Amended Proposed Agenda Semi-Secret Granby City Council Meeting 19 January 2021

The Granby City Council-Criminals put in their new crooked meat-puppet to install permanently and got “Retired” Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to make sure that the kickbacks & Granby Sulphur-Sewage Kool-Aid Continues.

Amended Proposed Agenda January 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted January 18, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Appointment of New Council Member Appointed Meat-Puppet Bill Kittrel
2) Approval of Agenda as presented
3) Approval of Minutes, December 8, 2020


1.) Lizette Garcia request for business license, Churros Colima


1) Appointment of New Councilmember Appointment of their new Meat-Puppet Bill Kittrel

2) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

3) Department Head Reports

4) Aprove Audit 19/20

5) General Code Update

6) Approve paid holidays for 2021

7) Discuss renewal of ENFPD contract

8) Approve TIF minutes December 7, 2021

9) Approve TIF approved projects and bid notice approvals

a) bid from Ozark LED and Electrical for Lighting in park
b) Bid from Building Brothers for Restrooms
c) Bid from KBC Construction for sheetrock and flooring on
d) Bid from J&L welding for fence rail
e) Bid from Hussongs for painting

10) Renaming Annex 2 at the Community Building

11) Build and Install dog kennels at new dog pound

And then there were plenty

All sorts of People are running to preside over Granby’s further decline

And then there were plenty

First of all, the City of Granby does not observe Martin Luther King Day as a holiday. Which is fine by me. I suspected as much, that Granby City Hall would be open because the City Clerk — also known as “The She-Mayoress” and “Crooked Ira’s Brain” — while never ever posting the pub[l]ic notices public meeting agendas on the door ever since she was hired at the start of the T-Rampage Gamble [Mal]Administration in 2015 always posts Notice of Holidays in which she doesn’t work as opposed to the endless daze in which she doesn’t work on doing the book-keeping or the billing. So I called up Granby City Hall, our civic Babylon, and asked the [un]elected City Collector (whose elected status was done away with over four years ago) and after asking her what she thought of Granby not observing a federal holiday (devoted to one of her kind), got onto the purpose of my call. Who was running for Granby City elected positions?

On Friday there were only two people running for the City Council Seats. Jaimie Arnall running for the North Ward City Council position of the r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. Box Wine Wedgie Tard (a.k.a. Reggie Bard the “brains” behind the failed Wedgie-Tard / Ms. Piggy Thanksgiving Coup of 2020). And Pat Kelly who is running for my South Ward City Council seat. And Crooked Ira Hawkins for Mayor, seeking to have a second term in the Position Perilous. (“Perilous” because since in recent history no one has ever sought, and if getting got, to serve two whole terms because either the Granby voters get pissed off or the State tells them they got to go quietly or go to jail.) Steve White is running for Granby Cash-Register Municipal Kort for the 13th time since 1995.

I told Steve White on Jan. 5th Court wherein he was squeezing the white trash that he need not fear me running against him like I did from 1995 to 2003. (When I came in second and was denied my lawful position as municipal judge when Steve got sent to Iraq and neither the FBI nor Missouri Attorney General chose to uphold the Missouri Statutary law then either.) In all these decaying Missouri towns devoid of any economic reason to exist whatsoever they all have to have a corrupt Piglice Farce to enfarce municipal ordinances and pay for their piglice forces upon the backs of the poor as opposed to taxing their own property. The symbol of Amurrikwan jewstice should be not a blindfolded woman with a balance and sword but rather a whore running a cash register.

So here is a list of current candidates:

Mayor: Crooked Ira Hawkins

North Ward City Council:
Jaimie Arnall (1 year, Wedgie Tard’s seat)
Bobby Brooks & Billy Kittrel (Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett’s seat who r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t to Carthage and was replaced again by “Senile Heifer” Joyce Mann)

South Ward City Council: Pat Kelly (For my lawful elected South Ward City Council Seat)
JoAnn Lamp (wanting re-election for a two-year seat. And later I shall “tell some” about JoAnn Lamp, the wife of my woman Roxie Fausnaught’s older brother Clinton Lamp and younger sister to George Martin legendary Granby cocksman and her efficient self-serving corruption as former Granby City Clerk)

Let’s understand something. The Granby South Ward has two and a half times as many voters (1,000) as the North Ward (400). These wards are divided by U.S. Route 60 into the two wards. The North Ward had the bulk of the smelting back in the days of the lead-zinc mines and has the bulk of the businesses today. The South Ward has the bulk of the population and the pastures. The South Ward has always been under- & mis-represented, especially the past thirty years, but even more so the past six years.

