The Evil is that she thinks like a Granby City Council-Criminal: No respect for private property upon getting elected.

Let me introduce myself. I’m Doreen Clouse and I am running for South Ward Alderman for Granby City Council, I have lived in SW MO since the age of 3. My family moved to Newtonia in 1970 and we lived there all through my school years. I have been married to my husband, Mike for 36 years and we have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. We have lived in Newton County our entire married life and plan to stay here. We have purchased our home in Granby and want to contribute to the community.
I previously worked 15 years at Sunbeam in Neosho. After that I went to Crowder College and earned an associate’s degree in accounting. Right after graduation, I started working for Crowder College in their grant funded TRIO programs. I am the Budget Manager for the TRIO programs that are housed at the Neosho campus. I have been with Crowder for the last 17 years.
My job includes managing budgets for 10 grants that each have a budget of over $250,000 annually. With this job experience I hope to use my knowledge to find ways to improve the spending habits and explore ways to use our funds efficiently. I want accountability and answers for how our funds are budgeted and expended in each department. I feel like the citizens of Granby need to be aware of the spending habits of the departments, as well as the revenue that we receive. All of this is not to point fingers, but to improve our town.
The water system is one large area that I would like to see substantial improvements as quickly as possible. It is not going to get any cheaper the longer we wait and we have wasted a lot of time and money with no real solutions to date.
Sounds good so far. But now cum-cum, cum-cums the “Oh Shit Moment” . . .
I would also like our town to look appealing to outsiders who are looking for a new place to call home. We have housing issues that need to be addressed, starting with the homes that have been abandoned and left to deteriorate. Those property owners need to be held accountable and the structures should be brought up to a standard that a family could live in, or torn down to make way for future builds. We need to be able to take pride in our town !
The above idiot notion is common to those seeking power over others. This woman thinks that just because she gets [s]elected that she gets to “own” private property within the municipality and turn it into her own private Home Owners Association in which she gets to keep the poor and weaker than he “accountable.” She wants to tear down private property if it isn’t up to her own “standards” and thus is a fascist or communist in ideation. The best way to deal with such idiot notions is to destroy the power base, in this case to dis-incorporate Granby.
I got on to her over this matter during the second of Mayor Crooked Ira’s Town Hall Beg-a-thon. So since she is slightly more rational than Pfat Jackass Kelly I’ll not make a big deal about either voting for her or not, but this woman might well be problemic if she wins, which she probably will.
Let’s also understand something. Granby is dying. There is no point to building anything new in Granby because those in power want to steal it or tell you how to live because Granby Inbreds in Power have no respect for private property, indeed think that it is theys’ property if [s]elected.
— Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN