Crooked Ira’s She-Spawn Croaks of SADS
Satan took the Baal-Priest’s Daughter Home, Crooked Ira learns nothing.

This is so hard !
Being a Satan-serving crooked politician who is out to steal everything from them stupid Granby Inbreds, presiding over the collapse of its infrastructure, voting in higher taxes so there is more to steal, bulldozing without a kort order the private property of my political enemies, indulging in setting out my Granby Piglice to terrorize those who don’t cut their grass to my wishes, establishing zoning against the wishes of business owners, telling the poor that they cannot put in a trailer house on their own property, coonspiring to let Senile Heifer Joyce Mann violate said municipal ordinances, giving Barry Flint everything he wants while forbidding others from setting up a reconditioned trailer park, letting Fattt Lawna the She-Mayoress run wild and Jim Channel too, saddling Granby with endless unsustainable debt for the next 50 years, refusal to obey [s]election results and filling the Granby City Council Seats with fellow baal-priests and “Christian Scumbags” and refusal to trust in YHWH to protect myself and my family from the ZOG-virus and thus taking the Baal-Gates Micro$haft 2019 ZOG-virus Mark of the Beast Clot Shot and encouraging my spawn to do likewise and thus having them croak of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and like a goat wonder what happened since Satan is supposed to protect me and mine from the Coonsequences is easy, cf. Matthew 7:13-14:
13: Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way. that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it.