Now I’ve run every single election cycle — except when imprisoned in jail or a NutHouse — with no expectation of winning but as a means of exercising muh “sedition licence”. Several times I’ve won by default in Granby but not allowed to take the elective office. All of which goes to show that the myth of having a COONstipational Repub[l]ic is nothing but a lie and was a lie all along. Voting in the ZOGland would be illegal if it could possibly change thangs, rather it has all the sort of relevance as when Joseph Stalin rammed through the greatly liberal meaningless Soviet Constitution of 1936 during the height of the Soviet Terror, the Ukranian Holodomir and the Show Trials promising all manner of rights and priviledges for all. And who can forget, given this stolen [e]election of 2020 when the ZOG-Emperor Trump got 74 million and Senile Joe “won” through ballot harvesting in the inner cities and Dominion voting machines owned by the Chinese Communist Party. Amurrikwans are supposed to bee-leave that 155 million votes were cast for Prez-o-dint even when there are less than 160 million registered voters in the entire ZOGland? Well, as Joseph Stalin once remarked, even though voting was mandatory, and Joseph Stalin never dipped below 90% of the vote even when invaded by Nazi Germany, “It doesn’t matter as to who votes but what is important is who counts the votes.” A bunch of Africans living in Amurrikwan inner cities in Milwaukee, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia and especially [Tw]Atlanta counted throughout the night and gave the [s]election to Senile Joe & The Nasty Ho.

Now of course one of the benefits of the ZOG-Emperor Drumpf losing due to vote fraud is that Newton County Missouri which voted overwhelmingly for The Donald & Judas Pence by 80-something to nineteen-something percent over Senile Joe & the Ho has been disenfranchised by the entire Blue-State ZOGland by a slighly greater margin than I was last June by Ashley Edgemon, the Baal-Priest next door who worked for Alleger-Martin then r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh as planned leaving it open for Crooked Ira Hawkins and the rest of the Granby Looting Council-Criminals to appoint some baal-priest meat-puppet to take my South Ward City Council seat. The vote for the departing Ashley was likewise split 80 to 20, with me getting only the 20 percent. And after manfully suppressing my racial and religious views in order to post on Granby Thots & Views and talk about the state of Granby’s decaying infrastructure. My sole campaign points against the incredibly corrupt baal-priest Ashley Edgemon — the piece of skillit-licking Xian-Zionist shit who used to work for Allieger-Martin and thus gave them a no-bid contract for $3.2 million for them to make $830,000 profit from this unnecessary storm-water sewer project — was disclaiming any such building and debt projects, in disowning the debt entirely and financing the fixing of the water pipes by fixing it ourselves as a City.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 12 January 2021

Proposed Agenda January 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted January 8, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes, December 8, 2020


1.) Lizette Garcia request for business license, Churros Colima


1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Aprove Audit 19/20

4) General Code Update

5) Approve paid holidays for 2021

6) Discuss renewal of ENFPD contract

7) Approve TIF minutes December 7, 2021

8) Approve TIF approved projects and bid notice approvals

a) bid from Ozark LED and Electrical for Lighting in park
b) Bid from Building Brothers for Restrooms
c) Bid from KBC Construction for sheetrock and flooring on
d) Bid from J&L welding for fence rail
e) Bid from Hussongs for painting

9) Renaming Annex 2 at the Community Building

City council Meeting cancelled that afternoon. Maybe rescheduled for 19 Jan 2021 @ 6:00pm


Christina Poitras finds the lawyer INTESSIMONE , TIMOTHY MARK , Attorney for Plaintiff, files in forma pauperis on 8 Dec. 2020. Granby & Kelley to be served.

