I’m getting heard outside Newton County

I’m getting heard

Having expeience with the white supremacist Internet since 1994 I sent a “heads up” to a blogger and he did more research.

What the blogger found out is that the body of the idiot son-in-law was charred, meaning that the Haitians started cooking him for food. Ben Bakers daughter was unburnt, meaning that the Haitians were raping her before cooking her. So these sanctimonious idiots suffered between the first gang robbing them of payroll and the second gang killing them these idiots were tortured, burnt or raped.

All of which pleases me no end. Twenty years ago on April 9, 2004 the local Deparmen of Family ?Services and Newton County Sheriff’s Department used a little piece of trash to gin up a fake child molestation charge by my retarded six-year old grandson as he admitted later that day. Said that the Newton County Sheriff’s wanted to railroad me for being a rcist child molester and have me murdered in prison. Thge arrest warrant had no “evidence” other than what they allegedy coerced from my grandson who was raped in foster care hhis very first night. When GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel was trying to arraign me a year, month and day later without doing any of the mandated inestigations the problem is that they had no real probable cause and thus when Crawford v Washington 2004 undid most hearsay testimony they simply couldn’t risk having my sodomized-by-them grandson who was turned into a rage monster by all the ritalin they pumped in him testify and say, Papa din’t suck my pee-pee but you raped me and have all four children have to be released. So Judge GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel was trying to force a lawyer on mne so they could used coerced video testimony. So when asked if I wanted a public pretender I said, “Its a hell of a deal that a big faggot like you GRIDS-Grindr Greggie is charging me with statutory sodomy when you are a notorious faggot. (And I ran a non-lawyer friend named Richard Doyle against Greggie in 1998 and Richard got 17% of the vote and Greggie couldn’t take Rich off the ballot.) Anyways GRIDS-Grindr Greggieacted as if I had clubbed himand said, “we’ll put you back in jail for a week and see if you cn’t be a gentleman then. So I said, “In a weeks time, GRIDS-Grindr Greggie you still will be a faggot but I’ll not be a gentleman.” Sheriff Copeland was so pissed that he acted as if he and his deputy pig wanted to throw me through a plate glass window. Since I knew that it was planned to railroad me and have me murdered my only chance was to confront my retarded grqndson who was all butthurt over being raped in foster care. So after another two attemps at arraignment and forcing a lawyer on me GRIDS-Grindr Greggie decided to recuse hisslf and gave the case to Kevin Lee Selby the Satanic judge who had no business hearing the case because he was the one who granted DFS staling the kids and whom me and Roxie was suing in the Southern Court of Appeals to get them back. The Court is part of the Republicn pedophile ring of destroying white families ad refused to turn loose the grandkids. Selby refused to let the lawyer I hired for Roxie to even hear the case on 15 July 2004. But because I refused to allow a public pretender to misrepresent me, and the pub[l]ic pretenders threatened to sue Sellby for forcing them to [mis]rpresent me, Copeland and Selby decided to send me to the psychiatric prison instead. So violating the law about me getting a petit jury to make the determination as to my competence this jew medical student wrote up some nonsense, said that I had had a “psychotic epidode not otherwise specified” and had me sent to the Nuthouse. I had shaved only half my face saying it was between the sheep and goats and the tares would b3 burnt upon Christ’s return Matthew Chapter 25. So in taking me up to the Nuthoude on Dec. 5, 2005 this Newton County pig got mad at me making fun of him so he shoved me while shacked at a conveniene store on US 13, broke out five of my front teeth, scraped me up pretty bad, and the Calloway Sheriff’s Department refused to detain the Newton county pigs for theys obvious brutality. Which is why I have no probllem with medical experiments on psychiatrists families, or in chaining Newton County piglice behind they’s pigmobiles for a few rounds around the korthouse so they will learn that if they see another pig brutalizing a prisoner the safest thing to do is texicute the erring pig with they’s piglice weapon.

By the way Judge John LePage ws also trying to force a lawyer on me but when I asked that my bloodsoaked Newton County oranges be reserved as evidence LePage said that he didn’t get involved with Newton County Sheriff’s torture of inmates. LePage as McDonald County judge gives slaps on the wrist for Granby pigs who are accused of sodomizing young girls from Granby. So if you want judge-covering up for brutal pigs who sodomize young white girls then LePage is your crooked judge. Don’t know if Genesio will be any better but Genesio probably can’t be any worse.
I tamed up former Newton County Prosecutor Jacob Skouby when I decided to pretend to hire a lawyer to get out of being doped up and get out of the NutHouse. Skouby made the mistake of bringing along his son while we were fighting over me gettin acess to a law library and I pointed it took twoo monthsfrom taking tha grandkids that they coerced the retarded six year old into claiming that I was a sex pervert. I asked, “If it took my retarded grandson two and a half months to make some shit up against me, would it take more than 15 mintites if I squezzed your nuts in a pair of plier?. Since they like to torture the children or grandchildren of they’s enemies, why shouldn’t revolutionaries torture the families of regime criminals to elicit a confession? soon afterwardsSkouby reduced the $100,000 cash only bail set by GRIDS-Grindr Greggie Stremel to please Mild Swill Dobbs to $10,000 becuae the other accused were ditching theys pubic pretnders and my now-homosexual retarded rage-monster grandson refused to testilie against me so they dropped the bogus charges which didn’t even make preliminary heqring, LePage was trying to get the lawyer I didn’t hire to offer to dismiss the charges if I agreed to leave the state but couldn’t get the lesbian baby-stealers to sign off on it. LePage is not only a weasel crook but a pussy as well.

Let’ understand something. The Second American Revolution will be run by another “iron Felix” Dzerzhinsky who Lenin appointed as head of the Secret Police. Iron Felix was brutalized by the Czar’s piglice so he would routinely round up all the regime criminals at 2:00 am, tortured them into confessing, thrown to the mob and families sent to the jewlqgs, and after executing the Czar and his family and 20,000 from 1918 to 1920 did such a thorough job of eliminatintg regim criminals that te Bolshevik Reds beat the tsarist Whites in the Russian Civil War and safeguarded the russian Revolution to let Joseph Stalin lead the Soviet Uion the next 80 years until Collapse.

Now Ben Baker is Chrisian Zioist Scumbag. Rather than have to do the raw red work of putting things right, I’m pleased that the Haitians did YHWH’s work in ridding Newton County of such a self-righteos “Christian Scumbag.”

Here is my campaign pledge: Vote for Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt. He will make regime criminals eat theys’ spawns’ nuts. He will pay them back for you and like the Haitians who need to remain in Haiti who do God’s work against preumptious baal-priests who disobey Christ’s Matthew 10:6 to go only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel and not the 6th Day sub-Beasts of the Field without souls. Upon the heads of baal-priests be they’s disobedient blood and not on the napppy heads of Haitin sub-animals who only want to eat whigger- the other white meat. Hey stupid baal-priests, Leave them Haitian niggers alone

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin ‘Mad Dog’ Lindstedt
P.O box 666
Granby Missouri 64844
Libertarian Candidate for Distict #1 Newton County Commissioner