Granby City Council Meeting 8 June 2021 part 1

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call: Councilman Charlie Brown by Video Conference

1) Approval of Agenda as presented Amended to add Items #11 and #12
2) Approval of Minutes, May 25, 2020

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Workers Comp Insurance Renewal

4) Discussion re: RFP for insurance rep ( Request For Proposal — i.e. Asking around for savings on Insurance )

5) Bank Account for relief funds

6) Proposal from Emily Weber ( Social Media Consultant wanting paid $175 per month )

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 8 June 2021

Proposed Agenda June 8, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted April 4, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call: Councilman Charlie Brown by Video Conference

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, May 25, 2020

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Workers Comp Insurance Renewal

4) Discussion re: RFP for insurance rep

5) Bank Account for relief funds

6) Proposal from Emily Weber

7) Discussion re: Boy Scout Building

8) Bids for auditor

9) Discussion re: zoning and building codes

10) Procurement Policy / Internal Control Principles

T-Rampageifer Gamble with a Message of Extreme Importance for Crooked Ira Hawkins

As an extremely stupid drunken psychotic asshole and failed ex-mayor of Granby yapping to his suckcessor I have many questions about the big picture! I mean it is not printed up on the bottom of a Milwaukee’s Worst 12-pack so I just don’t see it. Besides when I’m down to muh last can I’m not particularly in the mood for reading and never in thinking anyways.

And I hope that people are being rational about things? These decisions that are being made on the run with nothing more to back them up then dreams are very disturbing and filled with unknowns? I’m seldom rational but rather a buffoon and braggart who puts his foot in muh mouth, which is why we need to keep on meating in your baal-priest temple to get our stories straight, cum-cum, cum-cum, Crooked Ira.

The seem almost tainted. You know “tainted.” Itz the place between a pussy and an asshole on a skank which ‘taint neither but smells like a mixture of both.

The topic I believe in question should NEVER have in front of the city government, but you can’t put the jennie back in the bottle! At least not unless we get to dip either our beaks or our peckers in it, whatever “it” is.

However if anyone envolved with the city is trying to pick winners and losers the should absolutely be ashamed of themselves and really give some thought to why the are in office? I mean other than to steal something or to have the Granby Piglice harass people we don’t like for whatever reason. I’m disturbed more than usual in this process and feel compelled to follow up on this at least as long as the 12-pack lasts.

Stuff like this can absolutely destroy a thoughtful agenda and hamper progress that actually benefits the Entire City Of Granby. Like how can tearing down Jaimie Arnall’s Big Beautiful Brick Building forward our particular scams and getting of kickbacks so that more Milwaukees Worst can be bought?

I ask these questions With All Due Respect Sir. This is no way to run an inbred retarded shithole like Granby, Crooked Ira.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 25 May 2021

Proposed Agenda May 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted May 21, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

5:30 p.m. Public Hearing on US Grant / Loan to Buy Second Granby Police Vehicle

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, May 11, 2021 (Jamie Arnall calls out Pat Kelly regarding the May 11, 2021 minutes that Pat Kelly and City Clerk Lawna Price lied about being only after her building, not two others)


1) Sarah Kimbrough — updates from Economic Development Committee

2) Wayne Smith — re: building a duplex ( Wayne Smith doesn’t need permission to build duplex, it is stupid to build anything expensive in Granby, and Wayne didn’t show up anyways.)

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Fireworks for Old Mining Town Days

3) Wastewater Superintendant re: purchase for wastewater treatment plant

4) Resolution for Grant (to purchase Granby Police Car discussed at public meeting held earlier, approved)

5) Discussion re: Adoption Fee (Charging $50 per animal for adoption to recoup spay/neuter & rabies vaccination)

6) Senior Center ( Turning one of the City Annex buildings into a Senior Center )

7) Dangerous Buildings ( Jo Ann Lamp tries to pull her vote from last time, Crooked Ira Hawkins claims that he has power to run building codes, and they table the mess 3-0 against Pat Kelly who wants to tear down Jamie Arnall’s Old Hardware Store )

8) Purchase of floor cleaner ( $2,039 for floor cleaner for gym and annexes)

9) City Hall termite inspection / extermination ( $450-500 approved to inspect & repair termite damage at front of city council chambers)

The Vote Which Failed 11 May 2021 Granby City Council Meeting

Mayor Ira Hawkins and South Ward City Councilmen Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp decide through a pretext of “safety” to vote using Granby city taxpayer funds to generate a bogus structural report to punish North Ward Councilwoman Jaimie Arnall to justify wasting another $200,000 in taxpayer money to destroy her old brick hardware building while ignoring a decrepit old church and building whose owners don’t mind having their properties demolished.