JOPLIN, MO 64804
Year of Birth: 1985
INTESSIMONE , TIMOTHY MARK , Attorney for Plaintiff
JOPLIN, MO 64801
Business: (417) 622-4036

GRANBY, MO 64844
 KELLEY , JACOB , Defendant   
GRANBY, MO 64844

12/08/2020 Filing Info Sheet eFiling
Note to Clerk eFiling
Confidential Address Filed
Confidential Case Filing Information Sheet.
Correspondence Filed
Request for Summons.
Proposed Order Filed
Proposed Order Appointing Special Process Server.
Motion Special Process Server
Motion for Special Process Server.
Mot to Proc In Forma Pauperis
Proceed In Forma Pauperis.
Entry of Appearance Filed
Entry of Appearance as Co-Counsel.
Pet Filed in Circuit Ct


12/14/2020 Judge Assigned
Case to the Honorable Stremel



Attorney Intessimone has filed in forma pauperis, i.e. former Officer Christina Poitras is filing for free as opposed to paying around $100, some process server will serve the City of Granby and Police Chief Kelley and upon service the case shall proceed unless dismissed.

Another Granby Piglice & Council-Criminal Plot to Remove the Head Pig Enfarcing Granby City-Council-Criminal Thievery

Box-Wine Wedgie Tard & Ms Piggy Christina Mount another failed coup to eliminate Granby Piglice Chief Jacob Kelley & get fired & r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t.

This is a blog post in progress . . .

One wouldn’t have thunk it, what with Granby corruption and decay being legendary from Monett to Joplin, but Granby City Hall “polyticks” — from the Greek word for many and ticks being blood-sucking parasites — is oft a battle of factions which change depending on the interests of the particular band of thieves. There is the endemic civil war between all of the Council-Criminals against an external threat like myself wanting to bring Granby back to its pre-1994 daze wherein we had no Granby Piglice Department enfarcing the [s]will of the Granby City Council-Criminals. But that is a persistant low-level threat of insurgency without much chance for success given the corruption within this decaysing system is everywhere and the Granby inbreds are beat-down and a-pathetic and know that “they will do whatever they want to anyways so I can do nothing to change it.” Face it, no one with any sense or something to lose is going to rebel against the half-century of Granby decline and decay because if they could move or wanted to do so then they have already left.

Rather I am talking about outsiders like Box-Wine Wedgie Tard, er Reggie Bard, who cums to Granby from Illinois by way of Carthage — another buttoned down town but relatively well run — to buy the cheap decaying properties then wants to turn Granby on the cheap to the very same shithole from whence she cum. So she enlists local Granby inbred tards who think they is better than run-of-the-swill other Granby inbred tards into a crusade to somehow turn Granby — the dumping ground of the area for the crack-heads & chomos, the elderly and down & out — into a Boomer Whigger Paradise of well-kept lawns and anglo-mestizo grandchildren cum over from Neosho or Monett to visit for the weekend. Box-Wine Wedgie Tard is a housekeeper — some skank who kept the house from divorcing her past meercats & thus keeping the house which she sells to move on to the next boat-pisspul locale further down the scale as she grows older, her money-pit gets slacker and she acquires yet more cats yielding urine to huff. This is what is happening all over the ZOGland, as these gliberal Boomer whigger refugees look for a new place just before the nursing home & oblivion.

So Box-Wine Wedgie Tard started her “Granby Volunteers” and posted it all over the local jews-media about how she was going to “clean up Granby” and the media cumplied by doing stories about how the local legendary shithole was becum-cummin’ a polished turd. I would ask the locals why they were doing this stupid shit and they said it was because Granby needed to look like a Boomer Whigger Paradise and because Wedgie Tard had so much “energy.” “So does a tornado,” I would reply, “But before you tear down the old stuff brought about by the old ways, maybe you had better figure out what to replace it with.” And they would think for a second and go about doing their same old stupid crap.

. . . The purpose of the Granby Police Farce is to enfarce the ]s]will of the Granby City Council-Criminals as their own quasi-legal paramilitary force . . . .

Muted Again @ Granby Thots & Views 7 Dec. 2020

Granby Thoughts & Views is a place for gossip & news about stray dogs, not a serious forum for adult discussion.

After one too many postings about the endemic corruption of the Granby Police State, the Admin of Granby Thots & Views has seen fit to mute me until after the New Year — at least for now. It isn’t even so much that a bunch of whiners, feebs and retarded inbred bed-wetters have cum-cum, cum-cum cumplained to him — although that is ALWAYS the case — but rather that Jeremy Hopper has a problem with the police chief rather than that the Granby Police Farce was established in order to supply muscle for the corrupt Granby City Council and acts more like their own private security farce and army and thus should be abolished altogether and replaced by policing from Newton County. Not that the Newton County Sheriff’s Office pigs are any moral or mental improvement over Granby pigs but because the Sheriff’s office can’t be bothered with enfarcing Granby trailer-house ordinances or bitching about whether you mow your grass or not.

(With me usually not. Where I come from in Central South Dakota tall grass is not only a sure sign of good stewardship of “The Land” but to be used for the feeding of cattle and no mowing takes place without a baler running after the mower doing something useful with that cut grass as opposed to wasting time and gasoline trying to win the Box-Wine Wedgie Tard’s “R.L. Arnall’s Granby Yard of the Month” proving what a Grate Granby Boomer Whigger Fuktard you are.)

The recent 1/2 cent sales increase bringing in $60,000 per year to the Granby Piglice Department should be spent on establishing a Satellite Station for the Newton County Sheriff’s Deputies, disbanding the Granby Police Department, and hiring two deputies to patrol Granby and East Newton County. If any taxes can improve the community — and they can’t — then having a police presence independent of political forces as opposed to being fired or hired at the whim of the Granby City Council is preferable. As it is right now, those living in Eastern Newton County know all about Granby — and they take a detour or simply stay away.

Granby could be the Queen City of Eastern Newton County again as opposed to the area’s dumping ground for the area’s poor, wretched, addicted criminal poor. (Like Diamond with its speed traps, the local wise people take the “Granby Detour” or simply avoid Granby.) But NOT with the current City Council or its renegade police department.
I want the entire Granby Police Department to be disbanded as the enfarcement arm of the corrupt Granby City Council-Criminals while Jeremy merely wants Chief Jacob Kelley dismissed.

There is a big difference there and Granby Thots & Views is Jeremy’s Facebook Group, hence my muting until after Jan. 2021 or Jeremy needs intellectual and moral muscle and heavy artillery support or gets tired of the stray puppy dog & kitty-cat postings on GT&V.

This is, of course, an editorial decision on Jeremy Hopper’s part. Granby Thots & Views is a place for the news about stray dogs and gossip as opposed to serious and frank adult discussion on a fun neutral forum open to all living in Granby.

So I’ll be posting to my blog or on Granby UnCensored Facebook page about what is going on Granby Thots & Views.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN

Duly Elected South Ward Granby City Councilman

Actually Tim Murphy, you let yourself become T-Rampage Gamble’s Bitch

Tim Murphy thinks I’ve been hard on his T-Rampageifer’s Beaver & so I have butt not near as harddd as Jesus Christ will be, (cf. Matt Chapter 25 & Rev. Chapter 20) . . .

I don’t see you denying the Bill of Particulars concerning your votes on the Granby City Council. Far from being a “Granby Reform” candidate you turned out worse than the appointee Chelsea Talbot, who started getting ideas of opening up the Cemetery Board to public scrutiny, hence she was not missed when you decided not to resign upon election. In fact for the full year you were a member of the Granby City Council you were a loyal bitch for that drunken swine and former Mayor T. Rampage Gamble, voting along with the rest 4-0.

You did vote to allow Joyce Mann to unlawfully — according to your own ‘Law’ — to set up a used double-wide without doing anything near to the required steps of posting a 10-day notice in the lie-paper or notifying the neighbors. When one of them Shirley Tanner objected that Joyce Mann as a city council-man who wouldn’t let her put in a double-wide shouldn’t be allowed to either, then you allowed her to be negated and did not honor her valid objections, thus making it unlawful for Joyce Mann to keep the trailer within City limits. The entire Granby City Council violated their own pretend legistreason and you were a participant in this treason.

For doing this trick the City of Granby should be barred from passing any municipal ordinance or enforcing it upon others given that they cannot obey their own “laws.” This of course would mean the termination of the Granby cash-register municipal kort and of course its Police Department in favor of a Granby City Council able only to do limited taxation and spending on necessary systems such as water and sewer. The law enforcement functions should revert back to the County and the corrupt City Council disallowed to have their own private army / police enforcement functions given that they have proven that they will be selectively enforced instead of “equal justice under law.”

