Ashley Edgemon — Granby Baal Priest & Council-Criminal

One thing, among many, which I’ve learned about the complexities of the human mind, is that there is a darkness in each of us. For some that darkness, if unmitigated, leads them to do some awful things which without fail leads to pain and suffering not only for them but for those beloved and close to them. In many cases when a person can’t come to terms with that darkness within and the results of their actions, they project that darkness onto other people.

I think that you, Martin, are a classic case of this. I think you carry around a lot of guilt; guilt stemming from the many poor choices you have made that have had a very ill effect on those you would normally call loved ones. Rather than being honest and admitting to yourself your mistakes you refuse to take ownership of your own actions and you project your own darkness onto anyone that you decide is against you. All the while your false rage and your accusations snowball growing ever outlandish. You’ve proven that you’re willing to lie and deceive in order to advance your own agenda that, if ever realized, would lead to slothfulness and decay. To see tangible evidence of this one needs look no farther than any property at which you have owned or lived. You have left a wake of decay and disrepair wherever you have lingered.

You seem to think that you have anything that you could ever use as leverage against me or to intimidate me. Know this: You don’t intimidate me in the slightest. Nor do your idle threats give me pause for one second. If anything I pity you. You are a very lonely man who is obviously in a lot of pain. As hard as it is not to, I don’t hate you. My Lord and Savior, (The one you keep referring to as little lord baby Jesus) has taught me to forgive people. Even those that are hateful and undeserving. So I forgive you for your foolishness, but that doesn’t mean that I will stand aside and allow you to go unchecked. I will stand for the election. If enough of the South Ward voters agree, I will be duly elected as the South Ward Alderman, and when I do leave the leaders of this City will appoint someone to that seat that will have more in mind than spreading hatred and blight upon the people of this town that simply don’t deserve to put up with you.
This is the last time I will address you directly on this forum. I do pray that one day you will wake up and realize what you have done to your life and the lives of those around you. No one is a hopeless case. It’s never too late to change your course.

I come home from Neosho where put in my Notice of Withdrawal of Withdrawal As Candidate for South Ward City Council to the County Clerk. She tried to call Jay Ashcroft, Missouri Secretary of State and the worthless spawn of John Ashcroft, another baal-priest who used to be a U.S. Senatard until he lost to Minstrel-Show Mel Carnahan, the former Governor. Tami Owens didn’t know what to do in this case. I told her not to worry about it, that back in the 1990s I filed three election lawsuits against Kay Baum and the Missouri Secretary of State and lost all of them after a fight and they simply don’t know what to do so after a few years they rule in favor of the politicians anyways. Voting is such a scam. Always has been. But they got to pretend that these [s]elections are legitimate. We talked about Granby scumbags and council-criminals, I showed her the article in the Newton County [Fake]News lie-paper, she made a copy, I explained to her the nature of the Covid-19 Blessed ZOG-virus killing rural whites last or not at all, and when 4:30 rolled around said that Jay Asscrack’s Office hadn’t called her back. I said that these matters are determined by litigation, not law, and if I didn’t get what I wanted then I’d sue the worthless bastard like all the rest anyways.

So I come back here and see that this fat baal-priest of mammon at the First Synagogue of Satan must use on me its pseudo-psychology that it might have learned at the seminary, along with how to digest massive quantities of fried chicken and to skillit-lick white flour pepper-gravy. Not anything from the Bible. Not anything YHWH told Moses or Christ told his Disciples or even what Saul of Tarsus — renegade & reformed pharisee — yapped to the Greeks about how the Law has been done away with and by Grace are you saved. Juat some blather about how I don’t run my properties the way Assley thinks I should and that is why THE LITTLE LORD BABY JESUS told the City of Granby to attack my and Roxie’s and my dead mother’s and brother’s and niece and nephews properties and shred the grass and small trees and erode large portions of Cobb Hill to where it is now a flint-field without anything other than a resolution.

Well, I’ve told Ashley and the rest of the City Council-Criminals what are the penalties for perjury and thieving and oppressing and tyranny, which of course being regime criminals with control of their own private police enfarcement they think that they will evade. I’ll cover this later at length.

But the most relevant portions are from 1 Kings Chapter 13 where YHWH told Kink Jereboam that his baal-temple would be razed, his baal-priests slaughtered, and theys’ bones burnt.

To be continued . . .