Jaimie Arnall wants to fix the old building, put in a new roof and use it for her array of businesses while restoring a 120-year old Granby Heritage building.

After much wrangling it comes to a vote. Pat Kelly and JoAnn Lamp vote to destroy the old building. Bill Kittrell not seeing the point of pointlessly destroying an old building on the North Ward given that his collegue on the North Ward wants to fix it up and so he votes “no”. Jaimie Arnall is unlawfully not allowed to vote against destroying her old building but is forced to abstain.

The editor of the Newton County Fake-News points out that with a vote of 2-2 or 2-1-1 that since a majority of the vote wasn’t reached that the Motion to hire a structural engineer at Granby city expense fails, and thus the vote is moot. This annoys Ira Hawkins, JoAnn Lamp and especially Pat Kelly while Jaimie Arnall has the good grace not to gloat.

11 minutes 23 seconds videoed 11 May 2021 at Granby City Hall.

Proposed Agenda Granby City Council Meeting 11 May 2021

Proposed Agenda May 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted May 7, 2021

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented
2) Approval of Minutes, April 27, 2021


1) Wayne Brooks re: car show

New Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on Hand

2) Department Head Reports

3) Ball Park Lights $16,500 for 11 poles 11 lights funding from Parks Fund

4) Funds for Old Mining Town Days

5) Mayor Pro Tem (Bill Kittrel)

6) Computer for Animal shelter (Up to $1000 alotted for computer and printer)

7) Health Insurance Renewal

8) Dilapidated Buildings (Pat Kelly and Jo Ann Lamp vote to pay $3500 for structural engineer to justify tearing down Jamie Arnall’s Old Hardware Store)

9) New gas meters ( 2 meters $4,393.76)

A Sign of the Times — [S]Election Day 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri — Sign of the Times — [S]Election Advice for 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri

For the first time in 25 years I did not run for something when able to do so, especially in Granby Missouri.

The reason is because I would prefer to boycott the [s]election given that [s]elections are corrupt farces in which the last thing meant is that the average citizen should choose for a systemic change but rather vote for the shit-sandwich that the powers that be choose for them. That is a reason for political party primaries and [s]election laws is so that having a true democracy and even a representative repub[l]ic can be dispensed with in all actuality while preserving the facade / display of having “the greatest cunt-tree ever” and “The AmurrrriKwan Way of life.”

In reality it simply does not work that way — not that it ever really did. Especially in Granby.

Last year around this time Governatard Mike Parsons — a 105 IQ pig from Polk County raised to the governaturdship by this thieving perverted jewboy [s]elected as governor who got caught running a Republican BDSM Family-Values Navy SEAL rape-dungeon for slutty whiggress hair-dressers so he had to resign — decided to postpone the April 2020 municipal & skrule bored [s]elections until June 2020 because of the rampaging ZOG-virus built in a Chink lab.

Running against me was this thieving baal-priest piece of shit, the incumbent Ashley Edgemon who lived next door to my Aryan Nations compound in the First Synagogue of Satan who worked for Allieger-Martin (and certainly not Jesus Christ) and wanted to share in the $830,000 to build an unnecessary storm-water sewer catchment plant. Certainly nothing to fix the leaky sewer pipes which leach sewage into the aquifer. So knowing that he would r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh from whence he cum he deliberately under pressure from the thieving Granby City Council lead by Crooked Ira Hawkins — the Second Worst Mayor of Granby — filed a whole eleven minutes before the filing period ended as part of a scheme to bypass dem[on]ocracy in favor of the thieving oligarchy that has [d]ruled Granby for decades and with the help of the native population turned Granby into the decaying shithole it is today with sewage & sulphur water to drink from leaking pipes from coontaminated aquifers.