It is because of such corruption that the Granby City Council should be de-fanged and kept from having any more powers than absolutely necessary to do limited functions. The best way to do this would be to sell the city utilities to private companies and let the police functions revert back to Newton County.

T-Rampage forced Kevin Johnson to resign. Stansberry then became fire chief until he too was forced to resign because nobody but a drunken fuktard’s bitch could please T-Rampage Gamble. By the way, when T-Rampage Gamble resigned from the TIF Bored because of being caught out as a drunken mean stupid asshole you did so as well. Yes, Tim, you are T-Rampage Gamble’s obedient bitch, fat more than the one T-Rampage is oafishully married to who sticks with T-Rampage — as do you.

And far be it for me to criticize your performance as Granby Fire Chief. Maybe you are really really good. But do you remember when Roxie needed fire department assistance to get her into the vehicle for medical attention and I remonstrated with you about your performance as city council-man buying the Styron Eyesore? You told me that if I spoke another word that you would take yourself and your firemen and leave Roxie to make her way to medical attention as best I could. Maybe you don’t remember doing this . . . but I sure did.

I of course loving Roxie shut up immediately, even though I was furious that you would put Roxie’s health and life at risk because you could not stand a little criticism as to your elected performance as a City Council-man. I don’t think it was very professional of you to deny medical assistance in getting Roxie to see medical attention and make such a threat in order to get your way. But then again, I’ve accused you of being a weak, corrupt and foolish man numerous times before and now Roxie is beyond blackmail over her health given that she is dead.

So yes, Tim Murphy, I think that you need to become a real man instead of the corrupt Granby City Council-Criminal’s fire-feeb and T-Rampageifer Gamble’s bitch, which Kevin Johnson and David Stansberry refused to be, which is why they are no longer Granby Fire Chief. Kevin Johnson due to his ability has landed on his feet and now is Fire Chief over the Midway Fire District.

Yes, Tim Murphy, you have been a disappointment to myself. I don’t think that you are vicious as are T-Rampage Gamble, Crooked Ira Hawkins, Senile Heifer Joyce Mann, Assley Edgemon or Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett who [mis]served on the Granby City Council. BUT EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU VOTED 4-0 WITH THE REST OF THE GRANBY CITY COUNCIL-CRIMINALS.

You may think I’ve been unfair in my criticisms. Imagine what you will have to say when on Judgment Day you are separated into the “goat” status and judged according to your works and must explain how you not only didn’t help the poor of Granby but did oppress them with self-serving rules mandating that they couldn’t help themselves and their children or parents living in the only housing they could afford because an evil rat-bastard scumbag pharisee like Barry Flint out to turn Granby into “Flintville” wanted to charge them more in rent per year in his shitty trailer-park than it would cost them to buy a shitty second-hand trailer at Route 59 Trailer Sales and move it on into their own private property. You have not only not helped the poor, but in your “oafishul capacity’ as a Granby City Council-Criminal you have worked to fuck them over. A Lake of Fire awaits you and the rest of these vicious idiot baal-priests, according to the Criteria of Jesus Christ, who will have you placed there when you are judged according to your works. Cf, Matthew Chapter 25 & Revelations Chapter 20.

I hope you profit from this ass-chewing, Tim Murphy, and change your way and be saved. If not, then keep on doing what you are doing and pay for it in part with deserved oboloquoy.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Duly Elected Granby South Ward City Councilman

The Moral Imbecility of Tim Murphy on the “Granby-Flintville” City Council

Tim Murphy is not near as vicious as the rest of the Granby City Council-Criminals but just as weak, corrupt and stupid.

Barry Flint has done more to impoverish Granby through his bringing in a corrupt animal Granby Police Farce in order enforce charging (then $300 per month) exorbant fees for living in his crappy trailers as opposed to letting starter couples with small children or planning children buy an old trailer in clement weather for $2000 and $1000 to move it in and have something else to fix it up as opposed to paying that parasite who should be brought up on RICO charges along with the rest of the City Council-Criminals.

