How about seeing Baal Shittrell in Action on March 9th 2021 less than a month ago:
Mayor Crooked Ira Hawkins and three of the four Granby City Council-Criminals Baal Kittrell, Joyce Mann and JoAnn Lamp — all the current incumbents plot to destroy Jaimie Arnall’s Big Beautiful Brick Building after the meating is adjourned and Crooked Ira is meeting with Barry Flint who wants a special variance from the new rules regarding trailer parks.
Jaimie Arnall — running for North Ward City Council against Senile Heifer Joyce Mann and being thus punished for doing so — begs to let her have time to fix her building when the crooked Granby Police Chief summons Crooked Ira from the back room to stop violating the Missouri Sunshine Act. Thus you see business as usual in Granby Missouri and why Granby needs to have its home rule charter pulled and City utilities sold to a “for profit” company which will fix the water, sewer and gas infrastructure. The criminal Granby Police Department needs to be removed and Newton County to resume police functions instead of being the extortion wing of the thieving corrupt City of Granby.
I wouldn’t trust this lying scumbag appointed to the seat by Crooked Ira Hawkins. If I lived on the North Ward I’d vote for someone who really cares about Granby like Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks and NOT Baal Shittrell or Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was heard wishing that she would lose anyways so she could crawl off to die and not have Crooked Ira Hawkins drag her down.