So in return for not expressing my rampant racism on the biggest social media page of Granby Thots & Views and sticking to the campaign pledge to disown the Granby storm-water Allieger-Martin scam in which the Granby City Council-Criminals got a cut I instead agreed to work on fixing the water and sewer pipes, firing the incompetent and dishones Directard of Pub[l]ic Works and stopping the steal.

In the June 2020 municipal [s]election I got 20% of the vote and Ashley Edgemon got 80% and then as arranged all along proceeded to be sworn in, then to resign and then to r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t to Floriduh and then Crooked Ira proceeded to appoint Charlie Clown Brown, yet another thieving baal-priest serving the City Hall and Satan but never the People of Granby.

So isn’t that at odds with the notions of democracy as well as the Revised Statutes of Missouri? Sure it is. But the same thing happened back in 2003 when I came in second for Granby municipal judge and Steve White then got sent to Iraq with his National Guard unit. Neither the State of Missouri or Newton County much less Granby or the FBI or the jewspapers really give a shit when [s]elections go against whom they have bought.

Seventy-Five Million Trumptarded ZOGlings found out the same way when the Pretender Senile Joe & the Nasty Ho Kum-kum-allah “won” the Presidential [S]Election of 2020 that [s]elections are a fraudulent joke.

Anyways, over the past year as city council-criminals r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. be it Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett, or Box-Wine Wedgie Tard coonspiring in the failed Ms. Piggy/Wedgie Tard Thanksgiving Coup of 2020 or whatever, Crooked Ira Hawkins has appointed a series of baal-priest ass-lickers to steal Granby blind, even bringing out Senile Heifer Joyce Mann out of retirement (not retardment though).

After Wedgie Tard was forced out for her failed Thanksgiving Coup then Senile Heifer Joyce Mann was unretarded and put in. Then Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Carthage Missery with his pelf and was replaced by the new Bill-the-Buttlicker Kittrell, or as I call him Baal Shittrell. These thieving retards are placed into office so that the thieving cannot end.

Now Jaimie Arnall decided to run and so did Bobby Brooks, both long-time natives or Granby who love the town and its people. So Crooked Ira forced Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to run against Jaimie Arnall and of course Baal Shittrell wants to keep his position as North Ward Shitty Council-Criminal.

Pat Kelley decided to run unopposed to my South Ward City Council seat and of course JoAnn Lamp who by this time was the only City Council-Criminal who ever got a single vote ran again for re-[s]election.

JoAnn Lamp married Roxie’s older brother Clinton Lamp who was a sharp-businessman. Joann Lamp used to be Granby City Clerk and would use her powers to selectively disobey municipal ordinances for her favorite relatives. A relative of hers described JoAnn Lamp as a “fat greedy stupid evil old bitch with all the money in the world but it is never enough to where she got to get some more at public expense.” That is an apt characterization.

(Both Roxie’s and Clinton Lamp’s mother was best friends with Joann & George Martin’s mother. Joann always was an evil mean greedy bitch but George was the best whoremonger in Granby and would do myself, Pighook and Ralph a favor by breaking up a small herd of skank at The White Spot i n Granby by generously screwing the fattest, ugliest and oldest whores so that those younger & tenderer of us could get the youngest, cutest and tightest of the skanks as we wanted fresh pussy. George certainly cared for those of us wanting fresh whore pussy, reserving the real bad hides for hisself and like Babe Ruth swinging a double-heavy bat did the same with condoms. George was missed. JoAnn Lamp probably never except by the thieving and corrupt Granby City Hall & Itz Denizens.)


So anyways, if you live on the South Ward and are one of the 1000 registered voters then the only thing you should vote for is against raising the property tax levy to expand the Newton County Ambulance District Crooked Ira Hawkins and JoAnn Lamp are without any competition so the last thing you should do is vote for them. Pat Kelley who is running for my seat might be amenable to reason but then again running for my seat so I’m not going to vote for him. I’m not going to vote for Steve White running a municipal cash-register kort which needs to be disbanded. Nor for any other of the skrule bored members or for anything.