As mayor in 1987-88 Barry Flint did a good thing. He brought in a sewer system paid for mainly with federal and state grants for the “largest municipality in Missouri without a sewer system.” Those of us who moved in from the farm to be with Roxie and live in Granby proper still remember the stench of overflowing cesspools and latrines draining into mineshafts which flowed down-hill after a good rain. Nothing like the smell of sewage in the morning to take you off your feed.

So having brought in a sewer 90% paid for by federal and state grants the 10% has to be paid for even though the old people living on Rabbit Track Road got their lines from their homes dug for free. Living in a hovel costing $3000 in 1987 ZOGbux the digging by Pat Camerer cost $400. Later myself and Roxie would buy these old homes on Cobb Hill because the old people died and their children and grandchildren sure didn’t want to live in these old homes or in Granby and so I bought them cheap in the 1990s. Since the Granby City Council-Criminals along with their criminal Police Department were running amok back then and I wanted to sue them for free in Federal District Court I transferred the back property (The Hilkery) and north property (District of Summeyville) owned in half to my niece and nephews.

So the old timers would complain that “Barry Flint is charging me three times for the water going out than what water comes in.” “That scumbag that owns the trailer-park and laundromat has raised my utility rates.” But even when 90 percent has been paid for the ten percent has to be paid for. So Barry Flint on his way to turn Granby into “Flintville” initially did the People of Granby a solid. A solid lump of shit, that is.

So this schemer decided to reward hisself by turning Granby into “Flintville” in a nightmare “Itz A Wunnerfool Life.” Barry Flint may be quite intelligent in a ratlike sort of way but it certainly explains why military dictatorships always trump plutocracies making a mess of things for self-profit.

So in 1988 the very first of the single-wide trailer bans took place. Single-wide trailers — both used and new — were banned within the Granby City Limits except for in trailer parks, owned by Barry Flint and other owners. The old trailers were banned except for those already in place under color of “beautifying Granby” or more likely polishing a turd. The problem with a democracy is that self-serving criminals and parasites like Barry Flint seize the reins of power and instead of working for the common good they immediately set about using that power to enrich themselves and their families and friends.

It is the Flints, the Styrons, Gambles and the Channels who set about destroying their local communities by mining their social capital and then their human and heritage capital. And being criminals and parasites they love like T-Rampage Gamble, Ira Hawkins, Ashley Edgemon and all of the Council-Criminals to pretend that their thieving has the support of God and man, especially of those higher up in the criminal-regimeist Under Satan’s Administration food chain.

But Barry Flint and the rest of the council-criminals couldn’t do that with Dewey Beaver as Town Marshal. They couldn’t even do it with the Newton County Sheriff’s Department because they had their own higher-level criminality schemes to consider that they didn’t want to jail poor white people starting out wanting to have the children which will keep our culture alive. So they brought in the Granby Piglice Department as their enforcement muscle and the rest is infamous history of criminality under color of “law”.

In any case, I had such hopes for Tim Murphy as being on the “reform” slate until he got elected in Apr. 2017 and by late May 2017 you took part in a secret “emergency” council-criminal session the sole purpose of which was to allow Joyce Mann on the North Ward to buy a used double-wide for her daughter and family to put in violation of your own rules. The City Attorney, Granby Police Force — inclusing Jacob Kelley & Ms. Piggy Christina, T-Rampage Gamble, Ira Hawkins, yourself, and Will Barrett voted to suspend the rules and allow Joyce Mann to do so.

On June 17, 2017 you sat by while I was first arrested for violating Granby Municipal Ordinance #815 — allowing the arrest of myself for making fun of the Mayor T-Rampage Gamble was applied & I was arrested — and later coonvicted by Judge Charles Curless in a 2 hour 35 minute trial — which is still on the books but not enfarced because I filed for a trial de novo. All for asking why since T-Rampage couldn’t obey his own trailer-home ordinance then why make a new ordinance regarding “small houses” just because someone bought a storage shed and didn’t want City utilities?

No Tim Murphy, you are not near as vicious as the rest of the City Council-Criminals but you are just as weak, corrupt and stupid.

Turmoil within the Granby Piglice Department — How cum?

