Relearning Typpycull Granby Stupid Shit

A friend went on vacation from Thursday to Sunday and claimed he was interested in buying a time-share in Branson. So a free 4 day 3 night vacation in Branson in a luxury time-share. So from Thursday to Sunday I got to stay in a luxury condominium, got to have a hot bath soak for the first time in years and wash two sleeping bags I’ll be using this winter. That and prepare for my Bryan Reo lawsuit next month. Found using the Internew hotspot a Ukrainian homestead outside Poltavia with a brick house and outbuildings, an ample forest and even a small lake for $3000. Far more women than men thanks to the ZOG’s War killing off a million men and half the country in exile due to ZOG wanting to reduce the population be it by Covid-ZOGvirus, the clot shot or Blackrock bankstering so perhaps I’ll get my Aryan Nations Church to sell a Granby hovel to rich chinks with more dollars than sense wanting to move to Granby-Gomorrah. There the grass is tall and the deer haven’t been prion-poisoned or infected with ZOG-Lymes or Alpha-Gal yet.

When I got home I visited my common-law nephew-in-law and he told me that he posted a critique of the idiot council-critters who have been raising the water and sewer bills by $5 per month over the past few months. Of course I asked him to repost over here on Granby UnCensored (as opposed to the “Inbred Tard’s Swingers Pad/ Inbred Tards’ Thots & Views” I’ve long since been banned from). And like Granby council-criminals like to do, they keep on plotting to force the pore Inbreds to have to sell they’ hovels to them so they can steal it, sell it to witless foreigners and runnt-offt with the proceeds outside the Granby Shitty Limits. I bought a copy of the Newton County Fake-Douche lie-paper and read about last weeks trying to get Granby Inbred Tards to vote in higher property taxes as opposed to trying to steal the Cemetery Trust Fund and loot it to dissolvation. Granby Inbred Tards (being Tards of course) have historically voted to screw theysselfs in order to fund Flintville be it via Tax Incremental Financing used as a slush fund for council-criminals or keeping Jim Channel from having to work by hiring coontractards to give council-criminals kickbacks then letting it all decay anyways. So Granby Tards get decaying Granby Infrastructure AND $15-20 million in unsupportable debt while the scumbags who voted this is are long since RUNNT-OFFT. Also mentioned is the past week having one new rrstaurant open and three closing, including Simple Simons’.

Its one thing to simply recoondition old brick and masonry buildings built in the late 1800s and early 1900s as (opposed to witlessly tearing them down like anglo-mestizo orcs or pfat jackasses) and resell Chinese fabrics and textiles for a few years until the money runs out but it is yet another to raise taxes and try to form a bogus Home Owners Association enfarced by an appointed kangaroo municipal kort unaccountable to anyone other than corrupt council-criminals without a clue other than to raise taxes or simply steal through municipal ordinance enfarced by expensive piglice lured from Newton County sheriff’s department. Far better to restore back an elected town marshall and minimum-wage night watchmn and simply let the County get back to law enforcment instead of having to hire one or two pigs lured from Newton County. But nooooooooh!!! They prefer to hire Fattt Lawna who couldn’t run a feed store as “City Administratard” for $50,000 to lure her back from Ottawa County Oklahoma to feed offn’ Granby Inbred Tards until theys’ made they’s “Grate Escape” by r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh or Neosho. Maybe instead of Christian Scumbag Ben Baker sending another daughter to Haiti to be robbed, raped, killt and eaten maybe it time to import some Haitians (who will take jobs that Granby Inbred Tards don’t want) to take care of Granby’s stray dog and cat population.

When I got home yesterday I found that my surviving rooster had learned to fly into the branches o the redbud tree to roost and my female kitten (Ms. Bitch-Kitty) had eaten the can of dog-food and gave up being feral in return for me filling up her food dish inside her cage. I relearned what little I had forgotten in dealing with white chickens and females.

Well at least I no longer have to wonder what some Roman must have been thinking about just before he lifted the bar to the Sabine gates letting in Alaric’s Visigoths one night back in 410 AD.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Chritian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

Eastern District LibberToon Nominee for Newton County Commissioner