They deliberately refused to fix the water pipes, plug the sewer leaks, bought an eyesore of a surplus building at three times the actual value & put us $3.2 million in debt just before before they r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. back to Floriduh
Further “damage control” from the “oafishul” City of Granby /facebook page. Pity the Russians are not behind this as this is rather pathetic:
I just want to encourage everyone to vote tomorrow.
There is some misinformation going around about the tax levy issue on the ballot. I want to clarify that this is NOT A NEW TAX. It is a continuation of a tax that was originally passed in 2002 and is renewed every four years by being placed on the ballot. This tax pays for upkeep of the cemetery. It helps to pay for mowing and weed eating, fuel to do so and insurance. The average income from this tax is just less than $8700.00 per year; total payroll is $10,00.00 so the general fund pays any difference. The money comes from real estate taxes paid in to Newton County for the City of Granby. There will be no change on your real estate taxes, they will remain the same as far as cemetery tax is concerned. To further clarify, this money does not pay JIm Channel. The funeral homes typically pay Mr. Channel out of monies collected from the families of the deceased. When someone passes away, the family will pay for a cemetery lot and they will pay for opening and closing the grave. That money is collected at City Hall from the funeral homes, not taxes.
Please vote tomorrow, and make an informed vote. If you have any questions about what you’ve been told, please call us (417) 472-6556. There are several sources out there that are unreliable.
“Several sources “out there” that are unreliable. . . ” Like Granby Thoughts & Views wherein the City Council members and City Employees explain how come Granby is in debt and ailing. Maybe it is the Russians. Or the East Germans, uh well they have been gone since 1989. It never is theys’ own double-dealing, incompetence and corruption coming back to bite them.
So now they need to tell you how to think now that everyone is questioning them all of a sudden? They have had their chance to debate. Instead they abused the Panic-demic to close down City Hall and to vote on “Resolutions” spending your money without public notice.
As City Councilman from the South Ward you will have your chance to debate me at every single City Council meeting wherein the entire town will have a chance to be heard. Not an incompetent and corrupt City Clerk / she-mayoress unable to do the book-keeping and billing with a lot of time on her hands to try to save the jobs of a public works director who cannot fix the water pipes or plug the sewer leaks no matter how much you pay him.
Let’s Save Our Cemetery by putting it under an independent Cemetery Board and the way you do that is simply to veto the extention of a 1/8 cent sales tax which delivers up the Cemetery to the witless and corrupt Granby City Hall.
Your sources of information should be your own eyes, ears, and brain — not the City Hall and their lies.