Chief of Granby Piglice Jacob Kelley fires Sgt. Ms Piggy Christina for something or another — Was It a Wedgie Tard / Ms Piggy Coup, cum-cum, cum-cum???

Here is another questions I have. If the Chief of Police is such a great Chief of Police why does he keep hiring so many people he has to fire? Wouldn’t a good chief of police be able to find good officers? One of which he brought from the Department he worked with before who saved a baby not more than a month before, And yet he fired him as well. Constantly doing less than his 40 hours a week that he is paid to do because he’s on salary?( very unethical and Theft ). Which was brought to the council’s attention with proof. Just a lot of things it’s not adding up. Anyone else questioning any of this? –Jeremy Hopper, Admin Granby Thots & Views. 3 Dec. 2020

“Who appoints this position? Isn’t there a board?”

“There is a police board that reviews all the applications for the Cheif position and then they pick two or three applicants and present them to the mayor and council which they then hire from.” Jim Channel, ostensible Granby Pub[l]ic Works Director

The Granby Marshal’s Office was subverted for years by those who would use the City of Granby to enrich themselves and their families at the public expense.

When Dewey Beaver finally decided to retire the vote to set up a Granby Police Farce passed by three votes.

Many of us knew that a Granby Police Department would be used to steal from the poor and weak on behalf of the politically connected. The police serve those who pay them.

The Granby Police Department has always been corrupt since its inception in 1994.

I’ve been beaten up upon the orders of Mayor Craig Hopper back in 1997.

I’ve been arrested on the orders of T-Rampage Gamble and Ira Hawkins for trying to address their thievery in open public city council meetings.

One Granby Police Officer raped 16 year old girls and it wasn’t until a city council-member’s 16 year old step-daughter was a victim that the officer was fired. A grand jury indicted that officer for statutory rape and the Granby City Council members tipped off that officer who fled to Washington State, was brought back and got a slap on the wrist.

Granby police officers were complicit in having my grandchildren bought and sold in 2004 and having me falsely charged with child molestation in 2005.

Police officers broke out five of my front teeth taking me to the NutHouse for my refusal to accept a public pretender.

If it was up to me I’d exterminate them all, along with the lawyers, judges, politicians, social workers and cull heavily their families and make the survivors helot slaves for seven generations. The French and then the Russians did the same thing, as will we who survive the Collapse.

But for now the plan should be to simply disband the Granby Police Department and let it revert back to Newton County as a satellite station for Granby and Eastern Newton County. The Newton County Sheriff’s Department is corrupt as well, but they won’t be jailing people for putting up used single-wide trailer homes on their own property or not mowing their grass or for making fun of the Mayor or the rest of the Granby City Council-Criminals.

Any lawful police department should be funded by property taxes of the middle-class and rich and not by reverse-robin-hooding the poor, stupid and addicted. This 25-year ignoble experiment with a Granby Police Department should be cut up and flushed down the toilet as its entire purpose from the very beginning was to create armed muscle for those who would run the corrupt Granby City Hall. Take away their enforcement arm and you take away most of their ability to do evil.

Box-Wine Wedgie Tard Announces Her Resignation As a Granby City Council-Criminal

Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins gets to fill her Seat with another Senile Baal-Priest Meat-Puppet

Well, I’m not going to play hypocrite and pretend that I’m not glad that awful female from Illinois and Cathage is just about gone.

Ding-dong the Witch is [nearly] dead.

Goes to show what guzzling too much box-wine, having unclean meercats living in your burrow-furrow and huffing too much stale cat urine can do to an almighty evil heifer.

That evil bitch certainly was no friend to the poor and downtrodden People of Granby. She hated open government and raised not a peep whenever Crooked Ira was trying to get the Granby Piglice to arrest myself for making fun of the Council-Criminals.

But Crooked Ira Hawkins is going to appoint another one of his baal-priest meat-puppets to steal what is left, if anything. To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, Granby City [mis]Government will go out not with a fingernails on chalkboard-level screetch, but with a sodden rotten whimper.

I am so glad this nasty evil rotten bitch will be gone soon but have no great hope for any improvement.

But Granby wins again. Granby ALWAYS wins again.

Ding Dong the Wicked Bitch is [nearly] Dead !!!