Only on the North Ward with 400 voters does it really matter. Vote for Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks who actually care for the People of Granby. NOT Baal Shittrell nor Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was overheard whining that she hoped to lose but ran anyways because Crooked Ira Hawkins and the rest of the Granby City council-criminals forced her to get out of retardment. Of course not voting for Crooked Ira and the rest of the bunch by default.

Voting is a scam and a joke and those who continue to ratify this fraud are collaborators in their own destruction. They should boycott their own dispossession.

Baal Shittrell wants Granby Tards to “Voat Harder, Harder” for him and Senile Heifer over Bobby Brooks & Jaimie Arnall for North Ward City Council-Criminal.

Do you REALLY bee-leeve that shit from Baal Shittrell?

How about seeing Baal Shittrell in Action on March 9th 2021 less than a month ago: — Granby City Council-Criminal Meating of 9 March 2021


Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and three of the four Granby City Council-Criminals Baal Kittrell, Joyce Mann and JoAnn Lamp — all the current incumbents plot to destroy Jaimie Arnall’s Big Beautiful Brick Building after the meating is adjourned and Crooked Ira is meeting with Barry Flint who wants a special variance from the new rules regarding trailer parks.

Jaimie Arnall — running for North Ward City Council against Senile Heifer Joyce Mann and being thus punished for doing so — begs to let her have time to fix her building when the crooked Granby Police Chief summons Crooked Ira from the back room to stop violating the Missouri Sunshine Act. Thus you see business as usual in Granby Missouri and why Granby needs to have its home rule charter pulled and City utilities sold to a “for profit” company which will fix the water, sewer and gas infrastructure. The criminal Granby Police Department needs to be removed and Newton County to resume police functions instead of being the extortion wing of the thieving corrupt City of Granby.


I wouldn’t trust this lying scumbag appointed to the seat by Crooked Ira Hawkins. If I lived on the North Ward I’d vote for someone who really cares about Granby like Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks and NOT Baal Shittrell or Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was heard wishing that she would lose anyways so she could crawl off to die and not have Crooked Ira Hawkins drag her down.


Two years ago I received a visit from one of my listeners from Chicago and during our visit like Tiberius Gracchus riding in the hinterland outside Granby I found out more by teaching than I imparted. What was shocking was how decrepit Granby was and how there were no and going to be no Shubart-Mitchell $250,000 minimum McMansions put up in Granby but plenty of them outside Granby in the Newton, Barry and Lawrence County area. So much so that Newton County reminds me of McDonald County in the 1980s and 1990s wherein the Walmart millionares would buy up Sugar Creek properties and put up a rich bungalow and a half-mile you would have the poor McDonald County natives living in single-wides and even some remnant tar-paper chicken-wire & concrete shacks with their children and their chickens running around open-air toxic waste dumps burning off the plastic to get to the copper wire to sell off for meth. Now Granby is much like that in the 2010-2020s.

Fatkike (his alias given him when he listened but disagreed with me on my Internuts podcasts from 2010) was from Chicago and no stranger to civic corruption but even he was amazed at local piglice corruption. Fatkike said that Neosho had the most piglice per capita that he ever seen and I pointed out that a decade ago when the Neosho whiggers & anglo-mestizos refused to raise a 1 cent sales tax, they ended up firing half the piglice and fire-pigs. Now the Newton County ZOGling whigger & anglo-mestizo ass-clown ZOGtards have raised the sales taxes for Newton County Sheriff piglice and Neosho piglice expect them to run even further wild.

However Granby is a byword in corruption. Ever since Barry Flint and the rest of the Granby City council-Criminals have done away with an elected City Marshal in order to do away with poor whiggers able to raise theys’ young in used single-wides so that Barry and coonected council-criminals could profit from they’s made-up municipal ordinances and have an animal Granby Piglice Farce to set up they’s own Turd-Whirrrld Piglice State they have done so since 1987. But the last six years under T-Rampage Gamble and Crooked Ira Hawkins the rate of corruption and resulting decay of the Granby City infrastructure has increased to well past the point of recovery.

That is why I recently sued the City of Granby and its past and present officials, employees, piglice, etc., along with Newton County and the State of Missouri and the federal ZOG regime for letting this corruption proceed apace.

