin Selby to where I couldn’t just walk in to see what they were up to.

Governor Mike Parsons put out a lockdown order which shut down the government but lifted it on May 3d. Ira Hawkins and the she-mayor Lawna Price have no intention of lifting the “State of Emergency” until after the [s]election, Ashley Edgemon and Reggie Bard are installed and Ashley can runnt-oft to Florida and they appoint some other one of their own corrupt feebs to . . . do what?

Make some more ordinances which they theysselfs can’t and won’t obey but will enfarce against yourself?

They can’t sell municipal bonds. Fix the water pipes and the sewer leaks all of a sudden? Can’t have that! The entire purpose of refusal to fix the water pipes and plug the leaks in the sewer system was so that when it failed gradually then there would be a sudden need to make the voters vote in a $3.2 million sewer bond in order to get $830,000 to Allieger-Martin in a no-bid contract of which the council-criminals would get their cut. T-Rampage was forced to resign but it passed.

The Granby Cemetery Trust Fund of $250,000 was brought under the control of the City Council thanks to T-Rampage Gamble and Ashley Edgemon and now they hold their public meetings at their cemetery building so that no one except the Cemetery Committee knows how they are going to go through the $250,000 accumulated since 1960. Yes, you fools, vote to continue the $12,000 per year brought in by the 1/8 cent sales tax so that Jim Channel can make $40,000 digging graves on his own personal grave-digging attachment done on Granby time atop his salary of $40,000. Don’t vote “no” so that the City of Granby City Council-Criminals are decoupled from the Cemetery Scam!

The plan of these thieving City Hall mattoids was to finally put in a water system at a cost of $10-15 million, put it up for no-bid to Allieger-Martin, and collect kickbacks amounting to hundreds of thousands given that they can’t even run a feed store!

So what choice do they have now that the municipal bond market is finished as not only municipalities but entire states like Illinois, New York, California get to declare bankruptcy? As it is the only way to get around sovereign debt is either debt repudiation or hyper-inflation or most likely a mixture of both. Which is why I offered to give Assley Edgemon one of my 2019 George Hwerbert Walker Hoover Bush “Forever” stamps so that if Mayor Ira Hawkins or Reggie Bard is around then that they can forego buying a $10 Trillion Trump Forever Stamp to send in the payment in full of the $3.2 million sewer bond repayment check.

There was a reason why Jim channel never fixed the water pipes the past five years (& before) other than laziness. There is a reason for buying a $30,000 smoke detection unit and never using it to detect sewer leaks other than normal Granby stupidity.


Which is why there is a handy epidemic which doesn’t kill anyone other than the very old or fat or sick and bound to die anyway within the year to allow you as a City Council-Criminal or City-Clerk to destroy the records and not have to face the People of Granby whom you have defrauded and stolen from. Have the local lie-paper — the Newton County [Fake]News — print about how all is well at Fart T-Rampage, Ira, Lawna whilst outside is Granby injun country in which a mob of the native addlepated peasantry bearing pitchforks and torches are being lead by the rogue YHWH-Priest Mad Dog Marty and the Granby Piglice are cowered within the Styron Eyesore.

They have no intention of letting any of you into City Hall unless it is for you to give them sustainence or tribute or taxes or to pay utility bills. Why should they? They never wanted you to go inside City Hall back when times were “normal”. They certainly don’t want you coming into City Hall even to be milked because an open lobby lets in everyone — especially myself.

I’m running for City Council on a platform of “Re-Building Granby by Ourselves”. I’ll fire Jim Channel, Lawna Price and upon reflection maybe others who can not be repurposed to serve Granby as opposed to City Hall. Worksheets and work orders will be implimented. The pipes will be fixed and the sewer leaks plugged and private property rights restored. If thieves runnt-oft they may well be extradited. If you come from outside Granby and want to turn Granby into the very same sort of craphole from whence you fled, you will be at the very least rebuffed. You will not take over this leaking lifeboat. Granby for the native Granbyites.

Another missive to Wedgie Tard’s DeNutted Sprog. . . . & Wherein I explain my criminal history.

Hey kid. I thought that you were Wedgie Tard’s fifth husband or Sixth Major Meercat but you turn out to be her spawn. Huh. Did you know that when times are rough a mother squirrel will bite off the testicles of the second and later male pups? You really need to be smarter than pore J.R. Fullerton, Donna Fullerton’s son. Your mother — as I’ve explained before is no Donna Fullerton. She’s mean and vicious but doesn’t have any executive or legislative ability. All she wants to do for Granby is to make up a bunch of ordinances that she’ll not obey when incoonvenient.

I’ve posted that the Newton County Republican Party and Sheriff’s Department and Division of Family Services decided to do what to me that they do all the time for the past 50 years to pore white welfare sluts or just the poor white women. They steal their children and sell them to rich Republicans or to rich Democrats and perverts. Nary a kid in foster care doesn’t end up messed up somehow. Now I got them back the first time they were taken. Beat the odds. When the Division of Family Services takes children statewide you only have a 26% chance of getting them back. In Newton, McDonald and Jasper counties the rate goes down to 11%. The second time they decided to charge me with statutory sodomy for allegedly kissing my grandson’s penis and buttocks sometime in the past. Since I refused to allow a pub[l]ic pretender to misrepresent me I was sent to the Fulton State NutHouse for 31 months until I managed to get off of forced doping and pretended to hire a lawyer and my retarded grandson who was homosexually sodomized and doped up in foster care refused to lie about me and the charges were nolle prossed. I had five of my teeth knocked out taking me up to the NutHouse by the Newton County Sheriff’s Department. All of this is on my web page.

Now I’m a rather vengeful man and this is neither the place nor time to cover this on this forum.

Suffice it to say that today I filed a Withdrawal of my Withdrawal and am going to be a Candidate for South Ward City Council. Suffice it to say that the Council-Criminals think that they will do whatever they want. I think that events will overtake them soon. It is unwise to run a corrupt election process against a warlord.

I have been convicted of “Coontempt of Kort” for failure to pay a traffic ticket when coonvicted of driving with a burnt-out headlight arising from a Granby policeman perjury back in 1994 and spent 28 days in jail. I was coonvicted of not wearing a seat belt and got a jury trial costing Joplin $1500 and had to pay a $10 fine back in 1999. I was kicked out of the Missouri LibberToon Party and prosecuted for trespass but didn’t have to pay anything because I sued them and the State of Missouri for an election matter. There was much fighting with the IRS and an Administrative Hearing Commission trial in which I appealed to the Missouri Western Court of Appeals regarding Missouri income taxes which went no-where. So yes, I’m a regular misdeameanor dillinger.

And yes, me and my Church have been sued by one Bryan Reo in Lake County Ohio and lost and am now appealing and in four more federal lawsuits and to be another one because Ira Hawkins and the Granby City Council sold him a bogus judgement resulting from my Missouri Sunshine Act Enforcement Actions. My Church got an ecclesatical court to render a $400 billion judgment with quantrillization and chernobylization against the State of Ohio. All of it on my web page.

One has to be patient like Iron Felix Dzerzhinsky. Iron Felix lost every single case against him as a Bolshevik and spent 20 years in Siberia and when came the Russian Revolution was made Lenin’s Secret Policeman and Iron Felix finished off the Tzar and his family and a quarter million White Russians and won their Civil War and won every single case.

But that’s neither here nor there. I’ve been in Revolutionary Politics for 30 years. I am a Servant of YHWH’s Servant Nation. A “pastor” must take care of YHWH’s sheep, and that means culling harshly the diseased members of the herd and driving out those who do not belong who are a threat to their well being . . . like the current Granby City Council and your mother.

You have to understand the mother squirrel’s point of view. She isn’t going to kill her offspring like bears eating their cubs when times are tough. Sometimes the mother squirrel even has to bite off the nuts of her bestest male pup when thangs get as rough as they are going to get very very soon. The mother squirrel who bites off her male pups’ nuts has to keep in mind what is best for the overall herd of squirrel.

But your mother bit off your nuts because she is an evil mean bitch.
Kid, if you still have any of your nuts left then you better flee as opposed to becummin’ a fifth-rate low-rent J.R. Fullerton.