And that is why medieval justice shall have to be imposed upon ZOGling criminal regimeists by the Ten Thousand Warlords upon the current criminal regimeists like lawyers, judges, politicians, jewrnalists, piglice and their families. They will invariably coonfess through the use of torture then publically crucified and their families enslaved to pay off their debts against the People in order to cement the power of the successor local theocratic military dictatorships.

[S]election time is near — Tuesday April 6, 2021 — and the only choice of voting in on the North Ward. However I think that the majority of Granby Inbreds will vote for more screwing even when the chickens are cum-cum cum-cummin’ home to roost.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

Legitimate South Ward City Councilman



A lot of you tards are wondering, “Fatkike, why are you so intelligent, when we’re all idiots?” Well, for one thing, I don’t have an 88 IQ like some of you tards, who believe that whigger trash is really secretly jewish, and I don’t believe in stupid shit like Creatardtivity. There are signs that make it obvious what’s going on. That’s why when you tell me that you don’t understand the significance of Yockey and Spengler, I know I’m dealing with an intellectual inferior.

Many tards are also asking more specific questions like, “Fatkike, how do you know ZOG’s going to collapse?” Again, I answer, you need to perceive the signs of the times. One big giveaway that ZOG is done is that local piglice don’t even solve crimes anymore. The piglice are only there to extort money for the local corrupt ZOG government. Anything that doesn’t bring in money, they’re not interested in. Which is why pigs literally spend two seconds trying to solve crimes. PIGS ARE THOROUGHLY CORRUPT, even at the minute, local Granby, MO level.

This situation is turning whiggers against the system. As long as whiggers were safe and were free to work and make shekels, then the whigger herd LOVED the system. Now that the system has turned against them, whiggers are no longer invested in defending ZOG or any part of it. Pigs are no longer their “friends.” Pigs are just corrupt assholes who need to die along with ZOG. There’s no way that this obviously corrupt situation can coontinue to exist. That’s how I KNOW with CERTAINTY that ZOG’s days are limited.

Nothing’s really changed. Pigs were always bad. They never solved crimes, except for the crimes that were bad for business. Also, the masses had power in the past (whiggers remember how good ZOG used to be), so public opinion was something that existed as a real power, only to an extent. This put pressure on pigs to solve some crimes. But “public pressure” no longer exists. In the past, cops were just better at pretending to do their work. Somewhere around the 1980s, pigs just gave up pretending and started hanging out at the local doughnut shops, not caring that everyone could see they were nothing but corrupt loafers.

Pigs don’t give a shit. I’m amazed to see whiggers still cumplaining about pigs. Pigs don’t do anything, which is why so many of them are fat retards. SO MANY murders go UNSOLVED because the pigs are just too lazy to solve them. Pigs use a lot of resources in the beginning of an investigation, and if the crime is not solved immediately, they give up. Some crimes are so heinous that the FIB has to step in with their unlimited ZOG resources, because to not solve some crimes would damage the system’s credibility.

Solving crimes has nothing to do with any of these pig assholes being “public servants,” or “to serve and protect.” The pigs “serve and protect” alright, just not the whigger public, LMAO. The fact that pigs give up so easily exposes the narcissistic philosophy the pigs use. Narcissists are typical for starting something and giving up quickly when it proves not to be easy. Narcissists are spoiled assholes who never had to work for anything. Just think of Jewnald Drumpf. He was a big narcissistic (((boomer))) who gave up whenever the going got tough.

I’ve been watching a lot of true crime videos and it’s amazing how many people get away with murder. The pigs know who did it, they just won’t look for any evidence. The laws of ZOG are stupid. They favor the criminals. If someone is last seen with someone who goes missing, it’s bretty obvious who did it. But whiggers have learned that if you get rid of a body, you most likely will never be coonvicted of murder. And the idiot PIGS DON’T GIVE A SHIT if you or your loved ones are killed and the killer goes free. There’s literally THOUSANDS of murderers walking around free.