Ashley Edgemon — Granby Baal Priest & Council-Criminal

One thing, among many, which I’ve learned about the complexities of the human mind, is that there is a darkness in each of us. For some that darkness, if unmitigated, leads them to do some awful things which without fail leads to pain and suffering not only for them but for those beloved and close to them. In many cases when a person can’t come to terms with that darkness within and the results of their actions, they project that darkness onto other people.

I think that you, Martin, are a classic case of this. I think you carry around a lot of guilt; guilt stemming from the many poor choices you have made that have had a very ill effect on those you would normally call loved ones. Rather than being honest and admitting to yourself your mistakes you refuse to take ownership of your own actions and you project your own darkness onto anyone that you decide is against you. All the while your false rage and your accusations snowball growing ever outlandish. You’ve proven that you’re willing to lie and deceive in order to advance your own agenda that, if ever realized, would lead to slothfulness and decay. To see tangible evidence of this one needs look no farther than any property at which you have owned or lived. You have left a wake of decay and disrepair wherever you have lingered.

You seem to think that you have anything that you could ever use as leverage against me or to intimidate me. Know this: You don’t intimidate me in the slightest. Nor do your idle threats give me pause for one second. If anything I pity you. You are a very lonely man who is obviously in a lot of pain. As hard as it is not to, I don’t hate you. My Lord and Savior, (The one you keep referring to as little lord baby Jesus) has taught me to forgive people. Even those that are hateful and undeserving. So I forgive you for your foolishness, but that doesn’t mean that I will stand aside and allow you to go unchecked. I will stand for the election. If enough of the South Ward voters agree, I will be duly elected as the South Ward Alderman, and when I do leave the leaders of this City will appoint someone to that seat that will have more in mind than spreading hatred and blight upon the people of this town that simply don’t deserve to put up with you.
This is the last time I will address you directly on this forum. I do pray that one day you will wake up and realize what you have done to your life and the lives of those around you. No one is a hopeless case. It’s never too late to change your course.

I come home from Neosho where put in my Notice of Withdrawal of Withdrawal As Candidate for South Ward City Council to the County Clerk. She tried to call Jay Ashcroft, Missouri Secretary of State and the worthless spawn of John Ashcroft, another baal-priest who used to be a U.S. Senatard until he lost to Minstrel-Show Mel Carnahan, the former Governor. Tami Owens didn’t know what to do in this case. I told her not to worry about it, that back in the 1990s I filed three election lawsuits against Kay Baum and the Missouri Secretary of State and lost all of them after a fight and they simply don’t know what to do so after a few years they rule in favor of the politicians anyways. Voting is such a scam. Always has been. But they got to pretend that these [s]elections are legitimate. We talked about Granby scumbags and council-criminals, I showed her the article in the Newton County [Fake]News lie-paper, she made a copy, I explained to her the nature of the Covid-19 Blessed ZOG-virus killing rural whites last or not at all, and when 4:30 rolled around said that Jay Asscrack’s Office hadn’t called her back. I said that these matters are determined by litigation, not law, and if I didn’t get what I wanted then I’d sue the worthless bastard like all the rest anyways.

So I come back here and see that this fat baal-priest of mammon at the First Synagogue of Satan must use on me its pseudo-psychology that it might have learned at the seminary, along with how to digest massive quantities of fried chicken and to skillit-lick white flour pepper-gravy. Not anything from the Bible. Not anything YHWH told Moses or Christ told his Disciples or even what Saul of Tarsus — renegade & reformed pharisee — yapped to the Greeks about how the Law has been done away with and by Grace are you saved. Juat some blather about how I don’t run my properties the way Assley thinks I should and that is why THE LITTLE LORD BABY JESUS told the City of Granby to attack my and Roxie’s and my dead mother’s and brother’s and niece and nephews properties and shred the grass and small trees and erode large portions of Cobb Hill to where it is now a flint-field without anything other than a resolution.

Well, I’ve told Ashley and the rest of the City Council-Criminals what are the penalties for perjury and thieving and oppressing and tyranny, which of course being regime criminals with control of their own private police enfarcement they think that they will evade. I’ll cover this later at length.

But the most relevant portions are from 1 Kings Chapter 13 where YHWH told Kink Jereboam that his baal-temple would be razed, his baal-priests slaughtered, and theys’ bones burnt.

To be continued . . .