This system can’t last. Whiggers have figured out how to get away with crimes. The problem with any system is that whiggers are good at figuring out how to get around it. Which is why torture is necessary, and not human rights. Only the FIB can solve crimes by following around the suspect forever, and searching everything they have. But most pigs are too lazy, stupid or corrupt to do this. Solving crime does not produce income, so pigs don’t bother. This means the system has run its course and new techniques need to be employed, like torturing someone until they tell you the truth. None of this shit about “human rights” is for real. “Human rights” means only the criminals have rights.

There’s too much crime. Shit, the jews who own the banks are all criminals, by their very own laws! The highest members of ZOG society are nothing but criminals, which is why dago wops don’t feel ashamed being mafioso scumbags. Most businesses are criminal enterprises on some level. So, ZOG is finished. This system can’t go on forever. It’s one thing when they can’t find a killer. It’s a WHOLE OTHER ballgame when EVERYONE knows who the killer is, but the piglice won’t do anything. There’s literally thousands of criminals walking around.

ZOG is over. Piglice are some of the biggest criminals. They PROTECT the other criminals, which is why ZOG got rid of the dago wop mafia. The mafia’s services were not needed anymore. ZOG probably used the dago wop mafia to corrupt the local governments, so that pigs would not go after ZOG. And then ZOG got rid of the mafia, when they got coontrol of the pigs, and the mafia was no longer useful and more of a burden.

I’ve even heard that the piglice purposely hire morons. Maybe ZOG has their hands in that, too. I do know that if there was a real moobment where you could vote for leaders, you scumbag tards would NEVER vote for Fatkike for any position. You hate him out of jealousy of your own inferiority.

People are LITERALLY doing their own investigations now, or hiring private investigators, to solve crimes. The piglice are worthless and not even worthy of the name “police.” This is a huge sign that ZOG is almost over. I don’t know anyone who likes the piglice. The piglice don’t make communities safer. If crime goes down, it’s because cameras are everywhere now. Piglice ARE THE ENEMY. They enforce all of ZOG’s edicts, no matter how bad. The pigs have totally gone senile by destroying their own communities, listening to ZOG.

NOTE: This is especially the case with the Granby Piglice in which they go after the poor whiggers for poverty in failing to register a motor vehicle or living in an RV or trailer while Barry Flint gets a pass for his shitty mobile home park or Senile Heifer Joyce Mann gets to put in a used double-wide for her daughter and family. A righteous military dictatorship would make the Granby city council-criminals and piglice pick rocks out of a bag and then club those with the black rocks by the white rocks until there are only a few left to be hewers of wood and drawers of water in perpetuity. This after bulldozing down Granby public buildings, these regime-criminals’ homes, churches, and buildings. –Pastor Martin Lindstedt

When the REVOLUTION starts, the first people that have to go are piglice and judges. These are the real traitors today, helping the disgusting jews for 30 pieces of silver. The best quote I ever heard about “law enforcement” was, “It’s amazing how much evidence it takes to coonvict a guilty person, and how little evidence it takes to coonvict an innocent person.” When sayings like this start going around, it’s only a matter of time that ZOG will fall.


Pastor Lindstedt, Aryan Nations of Missouri, et. al v. City of Granby Missouri, Newton County, State of Missouri, U.S. Government 3:21-cv-05029

Suing the City of Granby Missouri, Granby City Present and Former Officers and Employees, Granby Police Department and Police Officers, Those who benefitted from cozy contracts and restraint of trade under color of Granby Municipal Ordinances, Allieger-Martin and Employees for fraudulent contracting practices.

Newton County and some of its Officers, Judges Greg Stremel, Kevin Lee Selby, and Charless Curless for acting without jurisdiction to grant spurious “domestic protection order” against Pastor Lindstedt to keep him from checking up on the Granby City public business.

State of Missouri and former and present Attorney General Josh Hawley and Eric Schmitt for making a mockery of the Missouri Open Public Meetings “Sunshine” Law and Jay Nixon and Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft for allowing the City of Granby to not follow [s]election laws in refusal to allow Pastor Lindstedt to take his South Ward City Council seat.

The U.S. Government for failure to ensure a “republican form of government” for the City of Granby, Newton County, and State of Missouri.

The Civil Cover Sheet listing 45 defendants:

Twelve-Page Initial Civil Complaint:

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri